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Commit cbfea2ad authored by Duncan Coutts's avatar Duncan Coutts
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Allow -Werror and similar when guarded by a manual flag

Improve the package description check for -Werror and similar flags so
that they are allowed so long as they're not enabled by default. We
check the conditions that they're guarded by to make sure they're always
false (given the default values of the manual flags). Also extend the
error messages to explain how to use these flags with conditionals.
parent 99047909
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......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ module Distribution.PackageDescription.Check (
import Data.Maybe
( isNothing, isJust, catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe )
import Data.List (sort, group, isPrefixOf, nub, find)
import Control.Applicative
( pure, (<$>), (<*>) )
import Control.Monad
( filterM, liftM )
import qualified System.Directory as System
......@@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ checkPackage gpkg mpkg =
checkConfiguredPackage pkg
++ checkConditionals gpkg
++ checkPackageVersions gpkg
++ checkDevelopmentOnlyFlags gpkg
pkg = fromMaybe (flattenPackageDescription gpkg) mpkg
......@@ -592,19 +595,7 @@ checkGhcOptions :: PackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkGhcOptions pkg =
catMaybes [
check has_WerrorWall $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -Wall -Werror' makes the package very easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings. Use just 'ghc-options: -Wall' instead."
, check (not has_WerrorWall && has_Werror) $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -Werror' makes the package easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings."
, checkFlags ["-fasm"] $
checkFlags ["-fasm"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fasm' is unnecessary and will not work on CPU "
++ "architectures other than x86, x86-64, ppc or sparc."
......@@ -616,22 +607,10 @@ checkGhcOptions pkg =
++ "is using the FFI incorrectly and will probably not work with GHC "
++ "6.10 or later."
, checkFlags ["-fdefer-type-errors"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fdefer-type-errors' is fine during development but "
++ "is not appropriate for a distributed package."
, checkFlags ["-fhpc"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fhpc' is not appropriate for a distributed package."
-- -dynamic is not a debug flag
, check (any (\opt -> "-d" `isPrefixOf` opt && opt /= "-dynamic")
all_ghc_options) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -d*' debug flags are not appropriate "
++ "for a distributed package."
, checkFlags ["-prof"] $
PackageBuildWarning $
"'ghc-options: -prof' is not necessary and will lead to problems "
......@@ -691,16 +670,6 @@ checkGhcOptions pkg =
"Instead of 'ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts' it is preferable to use "
++ "the 'extensions' field."
, checkProfFlags ["-auto-all"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-prof-options: -auto-all' is fine during development, but "
++ "not recommended in a distributed package. "
, checkProfFlags ["-fprof-auto"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto' is fine during development, but "
++ "not recommended in a distributed package. "
, check ("-threaded" `elem` lib_ghc_options) $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-options: -threaded' has no effect for libraries. It should "
......@@ -1353,6 +1322,133 @@ checkConditionals pkg =
COr c1 c2 -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
CAnd c1 c2 -> condfv c1 ++ condfv c2
checkDevelopmentOnlyFlagsBuildInfo :: BuildInfo -> [PackageCheck]
checkDevelopmentOnlyFlagsBuildInfo bi =
catMaybes [
check has_WerrorWall $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -Wall -Werror' makes the package very easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings. Use just 'ghc-options: -Wall' instead."
++ extraExplanation
, check (not has_WerrorWall && has_Werror) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -Werror' makes the package easy to "
++ "break with future GHC versions because new GHC versions often "
++ "add new warnings. "
++ extraExplanation
, checkFlags ["-fdefer-type-errors"] $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -fdefer-type-errors' is fine during development but "
++ "is not appropriate for a distributed package. "
++ extraExplanation
-- -dynamic is not a debug flag
, check (any (\opt -> "-d" `isPrefixOf` opt && opt /= "-dynamic")
ghc_options) $
PackageDistInexcusable $
"'ghc-options: -d*' debug flags are not appropriate "
++ "for a distributed package. "
++ extraExplanation
, checkProfFlags ["-auto-all"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-prof-options: -auto-all' is fine during development, but "
++ "not recommended in a distributed package. "
++ extraExplanation
, checkProfFlags ["-fprof-auto"] $
PackageDistSuspicious $
"'ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto' is fine during development, but "
++ "not recommended in a distributed package. "
++ extraExplanation
extraExplanation =
" If you want to use this, make it conditional based on a flag "
++ "(with 'manual: True' and 'default: False') and enable that flag "
++ "during development."
has_WerrorWall = has_Werror && ( has_Wall || has_W )
has_Werror = "-Werror" `elem` ghc_options
has_Wall = "-Wall" `elem` ghc_options
has_W = "-W" `elem` ghc_options
ghc_options = hcOptions GHC bi
ghc_prof_options = hcProfOptions GHC bi
checkFlags,checkProfFlags :: [String] -> PackageCheck -> Maybe PackageCheck
checkFlags flags = doCheckFlags flags ghc_options
checkProfFlags flags = doCheckFlags flags ghc_prof_options
doCheckFlags flags opts = check (any (`elem` flags) opts)
checkDevelopmentOnlyFlags :: GenericPackageDescription -> [PackageCheck]
checkDevelopmentOnlyFlags pkg =
concatMap checkDevelopmentOnlyFlagsBuildInfo
[ buildInfo
| (conditions, buildInfo) <- allConditionalBuildInfo
, not (any guardedByManualFlag conditions) ]
guardedByManualFlag = definitelyFalse
-- We've basically got three-values logic here: True, False or unknown
-- hence this pattern to propagate the unknown cases properly.
definitelyFalse (Var (Flag n)) = maybe False not (Map.lookup n manualFlags)
definitelyFalse (Var _) = False
definitelyFalse (Lit b) = not b
definitelyFalse (CNot c) = definitelyTrue c
definitelyFalse (COr c1 c2) = definitelyFalse c1 && definitelyFalse c2
definitelyFalse (CAnd c1 c2) = definitelyFalse c1 || definitelyFalse c2
definitelyTrue (Var (Flag n)) = fromMaybe False (Map.lookup n manualFlags)
definitelyTrue (Var _) = False
definitelyTrue (Lit b) = b
definitelyTrue (CNot c) = definitelyFalse c
definitelyTrue (COr c1 c2) = definitelyTrue c1 || definitelyTrue c2
definitelyTrue (CAnd c1 c2) = definitelyTrue c1 && definitelyTrue c2
manualFlags = Map.fromList
[ (flagName flag, flagDefault flag)
| flag <- genPackageFlags pkg
, flagManual flag ]
allConditionalBuildInfo :: [([Condition ConfVar], BuildInfo)]
allConditionalBuildInfo =
concatMap (collectCondTreePaths libBuildInfo)
(maybeToList (condLibrary pkg))
++ concatMap (collectCondTreePaths buildInfo . snd)
(condExecutables pkg)
++ concatMap (collectCondTreePaths testBuildInfo . snd)
(condTestSuites pkg)
++ concatMap (collectCondTreePaths benchmarkBuildInfo . snd)
(condBenchmarks pkg)
-- get all the leaf BuildInfo, paired up with the path (in the tree sense)
-- of if-conditions that guard it
collectCondTreePaths :: (a -> b)
-> CondTree v c a
-> [([Condition v], b)]
collectCondTreePaths mapData = go []
go conditions condNode =
-- the data at this level in the tree:
(reverse conditions, mapData (condTreeData condNode))
: concat
[ go (condition:conditions) ifThen
| (condition, ifThen, _) <- condTreeComponents condNode ]
++ concat
[ go (condition:conditions) elseThen
| (condition, _, Just elseThen) <- condTreeComponents condNode ]
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Checks involving files in the package
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
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