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Commit 84a43f77 authored by Robert's avatar Robert
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Handle option argument parse errors without 'error'

This inlines the rest of System.Console.GetOpt, since ArgDesc
and OptDesc changed.

Distribution.ReadE.readEOrFail is no more.
parent 451ef1cc
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......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
-- * Line wrapping in the 'usageInfo' output, plus a more compact
-- rendering of short options, and slightly less padding.
-- * Parsing of option arguments is allowed to fail.
-- If you want to take on the challenge of merging this with the GetOpt
-- from the base package then go for it!
......@@ -36,8 +38,35 @@ module Distribution.GetOpt (
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import System.Console.GetOpt
( ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..) )
-- | What to do with options following non-options
data ArgOrder a
= RequireOrder -- ^ no option processing after first non-option
| Permute -- ^ freely intersperse options and non-options
| ReturnInOrder (String -> a) -- ^ wrap non-options into options
data OptDescr a = -- description of a single options:
Option [Char] -- list of short option characters
[String] -- list of long option strings (without "--")
(ArgDescr a) -- argument descriptor
String -- explanation of option for user
instance Functor OptDescr where
fmap f (Option a b argDescr c) = Option a b (fmap f argDescr) c
-- | Describes whether an option takes an argument or not, and if so
-- how the argument is parsed to a value of type @a@.
-- Compared to System.Console.GetOpt, we allow for parse errors.
data ArgDescr a
= NoArg a -- ^ no argument expected
| ReqArg (String -> Either String a) String -- ^ option requires argument
| OptArg (Maybe String -> Either String a) String -- ^ optional argument
instance Functor ArgDescr where
fmap f (NoArg a) = NoArg (f a)
fmap f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (fmap f . g) s
fmap f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (fmap f . g) s
data OptKind a -- kind of cmd line arg (internal use only):
= Opt a -- an option
......@@ -181,15 +210,16 @@ longOpt ls rs optDescr = long ads arg rs
options = if null exact then getWith isPrefixOf else exact
ads = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
optStr = "--" ++ opt
fromRes = fromParseResult optStr
long (_:_:_) _ rest = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
long [NoArg a ] [] rest = (Opt a,rest)
long [NoArg _ ] ('=':_) rest = (errNoArg optStr,rest)
long [ReqArg _ d] [] [] = (errReq d optStr,[])
long [ReqArg f _] [] (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
long [ReqArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (Opt (f xs),rest)
long [OptArg f _] [] rest = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
long [OptArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (Opt (f (Just xs)),rest)
long [ReqArg f _] [] (r:rest) = (fromRes (f r),rest)
long [ReqArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (fromRes (f xs),rest)
long [OptArg f _] [] rest = (fromRes (f Nothing),rest)
long [OptArg f _] ('=':xs) rest = (fromRes (f (Just xs)),rest)
long _ _ rest = (UnreqOpt ("--"++ls),rest)
-- handle short option
......@@ -198,15 +228,16 @@ shortOpt y ys rs optDescr = short ads ys rs
where options = [ o | o@(Option ss _ _ _) <- optDescr, s <- ss, y == s ]
ads = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
optStr = '-':[y]
fromRes = fromParseResult optStr
short (_:_:_) _ rest = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
short (NoArg a :_) [] rest = (Opt a,rest)
short (NoArg a :_) xs rest = (Opt a,('-':xs):rest)
short (ReqArg _ d:_) [] [] = (errReq d optStr,[])
short (ReqArg f _:_) [] (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
short (ReqArg f _:_) xs rest = (Opt (f xs),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) [] rest = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) xs rest = (Opt (f (Just xs)),rest)
short (ReqArg f _:_) [] (r:rest) = (fromRes (f r),rest)
short (ReqArg f _:_) xs rest = (fromRes (f xs),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) [] rest = (fromRes (f Nothing),rest)
short (OptArg f _:_) xs rest = (fromRes (f (Just xs)),rest)
short [] [] rest = (UnreqOpt optStr,rest)
short [] xs rest = (UnreqOpt (optStr++xs),rest)
-- This is different vs upstream = (UnreqOpt optStr,('-':xs):rest)
......@@ -215,9 +246,14 @@ shortOpt y ys rs optDescr = short ads ys rs
-- But why was no equivalent change required for longOpt? So could
-- this change go upstream?
fromParseResult :: String -> Either String a -> OptKind a
fromParseResult optStr res = case res of
Right x -> Opt x
Left err -> OptErr ("invalid argument to option `" ++ optStr ++ "': " ++ err ++ "\n")
-- miscellaneous error formatting
errAmbig :: [OptDescr a] -> String -> OptKind a
errAmbig :: [OptDescr a] -> String -> OptKind b
errAmbig ods optStr = OptErr (usageInfo header ods)
where header = "option `" ++ optStr ++ "' is ambiguous; could be one of:"
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Distribution.ReadE (
-- * ReadE
ReadE(..), succeedReadE, failReadE,
-- * Projections
) where
......@@ -38,9 +37,6 @@ succeedReadE f = ReadE (Right . f)
failReadE :: ErrorMsg -> ReadE a
failReadE = ReadE . const . Left
readEOrFail :: ReadE a -> String -> a
readEOrFail r = either error id . runReadE r
parsecToReadE :: (String -> ErrorMsg) -> ParsecParser a -> ReadE a
parsecToReadE err p = ReadE $ \txt ->
case runParsecParser p "<parsecToReadE>" (fieldLineStreamFromString txt) of
......@@ -223,16 +223,15 @@ commandGetOpts :: ShowOrParseArgs -> CommandUI flags
commandGetOpts showOrParse command =
concatMap viewAsGetOpt (commandOptions command showOrParse)
viewAsGetOpt :: OptionField a -> [GetOpt.OptDescr (a->a)]
viewAsGetOpt :: OptionField a -> [GetOpt.OptDescr (a -> a)]
viewAsGetOpt (OptionField _n aa) = concatMap optDescrToGetOpt aa
optDescrToGetOpt (ReqArg d (cs,ss) arg_desc set _) =
[GetOpt.Option cs ss (GetOpt.ReqArg set' arg_desc) d]
where set' = readEOrFail set
[GetOpt.Option cs ss (GetOpt.ReqArg (runReadE set) arg_desc) d]
optDescrToGetOpt (OptArg d (cs,ss) arg_desc set def _) =
[GetOpt.Option cs ss (GetOpt.OptArg set' arg_desc) d]
where set' Nothing = def
set' (Just txt) = readEOrFail set txt
where set' Nothing = Right def
set' (Just txt) = runReadE set txt
optDescrToGetOpt (ChoiceOpt alts) =
[GetOpt.Option sf lf (GetOpt.NoArg set) d | (d,(sf,lf),set,_) <- alts ]
optDescrToGetOpt (BoolOpt d (sfT, lfT) ([], []) set _) =
......@@ -391,13 +390,8 @@ addCommonFlags :: ShowOrParseArgs
-> [GetOpt.OptDescr a]
-> [GetOpt.OptDescr (Either CommonFlag a)]
addCommonFlags showOrParseArgs options =
map (fmapOptDesc Left) (commonFlags showOrParseArgs)
++ map (fmapOptDesc Right) options
where fmapOptDesc f (GetOpt.Option s l d m) =
GetOpt.Option s l (fmapArgDesc f d) m
fmapArgDesc f (GetOpt.NoArg a) = GetOpt.NoArg (f a)
fmapArgDesc f (GetOpt.ReqArg s d) = GetOpt.ReqArg (f . s) d
fmapArgDesc f (GetOpt.OptArg s d) = GetOpt.OptArg (f . s) d
map (fmap Left) (commonFlags showOrParseArgs)
++ map (fmap Right) options
-- | Parse a bunch of command line arguments
synopsis: Handle option argument parse errors without 'error'
packages: Cabal, cabal-install
prs: #7579
issues: #7573
description: {
- Errors parsing arguments such as `-v=3` no longer result in
stack traces.
- `Distribution.ReadE.readEOrFail` was removed.
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