Forked from
Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
14519 commits behind the upstream repository.
This moves all URL references to Trac Wiki to their corresponding GitLab counterparts. This substitution is classified as follows: 1. Automated substitution using sed with Ben's mapping rule [1] Old: New: 2. Manual substitution for URLs containing `#` index Old: New: 3. Manual substitution for strings starting with `Commentary` Old: Commentary/XxxYyy... New: commentary/xxx-yyy... See also !539 [1]:
This moves all URL references to Trac Wiki to their corresponding GitLab counterparts. This substitution is classified as follows: 1. Automated substitution using sed with Ben's mapping rule [1] Old: New: 2. Manual substitution for URLs containing `#` index Old: New: 3. Manual substitution for strings starting with `Commentary` Old: Commentary/XxxYyy... New: commentary/xxx-yyy... See also !539 [1]:
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import os
import os.path
import sys
import argparse
from textwrap import dedent
import subprocess
import re
cwd = os.getcwd()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--validate', action='store_true', help='Run in validate mode')
parser.add_argument('--hadrian', action='store_true', help='Do not assume the make base build system')
args = parser.parse_args()
def print_err(s):
print(dedent(s), file=sys.stderr)
def die(mesg):
def check_for_url_rewrites():
if os.path.isdir('.git') and \
subprocess.check_output('git config remote.origin.url'.split()).find(b'') != -1 and \['git', 'config', '--get-regexp', '^url.**/packages-.insteadOf']) != 0:
# If we cloned from github, make sure the url rewrites are set.
# Otherwise 'git submodule update --init' prints confusing errors.
It seems you cloned this repository from GitHub. But your git config files
don't contain the url rewrites that are needed to make this work (GitHub
doesn't support '/' in repository names, so we use a different naming scheme
for the submodule repositories there).
Please run the following commands first:
git config --global url."git://".insteadOf git://
git config --global url."".insteadOf
git config --global url."".insteadOf
git config --global url."ssh://git\".insteadOf ssh://git\
git config --global url."git\".insteadOf git\
And then:
git submodule update --init
Or start over, and clone the GHC repository from the haskell server:
git clone --recursive git://
For more information, see:
* or
def check_boot_packages():
# Check that we have all boot packages.
import re
for l in open('packages', 'r'):
if l.startswith('#'):
parts = [part for part in l.split(' ') if part]
if len(parts) != 4:
die("Error: Bad line in packages file: " + l)
dir_ = parts[0]
tag = parts[1]
# If tag is not "-" then it is an optional repository, so its
# absence isn't an error.
if tag == '-':
# We would like to just check for a .git directory here,
# but in an lndir tree we avoid making .git directories,
# so it doesn't exist. We therefore require that every repo
# has a LICENSE file instead.
license_path = os.path.join(dir_, 'LICENSE')
if not os.path.isfile(license_path):
Error: %s doesn't exist
Maybe you haven't run 'git submodule update --init'?
""" % license_path)
# Create libraries/*/{,GNUmakefile}
def boot_pkgs():
library_dirs = []
for package in glob.glob("libraries/*/"):
packages_file = os.path.join(package, 'ghc-packages')
if os.path.isfile(packages_file):
for subpkg in open(packages_file, 'r'):
library_dirs.append(os.path.join(package, subpkg.strip()))
for package in library_dirs:
if package[-1] == '/':
# drop trailing '/'
package = package[:-1]
dir_ = os.path.relpath(package, 'libraries')
cabals = glob.glob(os.path.join(package, '*'))
if len(cabals) == 0:
cabals = glob.glob(os.path.join(package, '*.cabal'))
if len(cabals) > 1:
die('Too many .cabal files in %s' % package)
elif len(cabals) == 1:
cabal = cabals[0]
if os.path.isfile(cabal):
# strip both .cabal and .in
pkg = os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cabal))[0])[0]
top = os.path.join(*['..'] * len(os.path.normpath(package).split(os.path.sep)))
ghc_mk = os.path.join(package, '')
print('Creating %s' % ghc_mk)
with open(ghc_mk, 'w') as f:
{package}_PACKAGE = {pkg}
{package}_dist-install_GROUP = libraries
$(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE0)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-boot,0)))
$(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE1)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-install,1)))
$(if $(filter {dir},$(PACKAGES_STAGE2)),$(eval $(call build-package,{package},dist-install,2)))
""".format(package = package,
pkg = pkg,
dir = dir_)))
makefile = os.path.join(package, 'GNUmakefile')
with open(makefile, 'w') as f:
dir = {package}
TOP = {top}
include $(TOP)/mk/
FAST_MAKE_OPTS += stage=0
""".format(package = package, top = top)
def autoreconf():
# Run autoreconf on everything that needs it.
processes = {}
if == 'nt':
# Get the normalized ACLOCAL_PATH for Windows
# This is necessary since on Windows this will be a Windows
# path, which autoreconf doesn't know doesn't know how to handle.
ac_local = os.getenv('ACLOCAL_PATH', '')
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r';', r':', ac_local)
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'\\', r'/', ac_local_arg)
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'(\w):/', r'/\1/', ac_local_arg)
reconf_cmd = 'ACLOCAL_PATH=%s autoreconf' % ac_local_arg
reconf_cmd = 'autoreconf'
for dir_ in ['.'] + glob.glob('libraries/*/'):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, '')):
print("Booting %s" % dir_)
processes[dir_] = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', reconf_cmd], cwd=dir_)
# Wait for all child processes to finish.
fail = False
for k,v in processes.items():
code = v.wait()
if code != 0:
print_err('autoreconf in %s failed with exit code %d' % (k, code))
fail = True
if fail:
def check_build_mk():
if not args.validate and not os.path.isfile("mk/"):
WARNING: You don't have a mk/ file.
By default a standard GHC build will be done, which uses optimisation
and builds the profiling libraries. This will take a long time, so may
not be what you want if you are developing GHC or the libraries, rather
than simply building it to use it.
For information on creating a mk/ file, please see:
if not args.hadrian:
if not args.hadrian: