Introduce (but not yet use) monoids MapLast and MapMappend
These are newtype wrappers with different Monoid instances. This is for following our more recent approach to the Monoid instances of our config types where rather than having custom mappen methods, we derive generic Monoid/Semigroup instances and rely on using special types like NubList for individual fields that need different mappend behaviour. The Map type has mappend behaviour that is not usually what we want for our configuration types. The normal Map mappend prefers the first argument over the second when keys overlap between the two maps. We normally want later things to either override or to extend, like our normal Flag (like Last) monoid or list monoid. So MapLast is a Map with Flag/Last-like behaviour, ie flip Map.union, while MapMappend is a Map that merges values when keys overlap, ie Map.unionWith (<>). The latter helps when the Map values are lists or further records.
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