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Commit 96978fd6 authored by byorgey's avatar byorgey
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Merge pull request #1188 from chreekat/git-authorname-heuristics

RFC: Adding git prefs to 'cabal init' author-lookup heuristics
parents 7f2d2cf5 5caa02f2
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......@@ -31,18 +31,20 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Client.Types ( packageDescription, SourcePackageDb(..) )
import Control.Applicative ( pure, (<$>), (<*>) )
import Control.Monad (liftM )
import Control.Monad ( liftM )
import Data.Char ( isUpper, isLower, isSpace )
import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, catMaybes, maybeToList )
import Data.Monoid ( mempty, mappend )
import Data.Monoid ( mempty, mconcat )
import qualified Data.Set as Set ( fromList, toList )
import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
getHomeDirectory, canonicalizePath )
import System.Environment ( getEnvironment )
import System.FilePath ( takeExtension, takeBaseName, dropExtension,
(</>), (<.>), splitDirectories, makeRelative )
import System.Process ( readProcessWithExitCode )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
-- |Guess the package name based on the given root directory
guessPackageName :: FilePath -> IO String
......@@ -151,25 +153,104 @@ neededBuildPrograms entries =
, handler <- maybeToList (lookup ext knownSuffixHandlers)
-- |Guess author and email
-- | Guess author and email using darcs and git configuration options. Use
-- the following in decreasing order of preference:
-- 1. vcs env vars ($DARCS_EMAIL, $GIT_AUTHOR_*)
-- 2. Local repo configs
-- 3. Global vcs configs
-- 4. The generic $EMAIL
-- Name and email are processed separately, so the guess might end up being
-- a name from DARCS_EMAIL and an email from git config.
-- Darcs has preference, for tradition's sake.
guessAuthorNameMail :: IO (Flag String, Flag String)
guessAuthorNameMail =
update (readFromFile authorRepoFile) mempty >>=
update (getAuthorHome >>= readFromFile) >>=
update readFromEnvironment
guessAuthorNameMail = fmap authorGuessPure authorGuessIO
-- Ordered in increasing preference, since Flag-as-monoid is identical to
-- Last.
authorGuessPure :: AuthorGuessIO -> AuthorGuess
authorGuessPure (AuthorGuessIO env darcsLocalF darcsGlobalF gitLocal gitGlobal)
= mconcat
[ emailEnv env
, gitGlobal
, darcsCfg darcsGlobalF
, gitLocal
, darcsCfg darcsLocalF
, gitEnv env
, darcsEnv env
authorGuessIO :: IO AuthorGuessIO
authorGuessIO = AuthorGuessIO
<$> getEnvironment
<*> (maybeReadFile $ "_darcs" </> "prefs" </> "author")
<*> (maybeReadFile =<< liftM (</> (".darcs" </> "author")) getHomeDirectory)
<*> gitCfg Local
<*> gitCfg Global
-- Types and functions used for guessing the author are now defined:
type AuthorGuess = (Flag String, Flag String)
type Enviro = [(String, String)]
data GitLoc = Local | Global
data AuthorGuessIO = AuthorGuessIO
Enviro -- ^ Environment lookup table
(Maybe String) -- ^ Contents of local darcs author info
(Maybe String) -- ^ Contents of global darcs author info
AuthorGuess -- ^ Git config --local
AuthorGuess -- ^ Git config --global
darcsEnv :: Enviro -> AuthorGuess
darcsEnv = maybe mempty nameAndMail . lookup "DARCS_EMAIL"
gitEnv :: Enviro -> AuthorGuess
gitEnv env = (name, email)
update _ info@(Flag _, Flag _) = return info
update extract info = liftM (`mappend` info) extract -- prefer info
readFromFile file = do
exists <- doesFileExist file
if exists then liftM nameAndMail (readFile file) else return mempty
readFromEnvironment = fmap extractFromEnvironment getEnvironment
extractFromEnvironment env =
let darcsEmailEnv = maybe mempty nameAndMail (lookup "DARCS_EMAIL" env)
emailEnv = maybe mempty (\e -> (mempty, Flag e)) (lookup "EMAIL" env)
in darcsEmailEnv `mappend` emailEnv
getAuthorHome = liftM (</> (".darcs" </> "author")) getHomeDirectory
authorRepoFile = "_darcs" </> "prefs" </> "author"
name = maybeFlag "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" env
email = maybeFlag "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" env
darcsCfg :: Maybe String -> AuthorGuess
darcsCfg = maybe mempty nameAndMail
emailEnv :: Enviro -> AuthorGuess
emailEnv env = (mempty, email)
email = maybeFlag "EMAIL" env
gitCfg :: GitLoc -> IO AuthorGuess
gitCfg which = do
name <- gitVar which ""
mail <- gitVar which ""
return (name, mail)
gitVar :: GitLoc -> String -> IO (Flag String)
gitVar which = fmap happyOutput . gitConfigQuery which
happyOutput :: (ExitCode, a, t) -> Flag a
happyOutput v = case v of
(ExitSuccess, s, _) -> Flag s
_ -> mempty
gitConfigQuery :: GitLoc -> String -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
gitConfigQuery which key =
fmap trim' $ readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["config", w, key] ""
w = case which of
Local -> "--local"
Global -> "--global"
trim' (a, b, c) = (a, trim b, c)
maybeFlag :: String -> Enviro -> Flag String
maybeFlag k = maybe mempty Flag . lookup k
maybeReadFile :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
maybeReadFile f = do
exists <- doesFileExist f
if exists
then fmap Just $ readFile f
else return Nothing
-- |Get list of categories used in hackage. NOTE: Very slow, needs to be cached
knownCategories :: SourcePackageDb -> [String]
......@@ -188,7 +269,10 @@ nameAndMail str
(nameOrEmail,erest) = break (== '<') str
(email,_) = break (== '>') (tail erest)
trim = removeLeadingSpace . reverse . removeLeadingSpace . reverse
trim :: String -> String
trim = removeLeadingSpace . reverse . removeLeadingSpace . reverse
removeLeadingSpace = dropWhile isSpace
-- split string at given character, and remove whitespaces
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