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  • Edward Z. Yang's avatar
    Refactor ComponentEnabledSpec into ComponentRequestedSpec. · d03fe594
    Edward Z. Yang authored
    In the previous documentation for 'ComponentEnabledSpec', I claimed
    that enabled components were buildable, as well as requested
    by the user.  In the course of working on #3847, however,
    I realized that I hadn't actually *checked* that the component
    was buildable anywhere.  In particular, the 'ComponentDisabled'
    reason was *never used*.  This mostly didn't cause problems,
    however, because when we 'flattenPD' all non-buildable components
    get deleted, so you basically never actually have a non-buildable
    But it still seemed a bit silly, so I fixed it by doing this:
    1) I introduce a new concept of a component being requested,
    which captures the use of --enable-tests and friends.  This
    does NOT imply buildability.  Renamed ComponentEnabledSpec
    to ComponentRequestedSpec
    2) A component is enabled if it is requested and buildable.
    If you give me a Component and a ComponentRequestedSpec I
    can tell you if it's enabled.  However, if you give me a
    ComponentName I can't, because I have no idea if it's buildable.
    3) Stopped reexporting ComponentRequestedSpec from
    4) Added a test for attempting to specify a non-buildable
    component as a target.  The test is accepting suboptimal
    output at the moment, see #3858.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEdward Z. Yang <>
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