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  • Edsko de Vries's avatar
    Change PackageFixedDeps to use installed IDs · ea22d11f
    Edsko de Vries authored
    Take advantage in cabal-install of the new
    HasInstalledPackageId/PackagedInstall split in Cabal.  The graph traversal
    functions in cabal-install, previously redundant, are now back in use. Their
    types match the ones in Cabal, with only the difference in the PackageInstalled
    (Cabal) versus PackageFixedDeps (cabal-install) type class.
    The only PackageInstalled instance left in Cabal is for InstalledPackage, which
    is a thin wrapper around InstalledPackageInfo; with these refactorings in
    place, InstalledPackage is there only to support the TopDown solver. The fact
    that we won't have PackageInstalled instances anymore for PlanPackage and co
    means that we are forced to call the correct graph traversal functions (from
    cabal-install, rather than from Cabal).