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Unverified Commit a05db19c authored by Francesco Gazzetta's avatar Francesco Gazzetta Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #5609 from fgaz/new-install/missing-store

Check existence of packagedb before dumping it
parents a6415a8f 67580b41
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module Distribution.Compat.Directory (listDirectory, makeAbsolute) where
module Distribution.Compat.Directory
( listDirectory
, makeAbsolute
, doesPathExist
) where
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,7)
import System.Directory as Dir hiding (doesPathExist)
import System.Directory (doesPathExist)
import System.Directory as Dir
#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,2)
import System.FilePath as Path
......@@ -25,3 +34,11 @@ makeAbsolute p | Path.isAbsolute p = return p
return $ cwd </> p
#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,7)
doesPathExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesPathExist path = (||) <$> doesDirectoryExist path <*> doesFileExist path
......@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ import System.Directory
, removeFile)
import System.FilePath
( (</>), isAbsolute, takeDirectory )
import Distribution.Compat.Directory
( doesPathExist )
import qualified System.Info
( compilerName, compilerVersion )
import System.IO
......@@ -1278,6 +1280,9 @@ reportFailedDependencies verbosity failed =
"cannot satisfy dependency " ++ prettyShow (simplifyDependency dep) ++ "\n"
-- | List all installed packages in the given package databases.
-- Non-existent package databases do not cause errors, they just get skipped
-- with a warning and treated as empty ones, since technically they do not
-- contain any package.
getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity -> Compiler
-> PackageDBStack -- ^ The stack of package databases.
-> ProgramDb
......@@ -1289,14 +1294,27 @@ getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb = do
++ "with 'global', 'user' or a specific file."
info verbosity "Reading installed packages..."
-- do not check empty packagedbs (ghc-pkg would error out)
packageDBs' <- filterM packageDBExists packageDBs
case compilerFlavor comp of
GHC -> GHC.getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
GHCJS -> GHCJS.getInstalledPackages verbosity packageDBs progdb
UHC -> UHC.getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs progdb
GHC -> GHC.getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs' progdb
GHCJS -> GHCJS.getInstalledPackages verbosity packageDBs' progdb
UHC -> UHC.getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs' progdb
HaskellSuite {} ->
HaskellSuite.getInstalledPackages verbosity packageDBs progdb
HaskellSuite.getInstalledPackages verbosity packageDBs' progdb
flv -> die' verbosity $ "don't know how to find the installed packages for "
++ prettyShow flv
packageDBExists (SpecificPackageDB path) = do
exists <- doesPathExist path
unless exists $
warn verbosity $ "Package db " <> path <> " does not exist yet"
return exists
-- Checking the user and global package dbs is more complicated and needs
-- way more data. Also ghc-pkg won't error out unless the user/global
-- pkgdb is overridden with an empty one, so we just don't check for them.
packageDBExists UserPackageDB = pure True
packageDBExists GlobalPackageDB = pure True
-- | Like 'getInstalledPackages', but for a single package DB.
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