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  • Herbert Valerio Riedel's avatar
    Relax coding guideline regarding module imports · d291bd1c
    Herbert Valerio Riedel authored
    I notice imports like
        import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
              ( Doc, render, char, text )
    which seem overly precise to me, when `Disp.` is only used
    locally as a module prefix, and there's no other imports sharing
    the same module prefix.
    Instead, it should suffice to either use
        import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
        import Text.PrettyPrint
              ( Doc, render, char, text )
    or in rare cases even
        import Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
              ( Doc, render, char, text )
    Hence this relaxes the coding guidelines to allow these simpler forms
    to be used.
    [skip ci]