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Commit e817c2fe authored by Rodrigo Mesquita's avatar Rodrigo Mesquita :seedling: Committed by Mikolaj
Browse files

Lookup main-is C sources in hs-source-dirs

In the 2decb0e7 refactor we stopped
looking for non-Haskell `main-is` files in the hs-source-dirs and other
appropriate directories. This commit fixes that oversight.

Even if it is not intuitive that main-is-C-sources are searched in the
hs-source-dirs, we don't wish to break users relying on this behaviour
as there does not exist that strong of a motivation to do so.

Fixes #10168

Co-authored-by: sheaf's avatarsheaf <>
parent b50d9edd
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with 134 additions and 51 deletions
......@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.ExtraSources
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Link
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Utils (isHaskell)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin (ghcProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db (requireProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.PackageName.Magic (fakePackageId)
import Distribution.Types.ParStrat
import Distribution.Utils.NubList (fromNubListR)
import Distribution.Utils.Path
......@@ -114,8 +117,18 @@ build numJobs pkg_descr pbci = do
-- We need a separate build and link phase, and C sources must be compiled
-- after Haskell modules, because C sources may depend on stub headers
-- generated from compiling Haskell modules (#842, #3294).
buildOpts <- buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir (wantedLibWays isIndef) pbci
extraSources <- buildAllExtraSources ghcProg buildTargetDir wantedWays pbci
(mbMainFile, inputModules) <- componentInputs buildTargetDir pkg_descr pbci
let (hsMainFile, nonHsMainFile) =
case mbMainFile of
Just mainFile
| PD.package pkg_descr == fakePackageId
|| isHaskell (getSymbolicPath mainFile) ->
(Just mainFile, Nothing)
| otherwise ->
(Nothing, Just mainFile)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
buildOpts <- buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg hsMainFile inputModules buildTargetDir (wantedLibWays isIndef) pbci
extraSources <- buildAllExtraSources nonHsMainFile ghcProg buildTargetDir wantedWays pbci
......@@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
import Distribution.System (Arch (JavaScript), Platform (..))
import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.Executable
import Distribution.Utils.Path
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
-- | An action that builds all the extra build sources of a component, i.e. C,
-- C++, Js, Asm, C-- sources.
:: ConfiguredProgram
:: Maybe (SymbolicPath Pkg File)
-- ^ An optional non-Haskell Main file
-> ConfiguredProgram
-- ^ The GHC configured program
-> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
-- ^ The build directory for this target
......@@ -56,7 +57,9 @@ buildCSources
, buildJsSources
, buildAsmSources
, buildCmmSources
:: ConfiguredProgram
:: Maybe (SymbolicPath Pkg File)
-- ^ An optional non-Haskell Main file
-> ConfiguredProgram
-- ^ The GHC configured program
-> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
-- ^ The build directory for this target
......@@ -66,37 +69,33 @@ buildCSources
-- ^ The context and component being built in it.
-> IO (NubListR (SymbolicPath Pkg File))
-- ^ Returns the list of extra sources that were built
buildCSources =
buildCSources mbMainFile =
"C Sources"
( \c -> do
let cFiles = cSources (componentBuildInfo c)
case c of
CExe exe
| let mainPath = getSymbolicPath $ modulePath exe
, isC mainPath ->
cFiles ++ [makeSymbolicPath mainPath]
-- NB: Main.hs is relative to hs-source-dirs, but Main.c
-- is relative to the package.
| Just main <- mbMainFile
, isC $ getSymbolicPath main ->
cFiles ++ [main]
_otherwise -> cFiles
buildCxxSources =
buildCxxSources mbMainFile =
"C++ Sources"
( \c -> do
let cxxFiles = cxxSources (componentBuildInfo c)
case c of
CExe exe
| let mainPath = getSymbolicPath $ modulePath exe
, isCxx mainPath ->
do cxxFiles ++ [makeSymbolicPath mainPath]
-- NB: Main.hs is relative to hs-source-dirs, but Main.c++
-- is relative to the package.
| Just main <- mbMainFile
, isCxx $ getSymbolicPath main ->
cxxFiles ++ [main]
_otherwise -> cxxFiles
buildJsSources ghcProg buildTargetDir neededWays = do
buildJsSources _mbMainFile ghcProg buildTargetDir neededWays = do
Platform hostArch _ <- hostPlatform <$> localBuildInfo
let hasJsSupport = hostArch == JavaScript
......@@ -114,12 +113,12 @@ buildJsSources ghcProg buildTargetDir neededWays = do
buildAsmSources =
buildAsmSources _mbMainFile =
"Assembler Sources"
(asmSources . componentBuildInfo)
buildCmmSources =
buildCmmSources _mbMainFile =
"C-- Sources"
......@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules (buildHaskellModules, BuildWay (..), buildWayPrefix) where
module Distribution.Simple.GHC.Build.Modules
( buildHaskellModules
, BuildWay (..)
, buildWayPrefix
, componentInputs
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
......@@ -98,8 +103,10 @@ buildHaskellModules
-- ^ The parallelism strategy (e.g. num of jobs)
-> ConfiguredProgram
-- ^ The GHC configured program
-> PD.PackageDescription
-- ^ The package description
-> Maybe (SymbolicPath Pkg File)
-- ^ Optional path to a Haskell Main file to build
-> [ModuleName]
-- ^ The Haskell modules to build
-> SymbolicPath Pkg ('Dir Artifacts)
-- ^ The path to the build directory for this target, which
-- has already been created.
......@@ -112,7 +119,7 @@ buildHaskellModules
-- invocation used to compile the component in that 'BuildWay'.
-- This can be useful in, eg, a linker invocation, in which we want to use the
-- same options and list the same inputs as those used for building.
buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir neededLibWays pbci = do
buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg mbMainFile inputModules buildTargetDir neededLibWays pbci = do
-- See Note [Building Haskell Modules accounting for TH]
......@@ -141,13 +148,14 @@ buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir neededLibWays pbci
| isCoverageEnabled = Flag $ Hpc.mixDir (coerceSymbolicPath $ coerceSymbolicPath buildTargetDir </> extraCompilationArtifacts) way
| otherwise = mempty
(inputFiles, inputModules) <- componentInputs buildTargetDir pkg_descr pbci
mbWorkDir = mbWorkDirLBI lbi
runGhcProg = runGHC verbosity ghcProg comp platform mbWorkDir
platform = hostPlatform lbi
(hsMains, scriptMains) =
partition (isHaskell . getSymbolicPath) (maybeToList mbMainFile)
-- We define the base opts which are shared across different build ways in
-- 'buildHaskellModules'
baseOpts way =
......@@ -161,16 +169,8 @@ buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir neededLibWays pbci
ghcOptNoLink = if isLib then NoFlag else toFlag True
, ghcOptNumJobs = numJobs
, ghcOptInputModules = toNubListR inputModules
, ghcOptInputFiles =
toNubListR $
if PD.package pkg_descr == fakePackageId
then filter (isHaskell . getSymbolicPath) inputFiles
else inputFiles
, ghcOptInputScripts =
toNubListR $
if PD.package pkg_descr == fakePackageId
then filter (not . isHaskell . getSymbolicPath) inputFiles
else []
, ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR hsMains
, ghcOptInputScripts = toNubListR scriptMains
, ghcOptExtra = buildWayExtraHcOptions way GHC bi
, ghcOptHiSuffix = optSuffixFlag (buildWayPrefix way) "hi"
, ghcOptObjSuffix = optSuffixFlag (buildWayPrefix way) "o"
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ buildHaskellModules numJobs ghcProg pkg_descr buildTargetDir neededLibWays pbci
ProfDynWay -> profDynOpts
-- If there aren't modules, or if we're loading the modules in repl, don't build.
unless (forRepl || (null inputFiles && null inputModules)) $ liftIO $ do
unless (forRepl || (isNothing mbMainFile && null inputModules)) $ liftIO $ do
-- See Note [Building Haskell Modules accounting for TH]
neededLibWaysSet = Set.fromList neededLibWays
......@@ -348,25 +348,26 @@ buildWayExtraHcOptions = \case
DynWay -> hcSharedOptions
ProfDynWay -> hcProfSharedOptions
-- | Returns a pair of the Haskell input files and Haskell modules of the
-- component being built.
-- | Returns a pair of the main file and Haskell modules of the component being
-- built. The main file is not necessarily a Haskell file. It could also be
-- e.g. a C source, or, a Haskell repl script (that does not necessarily have
-- an extension).
-- The "input files" are either the path to the main Haskell module, or a repl
-- script (that does not necessarily have an extension).
-- The main file is Nothing if the component is not executable.
:: SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Artifacts)
-- ^ Target build dir
-> PD.PackageDescription
-> PreBuildComponentInputs
-- ^ The context and component being built in it.
-> IO ([SymbolicPath Pkg File], [ModuleName])
-- ^ The Haskell input files, and the Haskell modules
-> IO (Maybe (SymbolicPath Pkg File), [ModuleName])
-- ^ The main input file, and the Haskell modules
componentInputs buildTargetDir pkg_descr pbci =
case component of
CLib lib ->
pure ([], allLibModules lib clbi)
pure (Nothing, allLibModules lib clbi)
CFLib flib ->
pure ([], foreignLibModules flib)
pure (Nothing, foreignLibModules flib)
CExe Executable{buildInfo = bi', modulePath} ->
exeLikeInputs bi' modulePath
CTest TestSuite{testBuildInfo = bi', testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ mainFile} ->
......@@ -405,6 +406,6 @@ componentInputs buildTargetDir pkg_descr pbci =
"Enabling workaround for Main module '"
++ prettyShow mainModName
++ "' listed in 'other-modules' illegally!"
return ([main], filter (/= mainModName) otherModNames)
else return ([main], otherModNames)
else return ([], otherModNames)
return (Just main, filter (/= mainModName) otherModNames)
else return (Just main, otherModNames)
else return (Just main, otherModNames)
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import System.FilePath
-- | Find the path to the entry point of an executable (typically specified in
-- @main-is@, and found in @hs-source-dirs@).
-- @main-is@, and found in @hs-source-dirs@ -- yes, even when @main-is@ is not a Haskell file).
:: Verbosity
-> Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg))
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
module Main ( main ) where
import Lib ( myMax )
main :: IO ()
main = print $ myMax 10 100
#include <stdio.h>
#include <HsFFI.h>
#include "Lib_stub.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
hs_init(&argc, &argv);
printf("%lld\n", myMax(10,100));
return 0;
cabal-version: 2.0
name: haskell-c-tests
build-type: Simple
exposed-modules: Lib
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -stubdir autogen-stubs
build-depends: base
default-language: Haskell2010
executable c-exe
main-is: main.c
hs-source-dirs: c-app
ghc-options: -no-hs-main
include-dirs: autogen-stubs
build-depends: base, haskell-c-tests
default-language: Haskell2010
executable haskell-exe
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: app
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base, haskell-c-tests
default-language: Haskell2010
# Setup configure
Configuring haskell-c-tests-
Warning: [unknown-directory] 'include-dirs: autogen-stubs' specifies a directory which does not exist.
# Setup build
Preprocessing library for haskell-c-tests-
Building library for haskell-c-tests-
Preprocessing executable 'c-exe' for haskell-c-tests-
Building executable 'c-exe' for haskell-c-tests-
Preprocessing executable 'haskell-exe' for haskell-c-tests-
Building executable 'haskell-exe' for haskell-c-tests-
import Test.Cabal.Prelude
-- Test building an executable whose main-is is a C source found in the hs-source-dirs.
-- It is a bit counter intuitive that we look for non-haskell sources in
-- `hs-source-dirs`, but that is a behaviour that users rely on (see #10168)
-- and there's no good reason to break it.
main = setupTest $ do
setup_build []
module Lib ( myMax ) where
myMax :: Int -> Int -> Int
myMax x1 x2 = if x1 > x2 then x1 else x2
foreign export ccall myMax :: Int -> Int -> Int
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