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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    Implement "setup register --inplace", and a few other minor things · d3da19f7
    Simon Marlow authored
    There are a few changes in this patch:
       - New flag to register, --inplace.  "setup register --inplace"
         registers the package for use in the build tree, i.e. without
         installing.  It works with GHC only, currently.
       - The parameters to RegisterCmd, UnregisterCmd and InstallCmd are a
         legacy from before the time of hooks (or something) and don't
         serve any purpose any more, AFAICT.  So I removed them.
       - I don't think "setup register" worked propertly before if
         --user was given to configure.  It does now.
       - New flag to register: --with-hc-pkg (just the same as when
         given to configure, but lets you override it at register-time)