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  • Ryan Scott's avatar
    Don't skip validity checks for built-in classes (#17355) · 51036008
    Ryan Scott authored
    Issue #17355 occurred because the control flow for
    `TcValidity.check_valid_inst_head` was structured in such a way that
    whenever it checked a special, built-in class (like `Generic` or
    `HasField`), it would skip the most important check of all:
    `checkValidTypePats`, which rejects nonsense like this:
    instance Generic (forall a. a)
    This fixes the issue by carving out `checkValidTypePats` from
    `check_valid_inst_head` so that `checkValidTypePats` is always
    invoked. `check_valid_inst_head` has also been renamed to
    `check_special_inst_head` to reflect its new purpose of _only_
    checking for instances headed by special classes.
    Fixes #17355.
    (cherry picked from commit f375e3fb)