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Commit 22f05445 authored by Duncan Coutts's avatar Duncan Coutts
Browse files

Further work, refactoring and reformatting of new http transport code

Move utils into other Util modules.
Reformat all code to 80 cols.
Reorder code and add more comments.
Use long form style program args, e.g. --silent rather than -s
Finish implementation of form upload with wget
Fix reporting of server error messages for upload (curl & builtin)
Implement collecting of ETags for curl and wget.
Fix wget for case of 304 not modified response (wget uses exit code 8).
Rework transport configuration phase.
parent b780cc77
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ postBuildReport :: Verbosity -> (String, String) -> URI -> BuildReport -> IO Bui
postBuildReport verbosity auth uri buildReport = do
let fullURI = uri { uriPath = "/package" </> display (BuildReport.package buildReport) </> "reports" }
transport <- configureTransport verbosity Nothing
res <- postHttp transport fullURI ( buildReport) (Just auth)
res <- postHttp transport verbosity fullURI ( buildReport) (Just auth)
case res of
(303, redir) -> return $ undefined redir --TODO parse redir
_ -> die "unrecognized response" -- give response
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ putBuildLog :: Verbosity -> (String, String)
putBuildLog verbosity auth reportId buildLog = do
let fullURI = reportId {uriPath = uriPath reportId </> "log"}
transport <- configureTransport verbosity Nothing
res <- postHttp transport fullURI buildLog (Just auth)
res <- postHttp transport verbosity fullURI buildLog (Just auth)
case res of
(200, _) -> return ()
_ -> die "unrecognized response" -- give response
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | Separate module for HTTP actions, using a proxy server if one exists
......@@ -17,22 +18,24 @@ import Network.URI
( URI (..), URIAuth (..) )
import Network.Browser
( browse, setOutHandler, setErrHandler, setProxy
, setAuthorityGen, request, setAllowBasicAuth)
, setAuthorityGen, request, setAllowBasicAuth, setUserAgent )
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad
( when, guard, foldM )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString
( when, guard )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Data.List
( isPrefixOf )
( isPrefixOf, find, intercalate )
import Data.Maybe
( listToMaybe )
( catMaybes, listToMaybe, maybeToList )
import qualified Paths_cabal_install (version)
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( die, info, warn, debug, notice, writeFileAtomic
, copyFileVerbose, withTempFile
, rawSystemStdInOut, toUTF8, fromUTF8, normaliseLineEndings )
import Distribution.Client.Utils
( readMaybe, withTempFileName )
import Distribution.System
( buildOS, buildArch )
import Distribution.Text
......@@ -44,353 +47,544 @@ import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
import System.FilePath
( (<.>) )
import System.Directory
( doesFileExist, renameFile, removeFile )
( doesFileExist, renameFile )
import System.IO.Error
( isDoesNotExistError )
import Distribution.Simple.Program
( simpleProgram, getProgramInvocationOutput, programInvocation
, ConfiguredProgram, ProgramInvocation(..), defaultProgramConfiguration )
( Program, simpleProgram, ConfiguredProgram, programPath
, ProgramInvocation(..), programInvocation
, getProgramInvocationOutput )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
( ProgramDb, configureProgram, lookupProgram )
( ProgramDb, emptyProgramDb, addKnownPrograms
, configureAllKnownPrograms
, requireProgram, lookupProgram )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
( IOEncoding(..), getEffectiveEnvironment )
import Numeric (showHex)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import System.IO (hClose, openTempFile, hPutStr)
import System.IO (hClose, hPutStr)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, takeDirectory)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMay s = case [x | (x,t) <- reads s, ("","") <- lex t] of
[x] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
-- Downloading a URI, given an HttpTransport
data DownloadResult = FileAlreadyInCache | FileDownloaded FilePath deriving (Eq)
data DownloadResult = FileAlreadyInCache
| FileDownloaded FilePath
deriving (Eq)
-- Trim
trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
downloadURI :: HttpTransport
-> Verbosity
-> URI -- ^ What to download
-> FilePath -- ^ Where to put it
-> IO DownloadResult
downloadURI _transport verbosity uri path | uriScheme uri == "file:" = do
copyFileVerbose verbosity (uriPath uri) path
return (FileDownloaded path)
-- Can we store the hash of the file so we can safely return path when the
-- hash matches to avoid unnecessary computation?
-- |Get the local proxy settings
--TODO: print info message when we're using a proxy based on verbosity
proxy :: Verbosity -> IO Proxy
proxy _verbosity = do
p <- fetchProxy True
-- Handle empty proxy strings
return $ case p of
Proxy uri auth ->
let uri' = trim uri in
if uri' == "" then NoProxy else Proxy uri' auth
_ -> p
downloadURI transport verbosity uri path =
withTempFileName (takeDirectory path) (takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile -> do
let etagPath = path <.> "etag"
targetExists <- doesFileExist path
etagPathExists <- doesFileExist etagPath
-- In rare cases the target file doesn't exist, but the etag does.
etag <- if targetExists && etagPathExists
then Just <$> readFile etagPath
else return Nothing
result <- getHttp transport verbosity uri etag tmpFile
-- Only write the etag if we get a 200 response code.
-- A 304 still sends us an etag header.
case result of
(200, Just newEtag) -> writeFile etagPath newEtag
_ -> return ()
case fst result of
200 -> do
info verbosity ("Downloaded to " ++ path)
renameFile tmpFile path
return (FileDownloaded path)
304 -> do
notice verbosity "Skipping download: local and remote files match."
return FileAlreadyInCache
errCode -> die $ "Failed to download " ++ show uri
++ " : HTTP code " ++ show errCode
-- | Utility function for legacy support.
isOldHackageURI :: URI -> Bool
isOldHackageURI uri
= case uriAuthority uri of
Just (URIAuth {uriRegName = ""}) ->
FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories (uriPath uri) == ["/","packages","archive"]
_ -> False
userAgent :: String
userAgent = concat [ "cabal-install/", display Paths_cabal_install.version
, " (", display buildOS, "; ", display buildArch, ")"
noPostYet :: URI -> String -> Maybe (String, String) -> IO (Int, String)
noPostYet _ _ _ = die "Posting (for report upload) is not implemented yet"
-- Setting up a HttpTransport
data HttpTransport = HttpTransport {
getHttp :: URI -> Maybe String -> FilePath -> IO (Int, Maybe String),
postHttp :: URI -> String -> Maybe (String, String) -> IO (Int, String),
putHttpFile :: URI -> FilePath -> Maybe (String,String) -> IO (Int, String)
-- | GET a URI, with an optional ETag (to do a conditional fetch),
-- write the resource to the given file and return the HTTP status code,
-- and optional ETag.
getHttp :: Verbosity -> URI -> Maybe ETag -> FilePath
-> IO (HttpCode, Maybe ETag),
-- | POST a resource to a URI, with optional auth (username, password)
-- and return the HTTP status code and any redirect URL.
postHttp :: Verbosity -> URI -> String -> Maybe Auth
-> IO (HttpCode, String),
-- | POST a file resource to a URI using multipart\/form-data encoding,
-- with optional auth (username, password) and return the HTTP status
-- code and any error string.
postHttpFile :: Verbosity -> URI -> FilePath -> Maybe Auth
-> IO (HttpCode, String)
--TODO: why does postHttp return a redirect, but postHttpFile return errors?
uriToSecure :: URI -> URI
uriToSecure x | uriScheme x == "http:" = x {uriScheme = "https:"}
| otherwise = x
type HttpCode = Int
type ETag = String
type Auth = (String, String)
noPostYet :: Verbosity -> URI -> String -> Maybe (String, String)
-> IO (Int, String)
noPostYet _ _ _ _ = die "Posting (for report upload) is not implemented yet"
supportedTransports :: [(String, Maybe Program, Bool,
ProgramDb -> Maybe HttpTransport)]
supportedTransports =
[ let prog = simpleProgram "curl" in
( "curl", Just prog, True
, \db -> curlTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db )
setupTransportDb :: Verbosity -> IO ProgramDb
setupTransportDb verbosity = foldM (flip (configureProgram verbosity)) defaultProgramConfiguration progs
where progs = map simpleProgram ["curl","wget","powershell"]
, let prog = simpleProgram "wget" in
( "wget", Just prog, True
, \db -> wgetTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db )
, let prog = simpleProgram "powershell" in
( "powershell", Just prog, True
, \db -> powershellTransport <$> lookupProgram prog db )
, ( "plain-http", Nothing, False
, \_ -> Just plainHttpTransport )
configureTransport :: Verbosity -> Maybe String -> IO HttpTransport
configureTransport verbosity prefTransport = do
db <- setupTransportDb verbosity
curlTrans = curlTransport verbosity <$> lookupProgram (simpleProgram "curl") db
wgetTrans = wgetTransport verbosity <$> lookupProgram (simpleProgram "wget") db
powershellTrans = powershellTransport verbosity <$> lookupProgram (simpleProgram "powershell") db
httpTrans = Just (plainHttpTransport verbosity)
trans = case prefTransport of
(Just "curl") -> curlTrans
(Just "wget") -> wgetTrans
(Just "powershell") -> powershellTrans
(Just "insecure-http") -> httpTrans
(Just t) -> error $ "Unknown transport specified: " ++ t
Nothing -> curlTrans <|> wgetTrans <|> powershellTrans
maybe (die $ "Could not find a secure https transport: Fallback to http by running with --http-transport=insecure-http") return trans
configureTransport verbosity (Just name) =
-- the user secifically selected a transport by name so we'll try and
-- configure that one
case find (\(name',_,_,_) -> name' == name) supportedTransports of
Just (_, mprog, _tls, mkTrans) -> do
progdb <- case mprog of
Nothing -> return emptyProgramDb
Just prog -> snd <$> requireProgram verbosity prog emptyProgramDb
-- ^^ if it fails, it'll fail here
let Just trans = mkTrans progdb
return trans
Nothing -> die $ "Unknown HTTP transport specified: " ++ name
++ ". The supported transports are "
++ intercalate ", "
[ name' | (name', _, _, _ ) <- supportedTransports ]
configureTransport verbosity Nothing = do
-- the user hasn't selected a transport, so we'll pick the first one we
-- can configure successfully, provided that it supports tls
-- for all the transports except plain-http we need to try and find
-- their external executable
progdb <- configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity $
[ prog | (_, Just prog, _, _) <- supportedTransports ]
let availableHttpsTransports =
[ mkTrans progdb
| (_, _, _tls@True, mkTrans) <- supportedTransports ]
case catMaybes availableHttpsTransports of
(trans:_) -> return trans
[] -> die $ "Could not find a https transport: fallback to plain"
++ "http by running with --http-transport=plain-http"
statusParseFail :: URI -> String -> IO a
statusParseFail uri r = die $ "Failed to download " ++ show uri ++ " : No Status Code could be parsed from Response: " ++ r
statusParseFail uri r =
die $ "Failed to download " ++ show uri ++ " : "
++ "No Status Code could be parsed from response: " ++ r
curlTransport :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
curlTransport verbosity prog = HttpTransport gethttp posthttp puthttpfile
-- The HttpTransports based on external programs
curlTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
curlTransport prog =
HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile
gethttp uri' etag destPath = parseResponse =<< getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity (programInvocation prog args)
where args = [show uri,"-o",destPath,"-L","--write-out","%{http_code}","-A",userAgent,"-s","-S"]
++ maybe [] (\t -> ["--header","If-None-Match: " ++ t]) etag
parseResponse x = case readMay $ trim x of
Just i -> return (i, Nothing) -- TODO extract real etag
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
uri = uriToSecure uri'
gethttp verbosity uri' etag destPath = do
withTempFile (takeDirectory destPath)
"curl-headers.txt" $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
hClose tmpHandle
let args = [ show uri
, "--output", destPath
, "--location"
, "--write-out", "%{http_code}"
, "--user-agent", userAgent
, "--silent", "--show-error"
, "--dump-header", tmpFile ]
++ concat
[ ["--header", "If-None-Match: " ++ t]
| t <- maybeToList etag ]
resp <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
(programInvocation prog args)
headers <- readFile tmpFile
(code, _err, etag') <- parseResponse uri resp headers
return (code, etag')
uri = uriToSecure uri'
posthttp = noPostYet
puthttpfile uri' path auth = parseResponse =<< getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity (programInvocation prog args)
posthttpfile verbosity uri' path auth = do
let args = [ show uri
, "--form", "package=@"++path
, "--write-out", "%{http_code}"
, "--user-agent", userAgent
, "--silent", "--show-error"
, "--header", "Accept: text/plain" ]
++ concat
[ ["--digest", "--user", uname ++ ":" ++ passwd]
| (uname,passwd) <- maybeToList auth ]
resp <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
(programInvocation prog args)
(code, err, _etag) <- parseResponse uri resp ""
return (code, err)
args = [show uri,"-F","package=@"++path,"--write-out","%{http_code}","-A",userAgent]
++ maybe [] (\(u,p) -> ["--digest","-u",u++":"++p]) auth
parseResponse x = case readMay . trim =<< listToMaybe . take 1 . reverse . lines =<< return x of
Just i -> return (i,x) -- TODO extract error?
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
uri = uriToSecure uri'
wgetTransport :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
wgetTransport verbosity prog = HttpTransport gethttp posthttp puthttpfile
-- on success these curl involcations produces an output like "200"
-- and on failure it has the server error response first
parseResponse uri resp headers =
let codeerr =
case reverse (lines resp) of
(codeLine:rerrLines) ->
case readMaybe (trim codeLine) of
Just i -> let errstr = unlines (reverse rerrLines)
in Just (i, errstr)
Nothing -> Nothing
[] -> Nothing
mb_etag :: Maybe ETag
mb_etag = listToMaybe $ reverse
[ etag
| ["ETag:", etag] <- map words (lines headers) ]
in case codeerr of
Just (i, err) -> return (i, err, mb_etag)
_ -> statusParseFail uri resp
wgetTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
wgetTransport prog =
HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile
gethttp uri' etag destPath = parseResponse . snd =<< getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity (programInvocation prog args)
gethttp verbosity uri' etag destPath = do
resp <- runWGet verbosity args
(code, _err, etag') <- parseResponse uri resp
return (code, etag')
args = ["-S",show uri,"--output-document="++destPath,"--user-agent="++userAgent,"--tries=5","--timeout=15"]
++ maybe [] (\t -> ["--header","If-None-Match: " ++ t]) etag
parseResponse x =
let resp = reverse . takeUntil ("HTTP/" `isPrefixOf`) . reverse . map (dropWhile isSpace) . lines $ x
in case readMay =<< listToMaybe . drop 1 . words =<< listToMaybe resp of
Just i -> return (i, Nothing) --TODO etags
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
args = [ show uri
, "--output-document=" ++ destPath
, "--user-agent=" ++ userAgent
, "--tries=5"
, "--timeout=15"
, "--server-response" ]
++ concat
[ ["--header", "If-None-Match: " ++ t]
| t <- maybeToList etag ]
uri = uriToSecure uri'
posthttp = noPostYet
puthttpfile _uri _path _auth = die $ "Https upload with wget is not yet supported. Either ensure curl is in your path or fallback to http by running with --http-transport=insecure-http."
-- TODO this doesn't do proper multipart with wget, which is not easy. It should be fixed.
_puthttpfileBroken uri' path auth = withTempFile (takeDirectory path) (takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
boundary <- genBoundary
body <- generateMultipartBody (ByteString.pack boundary) path
ByteString.hPut tmpHandle body
hClose tmpHandle
let args = ["-S",show uri,"--user-agent="++userAgent,"--post-file="++tmpFile]
++ ["--header=\"Content-type: multipart/form-data boundary="++boundary++"\""]
++ maybe [] (\(u,p) -> ["--http-user="++u,"--http-password="++p]) auth
parseResponse x =
let resp = reverse . takeUntil ("HTTP/" `isPrefixOf`) . reverse . map (dropWhile isSpace) . lines $ x
in case readMay =<< listToMaybe . drop 1 . words =<< listToMaybe resp of
Just i -> return (i, x)
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
uri = uriToSecure uri'
parseResponse =<< getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity (programInvocation prog args)
takeUntil _ [] = []
takeUntil p (x:xs) = if p x then [x] else x : takeUntil p xs
powershellTransport :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
powershellTransport verbosity prog = HttpTransport gethttp posthttp puthttpfile
posthttpfile verbosity uri' path auth =
withTempFile (takeDirectory path)
(takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
(body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
BS.hPut tmpHandle body
BS.writeFile "" body
hClose tmpHandle
let args = [ show uri
, "--post-file=" ++ tmpFile
, "--user-agent=" ++ userAgent
, "--server-response"
, "--header=Content-type: multipart/form-data; " ++
"boundary=" ++ boundary ]
++ concat
[ [ "--http-user=" ++ uname
, "--http-password=" ++ passwd ]
| (uname,passwd) <- maybeToList auth ]
resp <- runWGet verbosity args
(code, err, _etag) <- parseResponse uri resp
return (code, err)
uri = uriToSecure uri'
runWGet verbosity args = do
-- wget returns its output on stderr rather than stdout
(_, resp, exitCode) <- getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity
(programInvocation prog args)
-- wget returns exit code 8 for server "errors" like "304 not modified"
if exitCode == ExitSuccess || exitCode == ExitFailure 8
then return resp
else die $ "'" ++ programPath prog
++ "' exited with an error:\n" ++ resp
-- With the --server-response flag, wget produces output with the full
-- http server response with all headers, we want to find a line like
-- "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", but only the last one, since we can have multiple
-- requests due to redirects.
-- Unfortunately wget apparently cannot be persuaded to give us the body
-- of error responses, so we just return the human readable status message
-- like "Forbidden" etc.
parseResponse uri resp =
let codeerr = listToMaybe
[ (code, unwords err)
| (protocol:codestr:err) <- map words (reverse (lines resp))
, "HTTP/" `isPrefixOf` protocol
, code <- maybeToList (readMaybe codestr) ]
mb_etag :: Maybe ETag
mb_etag = listToMaybe
[ etag
| ["ETag:", etag] <- map words (reverse (lines resp)) ]
in case codeerr of
Just (i, err) -> return (i, err, mb_etag)
_ -> statusParseFail uri resp
powershellTransport :: ConfiguredProgram -> HttpTransport
powershellTransport prog =
HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile
gethttp uri' etag destPath = do
_proxyInfo <- proxy verbosity
gethttp verbosity uri' etag destPath =
withTempFile (takeDirectory destPath)
"psScript.ps1" $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
hPutStr tmpHandle script
hClose tmpHandle
let args = ["-InputFormat", "None", "-File", tmpFile]
resp <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
(programInvocation prog args)
parseResponse resp
script =
concatMap (++";\n") $
[ "$wc = new-object"
, "$wc.Headers.Add(\"user-agent\","++escape userAgent++")"]
++ [ "$wc.Headers.Add(\"If-None-Match\"," ++ t ++ ")"
| t <- maybeToList etag ]
++ [ "Try {"
, "$wc.DownloadFile("++ escape (show uri) ++
"," ++ escape destPath ++ ")"
, "} Catch {Write-Error $_; Exit(5);}"
, "Write-Host \"200\""
, "Write-Host $wc.ResponseHeaders.Item(\"ETag\")"
, "Exit" ]
uri = uriToSecure uri'
escape x = '"' : x ++ "\"" --TODO write/find real escape.
proxySettings = [] --TODO extract real settings from proxyInfo
parseResponse x = case readMay . unlines . take 1 . lines $ trim x of
Just i -> return (i, Nothing) -- TODO extract real etag
parseResponse x = case readMaybe . unlines . take 1 . lines $ trim x of
Just i -> return (i, Nothing) -- TODO extract real etag
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
script = unlines . map (++";") $
["$wc = new-object",
"$wc.Headers.Add(\"user-agent\","++escape userAgent++")"]
++ maybe [] (\t -> ["$wc.Headers.Add(\"If-None-Match\"," ++ t ++ ")"]) etag
++ proxySettings
++ ["Try {",
"$wc.DownloadFile("++ escape (show uri) ++ "," ++ escape destPath ++ ")",
"} Catch {Write-Error $_; Exit(5);}",
"Write-Host \"200\"",
"Write-Host $wc.ResponseHeaders.Item(\"ETag\")",
withTempFile (takeDirectory destPath) "psScript.ps1" $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
hPutStr tmpHandle script
hClose tmpHandle
foo <- getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity (programInvocation prog ["-InputFormat","None","-File",tmpFile])
putStrLn $ show foo
parseResponse (fst foo)
posthttp = noPostYet
posthttpfile verbosity uri' path auth =
withTempFile (takeDirectory path)
(takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile tmpHandle ->
withTempFile (takeDirectory path)
"psScript.ps1" $ \tmpScriptFile tmpScriptHandle -> do
(body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
BS.hPut tmpHandle body
hClose tmpHandle
fullPath <- canonicalizePath tmpFile
hPutStr tmpScriptHandle (script fullPath boundary)
hClose tmpScriptHandle
let args = ["-InputFormat", "None", "-File", tmpScriptFile]
resp <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
(programInvocation prog args)
parseResponse resp
script fullPath boundary =
concatMap (++";\n") $
[ "$wc = new-object"
, "$wc.Headers.Add(\"user-agent\","++escape userAgent++")"
, "$wc.Headers.Add(\"Content-type\"," ++
"\"multipart/form-data; " ++
"boundary="++boundary++"\")" ]
++ [ "$wc.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential("
++ escape uname ++ "," ++ escape passwd ++ ",\"\")"
| (uname,passwd) <- maybeToList auth ]
++ [ "Try {"
, "$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("++escape fullPath++")"
, "$wc.UploadData("++ escape (show uri) ++ ",$bytes)"
, "} Catch {Write-Error $_; Exit(1);}"
, "Write-Host \"200\""
, "Exit" ]
puthttpfile uri' path auth = withTempFile (takeDirectory path) (takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile tmpHandle -> do
boundary <- genBoundary
body <- generateMultipartBody (ByteString.pack boundary) path
ByteString.hPut tmpHandle body
hClose tmpHandle
fullPath <- canonicalizePath tmpFile
_proxyInfo <- proxy verbosity
uri = uriToSecure uri'
escape x = show x
proxySettings = [] --TODO extract real settings from proxyInfo
parseResponse x = case readMay . unlines . take 1 . lines $ trim x of
parseResponse x = case readMaybe . unlines . take 1 . lines $ trim x of
Just i -> return (i, x) -- TODO extract real etag
Nothing -> statusParseFail uri x
script = unlines . map (++";") $
["$wc = new-object",
"$wc.Headers.Add(\"user-agent\","++escape userAgent++")",
"$wc.Headers.Add(\"Content-type\","++"\"multipart/form-data; boundary="++boundary++"\")"]
++ authSettings
++ proxySettings
++ ["Try {",
"$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("++escape fullPath++")",
"$wc.UploadData("++ escape (show uri) ++ ",$bytes)",
"} Catch {Write-Error $_; Exit(1);}",
"Write-Host \"200\"",
authSettings = case auth of Just (u,p) -> ["$wc.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential("++escape u ++ "," ++ escape p ++ ",\"\")"]; Nothing -> []
withTempFile (takeDirectory path) "psScript.ps1" $ \tmpScriptFile tmpScriptHandle -> do
hPutStr tmpScriptHandle script
hClose tmpScriptHandle
foo <- getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity (programInvocation prog ["-InputFormat","None","-File",tmpScriptFile])
putStrLn $ show foo
parseResponse (fst foo)
plainHttpTransport :: Verbosity -> HttpTransport
plainHttpTransport verbosity = HttpTransport gethttp posthttp puthttpfile
where gethttp uri etag destPath =
processGetResult destPath . snd =<< cabalBrowse (request
Request{ rqURI = uri
, rqMethod = GET
, rqHeaders = Header HdrUserAgent userAgent
: maybe [] (\t -> [Header HdrIfNoneMatch t]) etag
, rqBody = ByteString.empty })
processGetResult destPath resp = do
when (code==200) $ writeFileAtomic destPath $ rspBody resp
return (code, etag)
where code = case rspCode (resp) of (a,b,c) -> a*100 + b*10 + c
etag = lookupHeader HdrETag (rspHeaders resp)
posthttp = noPostYet
puthttpfile uri path auth = do
boundary <- genBoundary
body <- generateMultipartBody (ByteString.pack boundary) path
let authorize = do
setAllowBasicAuth False
setAuthorityGen (\_ _ -> return auth)
processPutResult . snd <$> cabalBrowse (authorize >> request Request {
rqURI = uri,
rqMethod = POST,
rqHeaders = [Header HdrContentType ("multipart/form-data; boundary="++boundary),
Header HdrContentLength (show (ByteString.length body)),
Header HdrAccept ("text/plain")],
rqBody = body
processPutResult resp = (code, rspReason resp)
where code = case rspCode (resp) of (a,b,c) -> a*100 + b*10 + c
cabalBrowse act = do
p <- proxy verbosity
(guard . isDoesNotExistError)
(const . die $ "Couldn't establish HTTP connection. "
++ "Possible cause: HTTP proxy server is down.") $
browse $ do
setProxy p
setErrHandler (warn verbosity . ("http error: "++))
setOutHandler (debug verbosity)
downloadURI :: HttpTransport
-> Verbosity
-> URI -- ^ What to download
-> FilePath -- ^ Where to put it
-> IO DownloadResult
downloadURI _transport verbosity uri path | uriScheme uri == "file:" = do
copyFileVerbose verbosity (uriPath uri) path
return (FileDownloaded path)
-- Can we store the hash of the file so we can safely return path when the
-- hash matches to avoid unnecessary computation?
-- The builtin plain HttpTransport
downloadURI transport verbosity uri path = withTempFileName (takeDirectory path) (takeFileName path) $ \tmpFile -> do
let etagPath = path <.> "etag"
targetExists <- doesFileExist path
etagPathExists <- doesFileExist etagPath
-- In rare cases the target file doesn't exist, but the etag does.
etag <- if targetExists && etagPathExists
then Just <$> readFile etagPath
else return Nothing
result <- getHttp transport uri etag tmpFile
-- Only write the etag if we get a 200 response code.
-- A 304 still sends us an etag header.
case result of
(200, Just newEtag) -> writeFile etagPath newEtag
_ -> return ()
case fst result of
200 -> do
info verbosity ("Downloaded to " ++ path)
renameFile tmpFile path
return (FileDownloaded path)
304 -> do
notice verbosity "Skipping download: Local and remote files match."
return FileAlreadyInCache
errCode -> die $ "Failed to download " ++ show uri ++ " : HTTP code " ++ show errCode
-- Utility function for legacy support.
isOldHackageURI :: URI -> Bool
isOldHackageURI uri
= case uriAuthority uri of
Just (URIAuth {uriRegName = ""}) ->
FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories (uriPath uri) == ["/","packages","archive"]
_ -> False
plainHttpTransport :: HttpTransport
plainHttpTransport =
HttpTransport gethttp posthttp posthttpfile
gethttp verbosity uri etag destPath = do
let req = Request{
rqURI = uri,
rqMethod = GET,
rqHeaders = [ Header HdrIfNoneMatch t
| t <- maybeToList etag ],
rqBody = BS.empty
(_, resp) <- cabalBrowse verbosity Nothing (request req)
let code = convertRspCode (rspCode resp)
etag' = lookupHeader HdrETag (rspHeaders resp)
when (code==200) $
writeFileAtomic destPath $ rspBody resp
return (code, etag')
posthttp = noPostYet
-- Gets us the temp file name but gives us more control over the file itself.
posthttpfile verbosity uri path auth = do
(body, boundary) <- generateMultipartBody path
let headers = [ Header HdrContentType
("multipart/form-data; boundary="++boundary)
, Header HdrContentLength (show (BS.length body))
, Header HdrAccept ("text/plain")
req = Request {
rqURI = uri,
rqMethod = POST,
rqHeaders = headers,
rqBody = body
(_, resp) <- cabalBrowse verbosity auth (request req)
return (convertRspCode (rspCode resp), rspErrorString resp)
convertRspCode (a,b,c) = a*100 + b*10 + c
rspErrorString resp =
case lookupHeader HdrContentType (rspHeaders resp) of
Just contenttype
| takeWhile (/= ';') contenttype == "text/plain"
-> BS.unpack (rspBody resp)
_ -> rspReason resp
cabalBrowse verbosity auth act = do
p <- fixupEmptyProxy <$> fetchProxy True
(guard . isDoesNotExistError)
(const . die $ "Couldn't establish HTTP connection. "
++ "Possible cause: HTTP proxy server is down.") $
browse $ do
setProxy p
setErrHandler (warn verbosity . ("http error: "++))
setOutHandler (debug verbosity)
setUserAgent userAgent
setAllowBasicAuth False
setAuthorityGen (\_ _ -> return auth)
fixupEmptyProxy (Proxy uri _) | null uri = NoProxy
fixupEmptyProxy p = p
-- Common stuff used by multiple transport impls
withTempFileName :: FilePath
-> String
-> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFileName tmpDir template action =
(openTempFile tmpDir template)
(\(name, _) -> (`when` removeFile name) =<< doesFileExist name)
(\(name, h) -> hClose h >> action name)
userAgent :: String
userAgent = concat [ "cabal-install/", display Paths_cabal_install.version
, " (", display buildOS, "; ", display buildArch, ")"
uriToSecure :: URI -> URI
uriToSecure x | uriScheme x == "http:" = x {uriScheme = "https:"}
| otherwise = x
-- Trim
trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
-- Multipart stuff partially taken from cgi package.
generateMultipartBody :: FilePath -> IO (BS.ByteString, String)
generateMultipartBody path = do
content <- BS.readFile path
boundary <- genBoundary
let !body = formatBody content (BS.pack boundary)
return (body, boundary)
formatBody content boundary =
BS.concat $
[ crlf, dd, boundary, crlf ]
++ [ BS.pack (show header) | header <- headers ]
++ [ crlf
, content
, crlf, dd, boundary, dd, crlf ]
headers =
[ Header (HdrCustom "Content-disposition")
("form-data; name=package; " ++
"filename=\"" ++ takeFileName path ++ "\"")
, Header HdrContentType "application/x-gzip"
crlf = BS.pack "\r\n"
dd = BS.pack "--"
genBoundary :: IO String
genBoundary = do i <- randomRIO (0x10000000000000,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) :: IO Integer
return $ showHex i ""
generateMultipartBody :: ByteString.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO ByteString.ByteString
generateMultipartBody boundary path = do
pkg <- ByteString.readFile path
crlf = ByteString.pack "\r\n"
dd = ByteString.pack "--"
printOneMultiPart (hs, c) = printBodyPart (hs,c) ++ [crlf, dd, boundary, dd, crlf]
printBodyPart (hs, c) = [crlf, dd, boundary, crlf] ++ map (ByteString.pack . show) hs ++ [crlf, c]
formData = ( [Header (HdrCustom "Content-disposition") $
"form-data; name=package; filename=\""++takeFileName path++"\"",
Header HdrContentType "application/x-gzip"],
body = ByteString.concat $ printOneMultiPart formData
return body
-- This should go back in the main program machinery. We need the errors explicitly because wget writes its results to stderr for no good reason.
getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors :: Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation -> IO (String, String)
genBoundary = do
i <- randomRIO (0x10000000000000,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) :: IO Integer
return $ showHex i ""
-- Compat utils
-- TODO: This is only here temporarily so we can release without also requiring
-- the latest Cabal lib. The function is also included in Cabal now.
getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors :: Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation
-> IO (String, String, ExitCode)
getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity
ProgramInvocation {
progInvokePath = path,
......@@ -408,9 +602,7 @@ getProgramInvocationOutputAndErrors verbosity
path args
mcwd menv
input utf8
when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
die $ "'" ++ path ++ "' exited with an error:\n" ++ errors ++ "\n" ++ decode output
return (decode output, errors)
return (decode output, decode errors, exitCode)
input =
case minputStr of
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ globalCommand commands = CommandUI {
,option [] ["http-transport"]
"Set a transport for http(s) requests. Accepts 'curl', 'wget', 'powershell', and 'insecure-http'. (default: 'curl')"
"Set a transport for http(s) requests. Accepts 'curl', 'wget', 'powershell', and 'plain-http'. (default: 'curl')"
globalConfigFile (\v flags -> flags { globalHttpTransport = v })
(reqArgFlag "HttpTransport")
......@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ check transport verbosity paths = do
handlePackage :: HttpTransport -> Verbosity -> URI -> Auth
-> FilePath -> IO ()
handlePackage transport verbosity uri auth path =
do resp <- putHttpFile transport uri path auth
do resp <- postHttpFile transport verbosity uri path auth
case resp of
(200,_) -> do notice verbosity "Ok"
(code,err) -> do notice verbosity $ "Error: " ++ path ++ ": "
++ show code ++ " "
(code,err) -> do notice verbosity $ "Error uploading " ++ path ++ ": "
++ "http code " ++ show code ++ "\n"
++ err
......@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
module Distribution.Client.Utils ( MergeResult(..)
, mergeBy, duplicates, duplicatesBy
, readMaybe
, inDir, determineNumJobs, numberOfProcessors
, removeExistingFile
, withTempFileName
, makeAbsoluteToCwd, filePathToByteString
, byteStringToFilePath, tryCanonicalizePath
, canonicalizePathNoThrow
......@@ -24,20 +26,24 @@ import Data.Bits
( (.|.), shiftL, shiftR )
import Data.Char
( ord, chr )
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Text.Read
( readMaybe )
import Data.List
( isPrefixOf, sortBy, groupBy )
import Data.Word
( Word8, Word32)
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt(..) )
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
( finally )
( finally, bracket )
import System.Directory
( canonicalizePath, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory
, removeFile, setCurrentDirectory )
import System.FilePath
( (</>), isAbsolute )
import System.IO
( Handle
( Handle, hClose, openTempFile
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
, hGetEncoding, hSetEncoding
......@@ -87,6 +93,14 @@ duplicatesBy cmp = filter moreThanOne . groupBy eq . sortBy cmp
moreThanOne (_:_:_) = True
moreThanOne _ = False
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
-- | An implementation of readMaybe, for compatability with older base versions.
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s = case reads s of
[(x,"")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
-- | Like 'removeFile', but does not throw an exception when the file does not
-- exist.
removeExistingFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
......@@ -95,6 +109,19 @@ removeExistingFile path = do
when exists $
removeFile path
-- | A variant of 'withTempFile' that only gives us the file name, and while
-- it will clean up the file afterwards, it's lenient if the file is
-- moved\/deleted.
withTempFileName :: FilePath
-> String
-> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempFileName tmpDir template action =
(openTempFile tmpDir template)
(\(name, _) -> removeExistingFile name)
(\(name, h) -> hClose h >> action name)
-- | Executes the action in the specified directory.
inDir :: Maybe FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
inDir Nothing m = m
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