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  • batterseapower's avatar
    Refactoring: use a structured CmmStatics type rather than [CmmStatic] · beefc60c
    batterseapower authored
    I observed that the [CmmStatics] within CmmData uses the list in a very stylised way.
    The first item in the list is almost invariably a CmmDataLabel. Many parts of the
    compiler pattern match on this list and fail if this is not true.
    This patch makes the invariant explicit by introducing a structured type CmmStatics
    that holds the label and the list of remaining [CmmStatic].
    There is one wrinkle: the x86 backend sometimes wants to output an alignment directive just
    before the label. However, this can be easily fixed up by parameterising the native codegen
    over the type of CmmStatics (though the GenCmmTop parameterisation) and using a pair
    (Alignment, CmmStatics) there instead.
    As a result, I think we will be able to remove CmmAlign and CmmDataLabel from the CmmStatic
    data type, thus nuking a lot of code and failing pattern matches. This change will come as part
    of my next patch.
    Refactoring: use a structured CmmStatics type rather than [CmmStatic]
    batterseapower authored
    I observed that the [CmmStatics] within CmmData uses the list in a very stylised way.
    The first item in the list is almost invariably a CmmDataLabel. Many parts of the
    compiler pattern match on this list and fail if this is not true.
    This patch makes the invariant explicit by introducing a structured type CmmStatics
    that holds the label and the list of remaining [CmmStatic].
    There is one wrinkle: the x86 backend sometimes wants to output an alignment directive just
    before the label. However, this can be easily fixed up by parameterising the native codegen
    over the type of CmmStatics (though the GenCmmTop parameterisation) and using a pair
    (Alignment, CmmStatics) there instead.
    As a result, I think we will be able to remove CmmAlign and CmmDataLabel from the CmmStatic
    data type, thus nuking a lot of code and failing pattern matches. This change will come as part
    of my next patch.
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Cmm.hs 7.63 KiB
-- Cmm representations using Hoopl's Graph CmmNode e x.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
-- GHC 7.0.1 improved incomplete pattern warnings with GADTs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

module Cmm
  ( CmmGraph, GenCmmGraph(..), CmmBlock
  , CmmStackInfo(..), CmmTopInfo(..), Cmm, CmmTop
  , CmmReplGraph, GenCmmReplGraph, CmmFwdRewrite, CmmBwdRewrite

  , modifyGraph
  , lastNode, replaceLastNode, insertBetween
  , ofBlockMap, toBlockMap, insertBlock
  , ofBlockList, toBlockList, bodyToBlockList
  , foldGraphBlocks, mapGraphNodes, postorderDfs

  , analFwd, analBwd, analRewFwd, analRewBwd
  , dataflowPassFwd, dataflowPassBwd
  , module CmmNode

import BlockId
import CmmDecl
import CmmNode
import OptimizationFuel as F
import SMRep
import UniqSupply

import Compiler.Hoopl
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Panic

#include "HsVersions.h"

-- CmmBlock, CmmGraph and Cmm

type CmmGraph = GenCmmGraph CmmNode
data GenCmmGraph n = CmmGraph { g_entry :: BlockId, g_graph :: Graph n C C }
type CmmBlock = Block CmmNode C C

type CmmReplGraph e x = GenCmmReplGraph CmmNode e x
type GenCmmReplGraph n e x = FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph n e x))
type CmmFwdRewrite f = FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM CmmNode f
type CmmBwdRewrite f = BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM CmmNode f

data CmmStackInfo = StackInfo {arg_space :: ByteOff, updfr_space :: Maybe ByteOff}
data CmmTopInfo   = TopInfo {info_tbl :: CmmInfoTable, stack_info :: CmmStackInfo}
type Cmm          = GenCmm    CmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
type CmmTop       = GenCmmTop CmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph

-- Manipulating CmmGraphs

modifyGraph :: (Graph n C C -> Graph n' C C) -> GenCmmGraph n -> GenCmmGraph n'
modifyGraph f g = CmmGraph {g_entry=g_entry g, g_graph=f (g_graph g)}

toBlockMap :: CmmGraph -> LabelMap CmmBlock
toBlockMap (CmmGraph {g_graph=GMany NothingO body NothingO}) = body

ofBlockMap :: BlockId -> LabelMap CmmBlock -> CmmGraph
ofBlockMap entry bodyMap = CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=GMany NothingO bodyMap NothingO}
insertBlock :: CmmBlock -> LabelMap CmmBlock -> LabelMap CmmBlock
insertBlock block map =
  ASSERT (isNothing $ mapLookup id map)
  mapInsert id block map
  where id = entryLabel block

toBlockList :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
toBlockList g = mapElems $ toBlockMap g

ofBlockList :: BlockId -> [CmmBlock] -> CmmGraph
ofBlockList entry blocks = CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=GMany NothingO body NothingO}
  where body = foldr addBlock emptyBody blocks

bodyToBlockList :: Body CmmNode -> [CmmBlock]
bodyToBlockList body = mapElems body

mapGraphNodes :: ( CmmNode C O -> CmmNode C O
                 , CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O O
                 , CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C)
              -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
mapGraphNodes funs@(mf,_,_) g =
  ofBlockMap (entryLabel $ mf $ CmmEntry $ g_entry g) $ mapMap (blockMapNodes3 funs) $ toBlockMap g

foldGraphBlocks :: (CmmBlock -> a -> a) -> a -> CmmGraph -> a
foldGraphBlocks k z g = mapFold k z $ toBlockMap g

postorderDfs :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
postorderDfs g = postorder_dfs_from (toBlockMap g) (g_entry g)

-- Manipulating CmmBlocks

lastNode :: CmmBlock -> CmmNode O C
lastNode block = foldBlockNodesF3 (nothing, nothing, const) block ()
  where nothing :: a -> b -> ()
        nothing _ _ = ()

replaceLastNode :: Block CmmNode e C -> CmmNode O C -> Block CmmNode e C
replaceLastNode block last = blockOfNodeList (first, middle, JustC last)
  where (first, middle, _) = blockToNodeList block

----- Splicing between blocks
-- Given a middle node, a block, and a successor BlockId,
-- we can insert the middle node between the block and the successor.
-- We return the updated block and a list of new blocks that must be added
-- to the graph.
-- The semantics is a bit tricky. We consider cases on the last node:
-- o For a branch, we can just insert before the branch,
--   but sometimes the optimizer does better if we actually insert
--   a fresh basic block, enabling some common blockification.
-- o For a conditional branch, switch statement, or call, we must insert
--   a new basic block.
-- o For a jump or return, this operation is impossible.

insertBetween :: MonadUnique m => CmmBlock -> [CmmNode O O] -> BlockId -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
insertBetween b ms succId = insert $ lastNode b
  where insert :: MonadUnique m => CmmNode O C -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
        insert (CmmBranch bid) =
          if bid == succId then
            do (bid', bs) <- newBlocks
               return (replaceLastNode b (CmmBranch bid'), bs)
          else panic "tried invalid block insertBetween"
        insert (CmmCondBranch c t f) =
          do (t', tbs) <- if t == succId then newBlocks else return $ (t, [])
             (f', fbs) <- if f == succId then newBlocks else return $ (f, [])
             return (replaceLastNode b (CmmCondBranch c t' f'), tbs ++ fbs)
        insert (CmmSwitch e ks) =
          do (ids, bs) <- mapAndUnzipM mbNewBlocks ks
             return (replaceLastNode b (CmmSwitch e ids), join bs)
        insert (CmmCall {}) =
          panic "unimp: insertBetween after a call -- probably not a good idea"
        insert (CmmForeignCall {}) =
          panic "unimp: insertBetween after a foreign call -- probably not a good idea"

        newBlocks :: MonadUnique m => m (BlockId, [CmmBlock])
        newBlocks = do id <- liftM mkBlockId $ getUniqueM
                       return $ (id, [blockOfNodeList (JustC (CmmEntry id), ms, JustC (CmmBranch succId))])
        mbNewBlocks :: MonadUnique m => Maybe BlockId -> m (Maybe BlockId, [CmmBlock])
        mbNewBlocks (Just k) = if k == succId then liftM fstJust newBlocks
                               else return (Just k, [])
        mbNewBlocks Nothing  = return (Nothing, [])
        fstJust (id, bs) = (Just id, bs)

-- Running dataflow analysis and/or rewrites

-- Constructing forward and backward analysis-only pass
analFwd    :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> FwdTransfer n f -> FwdPass m n f
analBwd    :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> BwdTransfer n f -> BwdPass m n f

analFwd lat xfer = analRewFwd lat xfer noFwdRewrite
analBwd lat xfer = analRewBwd lat xfer noBwdRewrite

-- Constructing forward and backward analysis + rewrite pass
analRewFwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> FwdTransfer n f -> FwdRewrite m n f -> FwdPass m n f
analRewBwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> BwdTransfer n f -> BwdRewrite m n f -> BwdPass m n f

analRewFwd lat xfer rew = FwdPass {fp_lattice = lat, fp_transfer = xfer, fp_rewrite = rew}
analRewBwd lat xfer rew = BwdPass {bp_lattice = lat, bp_transfer = xfer, bp_rewrite = rew}

-- Running forward and backward dataflow analysis + optional rewrite
dataflowPassFwd :: NonLocal n => GenCmmGraph n -> [(BlockId, f)] -> FwdPass FuelUniqSM n f -> FuelUniqSM (GenCmmGraph n, BlockEnv f)
dataflowPassFwd (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}) facts fwd = do
  (graph, facts, NothingO) <- analyzeAndRewriteFwd fwd (JustC [entry]) graph (mkFactBase (fp_lattice fwd) facts)
  return (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}, facts)

dataflowPassBwd :: NonLocal n => GenCmmGraph n -> [(BlockId, f)] -> BwdPass FuelUniqSM n f -> FuelUniqSM (GenCmmGraph n, BlockEnv f)
dataflowPassBwd (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}) facts bwd = do
  (graph, facts, NothingO) <- analyzeAndRewriteBwd bwd (JustC [entry]) graph (mkFactBase (bp_lattice bwd) facts)
  return (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}, facts)