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Commit a8a5c9af authored by Edsko de Vries's avatar Edsko de Vries
Browse files

Separate out reading index from building cache

And clarify the lazy nature of the algorithm.
parent 121cbf1c
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......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( die, warn, info, fromUTF8, ignoreBOM )
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes, maybeToList)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
......@@ -242,8 +242,6 @@ typeCodeFromRefType :: BuildTreeRefType -> Tar.TypeCode
typeCodeFromRefType LinkRef = Tar.buildTreeRefTypeCode
typeCodeFromRefType SnapshotRef = Tar.buildTreeSnapshotTypeCode
type MkPackageEntry = IO (Maybe PackageEntry)
instance Package PackageEntry where
packageId (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid
packageId (BuildTreeRef _ pkgid _ _ _) = pkgid
......@@ -258,32 +256,41 @@ packageDesc (BuildTreeRef _ _ descr _ _) = descr
data PackageOrDep = Pkg PackageEntry | Dep Dependency
parsePackageIndex :: ByteString
-> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)]
parsePackageIndex = accum 0 .
-- | Read @00-index.tar.gz@ and extract @.cabal@ and @preferred-versions@ files
-- We read the index using '', which gives us a lazily constructed
-- 'TarEntries'. We translate it to a list of entries using 'tarEntriesList',
-- which preserves the lazy nature of 'TarEntries', and finally 'concatMap' a
-- function over this to translate it to a list of IO actions returning
-- 'PackageOrDep's. We can use 'lazySequence' to turn this into a list of
-- 'PackageOrDep's, still maintaining the lazy nature of the original tar read.
parsePackageIndex :: ByteString -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)]
parsePackageIndex = concatMap (uncurry extract) . tarEntriesList .
accum blockNo es = case es of
Tar.Fail err -> error ("parsePackageIndex: " ++ err)
Tar.Done -> []
Tar.Next e es' -> ps ++ accum blockNo' es'
ps = extract blockNo e
blockNo' = blockNo + Tar.entrySizeInBlocks e
extract :: BlockNo -> Tar.Entry -> [IO (Maybe PackageOrDep)]
extract blockNo entry = tryExtractPkg ++ tryExtractPrefs
maybeToList Nothing = []
maybeToList (Just a) = [a]
tryExtractPkg = do
mkPkgEntry <- maybeToList $ extractPkg entry blockNo
return $ fmap (fmap Pkg) mkPkgEntry
tryExtractPrefs = do
(_,prefs') <- maybeToList $ extractPrefs entry
prefs' <- maybeToList $ extractPrefs entry
fmap (return . Just . Dep) prefs'
extractPkg :: Tar.Entry -> BlockNo -> Maybe MkPackageEntry
-- | Turn the 'Entries' data structure from the @tar@ package into a list,
-- and pair each entry with its block number.
-- NOTE: This preserves the lazy nature of 'Entries': the tar file is only read
-- as far as the list is evaluated.
tarEntriesList :: Tar.Entries -> [(BlockNo, Tar.Entry)]
tarEntriesList = go 0
go _ Tar.Done = []
go _ (Tar.Fail e) = error ("tarEntriesList: " ++ e)
go n (Tar.Next e es') = (n, e) : go (n + Tar.entrySizeInBlocks e) es'
extractPkg :: Tar.Entry -> BlockNo -> Maybe (IO (Maybe PackageEntry))
extractPkg entry blockNo = case Tar.entryContent entry of
Tar.NormalFile content _
| takeExtension fileName == ".cabal"
......@@ -319,31 +326,38 @@ extractPkg entry blockNo = case Tar.entryContent entry of
fileName = Tar.entryPath entry
extractPrefs :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe (FilePath, [Dependency])
extractPrefs :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe [Dependency]
extractPrefs entry = case Tar.entryContent entry of
Tar.NormalFile content _
| takeFileName entrypath == "preferred-versions"
-> Just (entrypath, prefs)
-> Just prefs
entrypath = Tar.entryPath entry
prefs = parsePreferredVersions (BS.Char8.unpack content)
prefs = parsePreferredVersions content
_ -> Nothing
parsePreferredVersions :: String -> [Dependency]
parsePreferredVersions :: ByteString -> [Dependency]
parsePreferredVersions = mapMaybe simpleParse
. filter (not . isPrefixOf "--")
. lines
. BS.Char8.unpack -- TODO: Are we sure no unicode?
-- Reading and updating the index cache
-- | Variation on 'sequence' which evaluates the actions lazily
-- Pattern matching on the result list will execute just the first action;
-- more generally pattern matching on the first @n@ '(:)' nodes will execute
-- the first @n@ actions.
lazySequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
lazySequence [] = return []
lazySequence (x:xs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
x' <- unsafeInterleaveIO x
xs' <- lazySequence xs
return (x':xs')
lazySequence = unsafeInterleaveIO . go
go [] = return []
go (x:xs) = do x' <- x
xs' <- lazySequence xs
return (x' : xs')
-- | Which index do we mean?
data Index =
......@@ -365,13 +379,23 @@ cacheFile (SandboxIndex index) = index `replaceExtension` "cache"
updatePackageIndexCacheFile :: Verbosity -> Index -> IO ()
updatePackageIndexCacheFile verbosity index = do
info verbosity ("Updating index cache file " ++ cacheFile index)
pkgsOrPrefs <- return
. parsePackageIndex
. maybeDecompress
=<< BS.readFile (indexFile index)
entries <- lazySequence pkgsOrPrefs
let cache = Cache { cacheEntries = map toCache $ catMaybes entries }
writeFile (cacheFile index) (showIndexCache cache)
withIndexEntries index $ \entries -> do
let cache = Cache { cacheEntries = entries }
writeFile (cacheFile index) (showIndexCache cache)
-- | Read the index (for the purpose of building a cache)
-- The callback is provided with list of cache entries, which is guaranteed to
-- be lazily constructed. This list must ONLY be used in the scope of the
-- callback; when the callback is terminated the file handle to the index will
-- be closed and further attempts to read from the list will result in (pure)
-- I/O exceptions.
withIndexEntries :: Index -> ([IndexCacheEntry] -> IO a) -> IO a
withIndexEntries index callback = do
withFile (indexFile index) ReadMode $ \h -> do
bs <- maybeDecompress `fmap` BS.hGetContents h
pkgsOrPrefs <- lazySequence $ parsePackageIndex bs
callback $ map toCache (catMaybes pkgsOrPrefs)
toCache :: PackageOrDep -> IndexCacheEntry
toCache (Pkg (NormalPackage pkgid _ _ blockNo)) = CachePackageId pkgid blockNo
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