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Commit 6ed694d7 authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones Committed by Ben Gamari
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SpecConstr: accommodate casts in value arguments

This commit:

  commit fb050a33
  Author: Simon Peyton Jones <>
  Date:   Thu Oct 12 11:00:19 2017 +0100

  Do not bind coercion variables in SpecConstr rules

arranged to reject any SpecConstr call pattern that mentioned
a coercion in the pattern.

There was a good reason for that
-- see Note [SpecConstr and casts] --
but I didn't realise how important it was to accept patterns
that mention casts in /terms/.  Trac #14936 showed this up.

This patch just narrows the restriction to discard only
the cases where the coercion is mentioned only in types.
Fortunately that was pretty easy to do.

(cherry picked from commit 5ab8094e)
parent 2f5b97c3
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......@@ -1921,11 +1921,39 @@ But alas, when we match the call we won't bind 'co', because type-matching
I don't know how to solve this, so for now I'm just discarding any
call patterns that
* Mentions a coercion variable
* Mentions a coercion variable in a type argument
* That is not in scope at the binding of the function
I think this is very rare.
It is important (e.g. Trac #14936) that this /only/ applies to
coercions mentioned in casts. We don't want to be discombobulated
by casts in terms! For example, consider
f ((e1,e2) |> sym co)
where, say,
f :: Foo -> blah
co :: Foo ~R (Int,Int)
Here we definitely do want to specialise for that pair! We do not
match on the structre of the coercion; instead we just match on a
coercion variable, so the RULE looks like
forall (x::Int, y::Int, co :: (Int,Int) ~R Foo)
f ((x,y) |> co) = $sf x y co
Often the body of f looks like
f arg = ...(case arg |> co' of
(x,y) -> blah)...
so that the specialised f will turn into
$sf x y co = let arg = (x,y) |> co
in ...(case arg>| co' of
(x,y) -> blah)....
which will simplify to not use 'co' at all. But we can't guarantee
that co will end up unused, so we still pass it. Absence analysis
may remove it later.
Note that this /also/ discards the call pattern if we have a cast in a
/term/, although in fact Rules.match does make a very flaky and
fragile attempt to match coercions. e.g. a call like
......@@ -2045,17 +2073,19 @@ callToPats env bndr_occs call@(Call _ args con_env)
| args `ltLength` bndr_occs -- Check saturated
= return Nothing
| otherwise
= do { let in_scope = substInScope (sc_subst env)
= do { let in_scope = substInScope (sc_subst env)
; (interesting, pats) <- argsToPats env in_scope con_env args bndr_occs
; let pat_fvs = exprsFreeVarsList pats
; let pat_fvs = exprsFreeVarsList pats
-- To get determinism we need the list of free variables in
-- deterministic order. Otherwise we end up creating
-- lambdas with different argument orders. See
-- determinism/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline-determ.hs
-- for an example. For explanation of determinism
-- considerations See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique.
in_scope_vars = getInScopeVars in_scope
qvars = filterOut (`elemVarSet` in_scope_vars) pat_fvs
is_in_scope v = v `elemVarSet` in_scope_vars
qvars = filterOut is_in_scope pat_fvs
-- Quantify over variables that are not in scope
-- at the call site
-- See Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
......@@ -2070,13 +2100,21 @@ callToPats env bndr_occs call@(Call _ args con_env)
sanitise id = id `setIdType` expandTypeSynonyms (idType id)
-- See Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
bad_covars = filter isCoVar ids
-- See Note [SpecConstr and casts]
-- Bad coercion variables: see Note [SpecConstr and casts]
bad_covars :: CoVarSet
bad_covars = mapUnionVarSet get_bad_covars pats
get_bad_covars :: CoreArg -> CoVarSet
get_bad_covars (Type ty)
= filterVarSet (\v -> isId v && not (is_in_scope v)) $
tyCoVarsOfType ty
get_bad_covars _
= emptyVarSet
; -- pprTrace "callToPats" (ppr args $$ ppr bndr_occs) $
WARN( not (null bad_covars), text "SpecConstr: bad covars:" <+> ppr bad_covars
$$ ppr call )
if interesting && null bad_covars
WARN( not (isEmptyVarSet bad_covars)
, text "SpecConstr: bad covars:" <+> ppr bad_covars
$$ ppr call )
if interesting && isEmptyVarSet bad_covars
then return (Just (qvars', pats))
else return Nothing }
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Prelude
import qualified Foreign.Storable as Storable
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes)
newtype Foo a = Foo a
intSize :: Int
intSize = Storable.sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
-- This 'go' loop should allocate nothing, because it specialises
-- for the shape of the state. But in 8.4 it did (Trac #14936)
slow :: Int -> IO ()
slow i = do let go 0 = pure ()
go j = do Foo (!a, !off) <- S.get
S.put (Foo (a+1, off))
go (j - 1)
S.evalStateT (go i) (Foo ((0::Int),(intSize::Int)))
main = do { slow (10 ^ 7); print "Done" }
......@@ -547,3 +547,9 @@ test('T13623',
[stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
[ (wordsize(64), 51792, 5) ])],
0% Loading or .
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