@@ -2168,21 +2168,54 @@ system-dependent values for these fields.
.. pkg-field:: build-tool-depends: package:executable list
:since: 2.0
A list of Haskell programs needed to build this component.
Each is specified by the package containing the executable and the name of the executable itself, separated by a colon, and optionally followed by a version bound.
It is fine for the package to be the current one, in which case this is termed an *internal*, rather than *external* executable dependency.
A list of Haskell executables needed to build this component. Executables are provided
during the whole duration of the component, so this field can be used for executables
needed during :pkg-section:`test-suite` as well.
Each is specified by the package containing the executable and the name of the
executable itself, separated by a colon, and optionally followed by a version bound.
All executables defined in the given Cabal file are termed as *internal* dependencies
as opposed to the rest which are *external* dependencies.
Each of the two is handled differently:
1. External dependencies can (and should) contain a version bound like conventional
:pkg-field:`build-depends` dependencies.
2. Internal depenedencies should not contain a version bound, as they will be always
resolved within the same configuration of the package in the build plan.
Specifically, version bounds that include the package's version will be warned for
being extraneous, and version bounds that exclude the package's version will raise
an error for being impossible to follow.
For example (1) using a test-suite to make sure README.md Haskell snippets are tested using
For example (2) using a test-suite to test executable behaviour in the same package:
build-tool-depends: mypackage:executable
Cabal tries to make sure that all specified programs are atomically built and prepended
on the ``$PATH`` shell variable before building the component in question, but can only do
so for Nix-style builds. Specifically:
a) For Nix-style local builds, both internal and external dependencies.
b) For old-style builds, only for internal dependencies [#old-style-build-tool-depends]_.
It's up to the user to provide needed executables in this case under `$PATH.`
External dependencies can (and should) contain a version bound like conventional :pkg-field:`build-depends` dependencies.
Internal deps should not contain a version bound, as they will be always resolved within the same configuration of the package in the build plan.
Specifically, version bounds that include the package's version will be warned for being extraneous, and version bounds that exclude the package's version will raise an error for being impossible to follow.
Cabal can make sure that specified programs are built and on the ``PATH`` before building the component in question.
It will always do so for internal dependencies, and also do so for external dependencies when using Nix-style local builds.
.. note::
:pkg-field:`build-tool-depends` was added in Cabal 2.0, and it will
be ignored (with a warning) with old versions of Cabal. See
:pkg-field:`build-tools` for more information about backwards
:pkg-field:`build-tool-depends` was added in Cabal 2.0, and it will
be ignored (with a warning) with old versions of Cabal. See
:pkg-field:`build-tools` for more information about backwards
.. pkg-field:: build-tools: program list
@@ -3589,3 +3622,13 @@ a few options:
.. include:: references.inc
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#old-style-build-tool-depends]
Some packages (ab)use :pkg-field:`build-depends` on old-style builds, but this has a few major drawbacks:
- using Nix-style builds it's considered an error if you depend on a exe-only package via build-depends: the solver will refuse it.
- it may or may not place the executable on $PATH.
- it does not ensure the correct version of the package is installed, so you might end up overwriting versions with each other.