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Commit 0b805299 authored by Bodigrim's avatar Bodigrim
Browse files

Make WeightedPSQ.union asymptotically faster

parent b2c3de34
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......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ library
, array >=0.4 && <0.6
, base >=4.10 && <4.17
, bytestring >= && <0.12
, containers >= && <0.7
, Cabal ^>=3.9
, Cabal-syntax ^>=3.9
, containers >= && <0.7
......@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Modular.WeightedPSQ (
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (First(..))
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup)
......@@ -27,52 +31,54 @@ import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup)
-- Each element has a key ('k'), value ('v'), and weight ('w'). All operations
-- that add elements or modify weights stably sort the elements by weight.
newtype WeightedPSQ w k v = WeightedPSQ [(w, k, v)]
newtype WeightedPSQ w k v = WeightedPSQ (Map w (NonEmpty (k, v)))
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, F.Foldable, T.Traversable)
-- | /O(N)/.
filter :: (v -> Bool) -> WeightedPSQ k w v -> WeightedPSQ k w v
filter p (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ (L.filter (p . triple_3) xs)
filter p (WeightedPSQ xs) =
WeightedPSQ $ M.mapMaybe (NE.nonEmpty . NE.filter (p . snd)) xs
-- | /O(1)/. Return @True@ if the @WeightedPSQ@ contains zero or one elements.
isZeroOrOne :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> Bool
isZeroOrOne (WeightedPSQ []) = True
isZeroOrOne (WeightedPSQ [_]) = True
isZeroOrOne _ = False
isZeroOrOne (WeightedPSQ ws) = case M.minView ws of
Nothing -> True
Just (_ :| kvs, rest) -> L.null kvs && M.null rest
-- | /O(1)/. Return the elements in order.
toList :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [(w, k, v)]
toList (WeightedPSQ xs) = xs
toList (WeightedPSQ xs) =
concatMap (\(w, kvs) -> (\(k, v) -> (w, k, v)) (NE.toList kvs)) $ M.assocs xs
-- | /O(N log N)/.
fromList :: Ord w => [(w, k, v)] -> WeightedPSQ w k v
fromList = WeightedPSQ . L.sortBy (comparing triple_1)
fromList = WeightedPSQ . M.fromListWith (<>) . (\(w, k, v) -> (w, (k, v) :| []))
-- | /O(N)/. Return the weights in order.
weights :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [w]
weights (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_1 xs
weights (WeightedPSQ xs) =
concatMap (\(w, kvs) -> L.replicate (NE.length kvs) w) $ M.assocs xs
-- | /O(N)/. Return the keys in order.
keys :: WeightedPSQ w k v -> [k]
keys (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_2 xs
keys (WeightedPSQ xs) = fst $ concatMap NE.toList $ M.elems xs
-- | /O(N)/. Return the value associated with the first occurrence of the give
-- key, if it exists.
lookup :: Eq k => k -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> Maybe v
lookup k (WeightedPSQ xs) = triple_3 `fmap` L.find ((k ==) . triple_2) xs
lookup k (WeightedPSQ xs) = getFirst $ foldMap (First . L.lookup k . NE.toList) xs
-- | /O(N log N)/. Update the weights.
mapWeightsWithKey :: Ord w2
=> (k -> w1 -> w2)
-> WeightedPSQ w1 k v
-> WeightedPSQ w2 k v
mapWeightsWithKey f (WeightedPSQ xs) = fromList $ (\ (w, k, v) -> (f k w, k, v)) xs
mapWeightsWithKey f = fromList . (\(w, k, v) -> (f k w, k, v)) . toList
-- | /O(N)/. Update the values.
mapWithKey :: (k -> v1 -> v2) -> WeightedPSQ w k v1 -> WeightedPSQ w k v2
mapWithKey f (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ $ (\ (w, k, v) -> (w, k, f k v)) xs ( (\(k, v) -> (k, f k v))) xs
-- | /O(N)/. Traverse and update values in some applicative functor.
......@@ -80,29 +86,23 @@ traverseWithKey
=> (k -> v -> f v')
-> WeightedPSQ w k v
-> f (WeightedPSQ w k v')
traverseWithKey f (WeightedPSQ q) = WeightedPSQ <$>
traverse (\(w,k,v) -> (w,k,) <$> f k v) q
traverseWithKey f (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ <$>
traverse (traverse (\(k,v) -> (k,) <$> f k v)) xs
-- | /O((N + M) log (N + M))/. Combine two @WeightedPSQ@s, preserving all
-- | \(O\bigl(M \log\bigl(\frac{N+1}{M+1}\bigr)\bigr), \; M \leq N\).
-- Combine two @WeightedPSQ@s, preserving all
-- elements. Elements from the first @WeightedPSQ@ come before elements in the
-- second when they have the same weight.
union :: Ord w => WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v
union (WeightedPSQ xs) (WeightedPSQ ys) = fromList (xs ++ ys)
union (WeightedPSQ xs) (WeightedPSQ ys) = WeightedPSQ $ M.unionWith (<>) xs ys
-- | /O(N)/. Return the prefix of values ending with the first element that
-- satisfies p, or all elements if none satisfy p.
takeUntil :: forall w k v. (v -> Bool) -> WeightedPSQ w k v -> WeightedPSQ w k v
takeUntil p (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ (go xs)
takeUntil p (WeightedPSQ xs) = WeightedPSQ $ M.fromDistinctAscList $ go $ M.toAscList xs
go :: [(w, k, v)] -> [(w, k, v)]
go [] = []
go (y : ys) = y : if p (triple_3 y) then [] else go ys
triple_1 :: (x, y, z) -> x
triple_1 (x, _, _) = x
triple_2 :: (x, y, z) -> y
triple_2 (_, y, _) = y
triple_3 :: (x, y, z) -> z
triple_3 (_, _, z) = z
go :: [(w, NonEmpty (k, v))] -> [(w, NonEmpty (k, v))]
go [] = []
go ((w, kvs) : rest) = case NE.break (p . snd) kvs of
(_, []) -> (w, kvs) : go rest
(pref, x : _) -> [(w, NE.fromList (pref ++ [x]))]
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