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Add Bylaws of, Inc.

Mike Pilgrem requested to merge into main

From 17 December 2023, the then Board of, Inc. ("HO") voted on the following proposition:

"Existing bylaws are no longer in effect. Instead we adopt the bylaws at"

On 22 December 2023, the then Chair of the Board of HO declared that the proposition had been passed unanimously.

This merge request does three things in separate commits:

  1. It copies verbatim the current Bylaws of Haskell Foundation, Inc. ("HF")
  2. It changes "Haskell Foundation, Inc." to ", Inc." throughout.
  3. It modifies a (hidden) comment to delete a reference to the Certificate of Incorporation of Haskell Foundation, Inc. The comment does not form a part of the Bylaws of HF or HO (as only the rendered document has legal effect - see Section 8.1).

Merge request reports
