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Commit 25d9b295 authored by Duncan Coutts's avatar Duncan Coutts Committed by Edward Z. Yang
Browse files

Maintain a plan.json file for external tools

This is (mostly) hvr's code.

It produces an external representation of the elaborated install plan.
The intention is for it to be used by external tools, editors etc, to
find out relevant details of the project and package configuration and
environment. It is updated whenever the elaborated install plan
changes, so it always reflects the current state.

Currently it only includes a modest subset of the details from the
elaborated install plan, but the goal is to include all relevant details
in a mostly-stable JSON format.

Currently it's based on the elaborated install plan prior to improving
the plan with packages from the store, but ultimately it will need to
include information from both before and after the 'improvement' phase.
parent 1f663390
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns,
DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | An experimental new UI for cabal for working with multiple packages
module Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput (
) where
import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
( ElaboratedInstallPlan, ElaboratedConfiguredPackage(..)
, ElaboratedSharedConfig(..) )
import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
import qualified Distribution.Client.Utils.Json as J
import qualified Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps as ComponentDeps
import Distribution.Package
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import qualified Paths_cabal_install as Our (version)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
-- | Write out a representation of the elaborated install plan.
-- This is for the benefit of debugging and external tools like editors.
writePlanExternalRepresentation :: DistDirLayout
-> ElaboratedInstallPlan
-> ElaboratedSharedConfig
-> IO ()
writePlanExternalRepresentation distDirLayout elaboratedInstallPlan
elaboratedSharedConfig =
writeFileAtomic (distProjectCacheFile distDirLayout "plan.json") $
. J.encodeToBuilder
$ encodePlanAsJson elaboratedInstallPlan elaboratedSharedConfig
-- | Renders a subset of the elaborated install plan in a semi-stable JSON
-- format.
encodePlanAsJson :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> ElaboratedSharedConfig -> J.Value
encodePlanAsJson elaboratedInstallPlan _elaboratedSharedConfig =
--TODO: [nice to have] include all of the sharedPackageConfig and all of
-- the parts of the elaboratedInstallPlan
J.object [ "cabal-version" J..= jdisplay Our.version
, "cabal-lib-version" J..= jdisplay cabalVersion
, "install-plan" J..= jsonIPlan
jsonIPlan = map toJ (InstallPlan.toList elaboratedInstallPlan)
-- ipi :: InstalledPackageInfo
toJ (InstallPlan.PreExisting ipi) =
-- installed packages currently lack configuration information
-- such as their flag settings or non-lib components.
-- TODO: how to find out whether package is "local"?
[ "type" J..= J.String "pre-existing"
, "id" J..= jdisplay (installedUnitId ipi)
, "components" J..= J.object
[ "lib" J..= J.object [ "depends" J..= map jdisplay (installedDepends ipi) ] ]
-- ecp :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
toJ (InstallPlan.Configured ecp) =
[ "type" J..= J.String "configured"
, "id" J..= (jdisplay . installedUnitId) ecp
, "components" J..= components
, "flags" J..= J.object [ fn J..= v
| (PD.FlagName fn,v) <- pkgFlagAssignment ecp ]
components = J.object
[ comp2str c J..= J.object
[ "depends" J..= map (jdisplay . installedUnitId) v ]
| (c,v) <- ComponentDeps.toList (pkgDependencies ecp) ]
toJ _ = error "encodePlanToJson: only expecting PreExisting and Configured"
-- TODO: maybe move this helper to "ComponentDeps" module?
-- Or maybe define a 'Text' instance?
comp2str c = case c of
ComponentDeps.ComponentLib -> "lib"
ComponentDeps.ComponentExe s -> "exe:" <> s
ComponentDeps.ComponentTest s -> "test:" <> s
ComponentDeps.ComponentBench s -> "bench:" <> s
ComponentDeps.ComponentSetup -> "setup"
jdisplay :: Text a => a -> J.Value
jdisplay = J.String . display
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
import Distribution.Client.PackageHash
import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput
import Distribution.Client.Types
hiding ( BuildResult, BuildSuccess(..), BuildFailure(..)
......@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ rebuildInstallPlan verbosity
elaboratedShared) <- phaseElaboratePlan projectConfigTransient
solverPlan localPackages
phaseMaintainPlanOutputs elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared
return (elaboratedPlan, elaboratedShared,
......@@ -504,6 +506,24 @@ rebuildInstallPlan verbosity
-- Update the files we maintain that reflect our current build environment.
-- In particular we maintain a JSON representation of the elaborated
-- install plan.
-- TODO: [required eventually] maintain the ghc environment file reflecting
-- the libs available. This will need to be after plan improvement phase.
phaseMaintainPlanOutputs :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
-> ElaboratedSharedConfig
-> Rebuild ()
phaseMaintainPlanOutputs elaboratedPlan elaboratedShared = do
liftIO $ debug verbosity "Updating plan.json"
liftIO $ writePlanExternalRepresentation
-- Improve the elaborated install plan. The elaborated plan consists
-- mostly of source packages (with full nix-style hashed ids). Where
-- corresponding installed packages already exist in the store, replace
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Minimal JSON / RFC 7159 support
-- The API is heavily inspired by @aeson@'s API but puts emphasis on
-- simplicity rather than performance. The 'ToJSON' instances are
-- intended to have an encoding compatible with @aeson@'s encoding.
module Distribution.Client.Utils.Json
( Value(..)
, Object, object, Pair, (.=)
, encodeToString
, encodeToBuilder
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
-- TODO: We may want to replace 'String' with 'Text' or 'ByteString'
-- | A JSON value represented as a Haskell value.
data Value = Object !Object
| Array [Value]
| String String
| Number !Double
| Bool !Bool
| Null
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- | A key\/value pair for an 'Object'
type Pair = (String, Value)
-- | A JSON \"object\" (key/value map).
type Object = [Pair]
infixr 8 .=
-- | A key-value pair for encoding a JSON object.
(.=) :: ToJSON v => String -> v -> Pair
k .= v = (k, toJSON v)
-- | Create a 'Value' from a list of name\/value 'Pair's.
object :: [Pair] -> Value
object = Object
instance IsString Value where
fromString = String
-- | A type that can be converted to JSON.
class ToJSON a where
-- | Convert a Haskell value to a JSON-friendly intermediate type.
toJSON :: a -> Value
instance ToJSON () where
toJSON () = Array []
instance ToJSON Value where
toJSON = id
instance ToJSON Bool where
toJSON = Bool
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON [a] where
toJSON = Array . map toJSON
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Maybe a) where
toJSON Nothing = Null
toJSON (Just a) = toJSON a
instance (ToJSON a,ToJSON b) => ToJSON (a,b) where
toJSON (a,b) = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b]
instance (ToJSON a,ToJSON b,ToJSON c) => ToJSON (a,b,c) where
toJSON (a,b,c) = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b, toJSON c]
instance (ToJSON a,ToJSON b,ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => ToJSON (a,b,c,d) where
toJSON (a,b,c,d) = Array [toJSON a, toJSON b, toJSON c, toJSON d]
instance ToJSON Float where
toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Double where
toJSON = Number
instance ToJSON Int where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Int8 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Int16 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Int32 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Word where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Word8 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Word16 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
instance ToJSON Word32 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
-- | Possibly lossy due to conversion to 'Double'
instance ToJSON Int64 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
-- | Possibly lossy due to conversion to 'Double'
instance ToJSON Word64 where toJSON = Number . realToFrac
-- | Possibly lossy due to conversion to 'Double'
instance ToJSON Integer where toJSON = Number . fromInteger
-- 'BB.Builder'-based encoding
-- | Serialise value as JSON/UTF8-encoded 'Builder'
encodeToBuilder :: ToJSON a => a -> Builder
encodeToBuilder = encodeValueBB . toJSON
encodeValueBB :: Value -> Builder
encodeValueBB jv = case jv of
Bool True -> "true"
Bool False -> "false"
Null -> "null"
Number n
| isNaN n || isInfinite n -> encodeValueBB Null
| Just i <- doubleToInt64 n -> BB.int64Dec i
| otherwise -> BB.doubleDec n
Array a -> encodeArrayBB a
String s -> encodeStringBB s
Object o -> encodeObjectBB o
encodeArrayBB :: [Value] -> Builder
encodeArrayBB [] = "[]"
encodeArrayBB jvs = BB.char8 '[' <> go jvs <> BB.char8 ']'
go = Data.Monoid.mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encodeValueBB
encodeObjectBB :: Object -> Builder
encodeObjectBB [] = "{}"
encodeObjectBB jvs = BB.char8 '{' <> go jvs <> BB.char8 '}'
go = Data.Monoid.mconcat . intersperse (BB.char8 ',') . map encPair
encPair (l,x) = encodeStringBB l <> BB.char8 ':' <> encodeValueBB x
encodeStringBB :: String -> Builder
encodeStringBB str = BB.char8 '"' <> go str <> BB.char8 '"'
go = BB.stringUtf8 . escapeString
-- 'String'-based encoding
-- | Serialise value as JSON-encoded Unicode 'String'
encodeToString :: ToJSON a => a -> String
encodeToString jv = encodeValue (toJSON jv) []
encodeValue :: Value -> ShowS
encodeValue jv = case jv of
Bool b -> showString (if b then "true" else "false")
Null -> showString "null"
Number n
| isNaN n || isInfinite n -> encodeValue Null
| Just i <- doubleToInt64 n -> shows i
| otherwise -> shows n
Array a -> encodeArray a
String s -> encodeString s
Object o -> encodeObject o
encodeArray :: [Value] -> ShowS
encodeArray [] = showString "[]"
encodeArray jvs = ('[':) . go jvs . (']':)
go [] = id
go [x] = encodeValue x
go (x:xs) = encodeValue x . (',':) . go xs
encodeObject :: Object -> ShowS
encodeObject [] = showString "{}"
encodeObject jvs = ('{':) . go jvs . ('}':)
go [] = id
go [(l,x)] = encodeString l . (':':) . encodeValue x
go ((l,x):lxs) = encodeString l . (':':) . encodeValue x . (',':) . go lxs
encodeString :: String -> ShowS
encodeString str = ('"':) . showString (escapeString str) . ('"':)
-- helpers
-- | Try to convert 'Double' into 'Int64', return 'Nothing' if not
-- representable loss-free as integral 'Int64' value.
doubleToInt64 :: Double -> Maybe Int64
doubleToInt64 x
| fromInteger x' == x
, x' <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
, x' >= toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
= Just (fromIntegral x')
| otherwise = Nothing
x' = round x
-- | Minimally escape a 'String' in accordance with RFC 7159, "7. Strings"
escapeString :: String -> String
escapeString s
| not (any needsEscape s) = s
| otherwise = escape s
escape [] = []
escape (x:xs) = case x of
'\\' -> '\\':'\\':escape xs
'"' -> '\\':'"':escape xs
'\b' -> '\\':'b':escape xs
'\f' -> '\\':'f':escape xs
'\n' -> '\\':'n':escape xs
'\r' -> '\\':'r':escape xs
'\t' -> '\\':'t':escape xs
c | ord c < 0x10 -> '\\':'u':'0':'0':'0':intToDigit (ord c):escape xs
| ord c < 0x20 -> '\\':'u':'0':'0':'1':intToDigit (ord c - 0x10):escape xs
| otherwise -> c : escape xs
-- unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
needsEscape c = ord c < 0x20 || c `elem` ['\\','"']
......@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ source-repository head
subdir: cabal-install
Flag old-bytestring
description: Use bytestring < 0.10.2 and bytestring-builder
default: False
Flag old-directory
description: Use directory < 1.2 and old-time
default: False
......@@ -188,6 +192,7 @@ executable cabal
......@@ -206,6 +211,7 @@ executable cabal
......@@ -238,6 +244,11 @@ executable cabal
zlib >= 0.5.3 && < 0.7,
hackage-security >= 0.5 && < 0.6
if flag(old-bytestring)
build-depends: bytestring < 0.10.2, bytestring-builder >= 0.10 && < 1
build-depends: bytestring >= 0.10.2
if flag(old-directory)
build-depends: directory >= 1.1 && < 1.2, old-time >= 1 && < 1.2,
process >= && <
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