Musab Guma'a authoredMusab Guma'a authored
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Makefile 8.04 KiB
.PHONY : all lexer sdpx lib exe doctest
.PHONY : phony
CABALBUILD := cabal v2-build
CABALRUN := cabal v2-run
# default rules
all : exe lib
lib : $(LEXER_HS)
$(CABALBUILD) Cabal:libs
exe : $(LEXER_HS)
$(CABALBUILD) cabal-install:exes
# source generation: Lexer
lexer : $(LEXER_HS)
$(LEXER_HS) : templates/Lexer.x
alex --latin1 --ghc -o $@ $^
cat -s $@ > Lexer.tmp
mv Lexer.tmp $@
# source generation: SPDX
SPDX_LICENSE_VERSIONS:=3.0 3.2 3.6 3.9 3.10 3.16
$(SPDX_LICENSE_HS) : templates/SPDX.LicenseId.template.hs cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenUtils.hs cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenSPDX.hs license-list-data/licenses-3.0.json license-list-data/licenses-3.2.json
cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta gen-spdx -- templates/SPDX.LicenseId.template.hs $(SPDX_LICENSE_VERSIONS:%=license-list-data/licenses-%.json) $(SPDX_LICENSE_HS)
$(SPDX_EXCEPTION_HS) : templates/SPDX.LicenseExceptionId.template.hs cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenUtils.hs cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenSPDXExc.hs license-list-data/exceptions-3.0.json license-list-data/exceptions-3.2.json
cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta gen-spdx-exc -- templates/SPDX.LicenseExceptionId.template.hs $(SPDX_LICENSE_VERSIONS:%=license-list-data/exceptions-%.json) $(SPDX_EXCEPTION_HS)
# source generation: templates
templates : phony $(TEMPLATE_MACROS) $(TEMPLATE_PATHS)
$(TEMPLATE_MACROS) : templates/cabal_macros.template.h cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenCabalMacros.hs
cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta gen-cabal-macros -- $< $@
$(TEMPLATE_PATHS) : templates/Paths_pkg.template.hs cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenPathsModule.hs
cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta gen-paths-module -- $< $@
# generated docs
buildinfo-fields-reference : phony
cabal build --builddir=dist-newstyle-bi --project-file=cabal.project.buildinfo buildinfo-reference-generator
$$(cabal-plan list-bin --builddir=dist-newstyle-bi buildinfo-reference-generator) buildinfo-reference-generator/template.zinza | tee $@
# analyse-imports
analyse-imports : phony
find Cabal-syntax/src Cabal/src cabal-install/src -type f -name '*.hs' | xargs cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta analyse-imports --
# ghcid
ghcid-lib :
ghcid -c 'cabal v2-repl Cabal'
ghcid-cli :
ghcid -c 'cabal v2-repl cabal-install'
# doctests (relies on .ghc.environment files)
doctest :
doctest --fast Cabal-syntax/src Cabal/src
# This is not run as part of validate.sh (we need hackage-security, which is tricky to get).
doctest-cli :
doctest -D__DOCTEST__ --fast cabal-install/src cabal-install-solver/src cabal-install-solver/src-assertion
# tests
check-tests :
$(CABALRUN) check-tests -- --cwd Cabal-tests ${TEST}
parser-tests :
$(CABALRUN) parser-tests -- --cwd Cabal-tests ${TEST}
parser-tests-accept :
$(CABALRUN) parser-tests -- --cwd Cabal-tests --accept ${TEST}
custom-setup-tests :
$(CABALRUN) custom-setup-tests --
hackage-parsec-tests :
$(CABALRUN) hackage-tests -- parsec +RTS -s -qg -I0 -A64M -N${THREADS} -RTS ${TEST}
hackage-roundtrip-tests :
$(CABALRUN) hackage-tests -- roundtrip +RTS -s -qg -I0 -A64M -N${THREADS} -RTS ${TEST}
@which cabal-plan
$(CABALBUILD) -j3 cabal-tests cabal
rm -rf .ghc.environment.*
cd cabal-testsuite && `cabal-plan list-bin cabal-tests` --with-cabal=`cabal-plan list-bin cabal` --hide-successes -j3 ${TEST}
# hackage-benchmarks (solver)
$(CABALBUILD) -j3 hackage-benchmark cabal
rm -rf .ghc.environment.*
$$(cabal-plan list-bin hackage-benchmark) --cabal1=cabal --cabal2=$$(cabal-plan list-bin cabal) --packages="hakyll servant-auth-server" --print-trials --concurrently
# This doesn't run build, as you first need to test with cabal-install-test :)
@which cabal-plan
rm -rf .ghc.environment.*
cd cabal-testsuite && `cabal-plan list-bin cabal-tests` --with-cabal=`cabal-plan list-bin cabal` --hide-successes -j3 --accept ${TEST}
# Docker validation
# Use this carefully, on big machine you can say
# make validate-via-docker-all -j4 -O
validate-via-docker-all : validate-via-docker-8.2.2
validate-via-docker-all : validate-via-docker-8.4.4
validate-via-docker-all : validate-via-docker-8.6.5
validate-via-docker-all : validate-via-docker-8.8.4
validate-via-docker-all : validate-via-docker-8.10.4
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.10.4.dockerfile
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.8.4.dockerfile
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.6.5.dockerfile
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.4.4.dockerfile
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.2.2.dockerfile
validate-dockerfiles : .docker/validate-8.6.5.dockerfile
.docker/validate-%.dockerfile : .docker/validate.dockerfile.zinza cabal-dev-scripts/src/GenValidateDockerfile.hs
cabal v2-run --builddir=dist-newstyle-meta --project-file=cabal.project.meta gen-validate-dockerfile -- $* $< $@
# This is good idea anyway
# and we have a test relying on this limit being sufficiently small
DOCKERARGS:=--ulimit nofile=1024:1024
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:8.2.2 -f .docker/validate-8.2.2.dockerfile .
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:8.4.4 -f .docker/validate-8.4.4.dockerfile .
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:8.6.5 -f .docker/validate-8.6.5.dockerfile .
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:8.8.4 -f .docker/validate-8.8.4.dockerfile .
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:8.10.4 -f .docker/validate-8.10.4.dockerfile .
docker build $(DOCKERARGS) -t cabal-validate:older -f .docker/validate-old.dockerfile .
# Weeder
weeder :
cabal build all --project-file=cabal.project.weeder
weeder | less
# tags
.PHONY : tags
tags :
hasktags -b Cabal-syntax/src Cabal/src Cabal-described/src cabal-install/src cabal-testsuite/src
# bootstrapping
bootstrap-json-%: phony
cabal v2-build --project=cabal.project.release --with-compiler=ghc-$* --dry-run cabal-install:exe:cabal
cp dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json bootstrap/linux-$*.plan.json
@# -v0 to avoid build output on stdout
cd bootstrap && cabal v2-run -v0 cabal-bootstrap-gen -- linux-$*.plan.json \
| python3 -m json.tool > linux-$*.json
BOOTSTRAP_GHC_VERSIONS := 8.6.5 8.8.4 8.10.7 9.0.2 9.2.3
bootstrap-jsons: $(BOOTSTRAP_GHC_VERSIONS:%=bootstrap-json-%)
# documentation
# TODO: when we have sphinx-build2 ?
# Flag -n ("nitpick") warns about broken references
# Flag -W turns warnings into errors
# Flag --keep-going continues after errors
SPHINX_FLAGS:=-n -W --keep-going -E
# do pip install every time so we have up to date requirements when we build
users-guide: .python-sphinx-virtualenv $(USERGUIDE_STAMP)
$(USERGUIDE_STAMP) : doc/*.rst
(. ./.python-sphinx-virtualenv/bin/activate && pip install -r doc/requirements.txt && $(SPHINXCMD) $(SPHINX_FLAGS) doc $(SPHINX_HTML_OUTDIR))
python3 -m venv .python-sphinx-virtualenv
(. ./.python-sphinx-virtualenv/bin/activate)
# This goal is intended for manual invocation, always rebuilds.
.PHONY: users-guide-requirements
users-guide-requirements: doc/requirements.txt
.PHONY: doc/requirements.txt
doc/requirements.txt: .python-sphinx-virtualenv
. .python-sphinx-virtualenv/bin/activate \
&& make -C doc build-and-check-requirements