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Commit 05899742 authored by Edward Z. Yang's avatar Edward Z. Yang
Browse files

Fix pretty-printing PackageDescription for good.

Signed-off-by: default avatarEdward Z. Yang <>
parent a090a494
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......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ module Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (
-- ** Private, but needed for pretty-printer
-- ** Supplementary build information
......@@ -34,6 +38,7 @@ module Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (
) where
......@@ -189,12 +194,7 @@ storeXFieldsLib _ _ = Nothing
executableFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr Executable]
executableFieldDescrs =
[ -- note ordering: configuration must come first, for
-- showPackageDescription.
simpleField "executable"
showToken parseTokenQ
exeName (\xs exe -> exe{exeName=xs})
, simpleField "main-is"
[ simpleField "main-is"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
modulePath (\xs exe -> exe{modulePath=xs})
......@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
-- Note: we don't parse the "executable" field here, hence the tail hack.
parseExeFields :: [Field] -> PM Executable
parseExeFields = lift . parseFields (tail executableFieldDescrs)
parseExeFields = lift . parseFields executableFieldDescrs
storeXFieldsExe emptyExecutable
parseTestFields :: LineNo -> [Field] -> PM TestSuite
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import Distribution.ParseUtils
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Text.PrettyPrint
(hsep, space, parens, char, nest, isEmpty, ($$), (<+>),
......@@ -58,11 +59,11 @@ ppGenericPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> Doc
ppGenericPackageDescription gpd =
ppPackageDescription (packageDescription gpd)
$+$ ppGenPackageFlags (genPackageFlags gpd)
$+$ ppLibrary (condLibrary gpd)
$+$ ppSubLibraries (condSubLibraries gpd)
$+$ ppExecutables (condExecutables gpd)
$+$ ppTestSuites (condTestSuites gpd)
$+$ ppBenchmarks (condBenchmarks gpd)
$+$ ppCondLibrary (condLibrary gpd)
$+$ ppCondSubLibraries (condSubLibraries gpd)
$+$ ppCondExecutables (condExecutables gpd)
$+$ ppCondTestSuites (condTestSuites gpd)
$+$ ppCondBenchmarks (condBenchmarks gpd)
ppPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> Doc
ppPackageDescription pd = ppFields pkgDescrFieldDescrs pd
......@@ -119,14 +120,14 @@ ppFlag flag@(MkFlag name _ _ _) =
fields = ppFieldsFiltered flagDefaults flagFieldDescrs flag
ppLibrary :: Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) -> Doc
ppLibrary Nothing = mempty
ppLibrary (Just condTree) =
ppCondLibrary :: Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) -> Doc
ppCondLibrary Nothing = mempty
ppCondLibrary (Just condTree) =
emptyLine $ text "library"
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppLib)
ppSubLibraries :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)] -> Doc
ppSubLibraries libs =
ppCondSubLibraries :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)] -> Doc
ppCondSubLibraries libs =
vcat [emptyLine $ text ("library " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppLib)| (n,condTree) <- libs]
......@@ -136,8 +137,8 @@ ppLib lib Nothing = ppFieldsFiltered libDefaults libFieldDescrs lib
ppLib lib (Just plib) = ppDiffFields libFieldDescrs lib plib
$$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI (libBuildInfo lib))
ppExecutables :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] -> Doc
ppExecutables exes =
ppCondExecutables :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] -> Doc
ppCondExecutables exes =
vcat [emptyLine $ text ("executable " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppExe)| (n,condTree) <- exes]
......@@ -152,8 +153,8 @@ ppExecutables exes =
$+$ ppDiffFields binfoFieldDescrs buildInfo' buildInfo2
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI buildInfo')
ppTestSuites :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] -> Doc
ppTestSuites suites =
ppCondTestSuites :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] -> Doc
ppCondTestSuites suites =
emptyLine $ vcat [ text ("test-suite " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppTestSuite)
| (n,condTree) <- suites]
......@@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ ppTestSuites suites =
TestSuiteLibV09 _ m -> Just m
_ -> Nothing
ppBenchmarks :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] -> Doc
ppBenchmarks suites =
ppCondBenchmarks :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] -> Doc
ppCondBenchmarks suites =
emptyLine $ vcat [ text ("benchmark " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppBenchmark)
| (n,condTree) <- suites]
......@@ -280,17 +281,80 @@ writePackageDescription fpath pkg = writeUTF8File fpath (showPackageDescription
-- | @since
showPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> String
showPackageDescription pkg = render $
ppPackage pkg
$$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsPD pkg)
$$ (case library pkg of
Nothing -> mempty
Just lib -> ppLibrary' lib)
$$ vcat [ space $$ ppLibrary' lib | lib <- subLibraries pkg ]
$$ vcat [ space $$ ppExecutable exe | exe <- executables pkg ]
ppPackage = ppFields pkgDescrFieldDescrs
ppLibrary' = ppFields libFieldDescrs
ppExecutable = ppFields executableFieldDescrs
ppPackageDescription pkg
$+$ ppMaybeLibrary (library pkg)
$+$ ppSubLibraries (subLibraries pkg)
$+$ ppExecutables (executables pkg)
$+$ ppTestSuites (testSuites pkg)
$+$ ppBenchmarks (benchmarks pkg)
ppMaybeLibrary :: Maybe Library -> Doc
ppMaybeLibrary Nothing = mempty
ppMaybeLibrary (Just lib) =
emptyLine $ text "library"
$+$ nest indentWith (ppFields libFieldDescrs lib)
ppSubLibraries :: [Library] -> Doc
ppSubLibraries libs = vcat [
emptyLine $ text "library" <+> text libname
$+$ nest indentWith (ppFields libFieldDescrs lib)
| lib@Library{ libName = Just libname } <- libs ]
ppExecutables :: [Executable] -> Doc
ppExecutables exes = vcat [
emptyLine $ text "executable" <+> text (exeName exe)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppFields executableFieldDescrs exe)
| exe <- exes ]
ppTestSuites :: [TestSuite] -> Doc
ppTestSuites tests = vcat [
emptyLine $ text "test-suite" <+> text (testName test)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppFields testSuiteFieldDescrs test_stanza)
| test <- tests
, let test_stanza
= TestSuiteStanza {
testStanzaTestType = Just (testSuiteInterfaceToTestType (testInterface test)),
testStanzaMainIs = testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeMainIs (testInterface test),
testStanzaTestModule = testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeModule (testInterface test),
testStanzaBuildInfo = testBuildInfo test
testSuiteInterfaceToTestType :: TestSuiteInterface -> TestType
testSuiteInterfaceToTestType (TestSuiteExeV10 ver _) = TestTypeExe ver
testSuiteInterfaceToTestType (TestSuiteLibV09 ver _) = TestTypeLib ver
testSuiteInterfaceToTestType (TestSuiteUnsupported ty) = ty
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeMainIs :: TestSuiteInterface -> Maybe FilePath
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeMainIs (TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp) = Just fp
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeMainIs TestSuiteLibV09{} = Nothing
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeMainIs TestSuiteUnsupported{} = Nothing
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeModule :: TestSuiteInterface -> Maybe ModuleName
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeModule (TestSuiteLibV09 _ mod_name) = Just mod_name
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeModule TestSuiteExeV10{} = Nothing
testSuiteInterfaceToMaybeModule TestSuiteUnsupported{} = Nothing
ppBenchmarks :: [Benchmark] -> Doc
ppBenchmarks benchs = vcat [
emptyLine $ text "benchmark" <+> text (benchmarkName bench)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppFields benchmarkFieldDescrs bench_stanza)
| bench <- benchs
, let bench_stanza = BenchmarkStanza {
benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkType = Just (benchmarkInterfaceToBenchmarkType (benchmarkInterface bench)),
benchmarkStanzaMainIs = benchmarkInterfaceToMaybeMainIs (benchmarkInterface bench),
benchmarkStanzaBenchmarkModule = Nothing,
benchmarkStanzaBuildInfo = benchmarkBuildInfo bench
benchmarkInterfaceToBenchmarkType :: BenchmarkInterface -> BenchmarkType
benchmarkInterfaceToBenchmarkType (BenchmarkExeV10 ver _) = BenchmarkTypeExe ver
benchmarkInterfaceToBenchmarkType (BenchmarkUnsupported ty) = ty
benchmarkInterfaceToMaybeMainIs :: BenchmarkInterface -> Maybe FilePath
benchmarkInterfaceToMaybeMainIs (BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp) = Just fp
benchmarkInterfaceToMaybeMainIs BenchmarkUnsupported{} = Nothing
-- | @since
writeHookedBuildInfo :: FilePath -> HookedBuildInfo -> IO ()
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