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  • Thomas Miedema's avatar
    Cleanup and better documentation of sync-all script · 0f31c2e5
    Thomas Miedema authored
    Rumor has it that sync-all is slowly on the way out. Now that all
    subrepositories have been turned into git submodules, sync-all might
    not be needed anymore. Nevertheless, here are some changes I had made
    while trying to understand why it existed in the first place:
    * update comments + help text
    * rename some variables for maintainability
        * s/branch_name/remote_name/
        origin is the name of a remote, not a branch
        * s/repo_base/remote_root/
        the word *remote* is key here
        * s/defaultrepo/default_root/
        this was a darcsism, and it doesn't refer to a repository but to the
        root directory of all repositories
    * small tweaks
    * .git can be a file nowadays
    * don't skip END actions on exceptions #8886
      reverts d523f9b3
    Test Plan:
    Why revert d523f9b3?
    I put an old haddock repository from back in my tree. Now, when running
    `sync-all get`, the following happens:
    1. I get a cryptic error saying:
        fatal: reference is not a tree:
        Unable to checkout '5412c262f403e52be45d607b34eb3a5806ea2a76' in
        submodule path 'utils/haddock'
        git failed: 256 at ./sync-all line 112.
    2. sync-all checks if maybe an old haddock repository is present
    3. I get a clear warning saying:
        You have an old haddock repository in your GHC tree!
        Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r utils/haddock"), and then run
        "./sync-all get" to get the new repository.
    Without commit d523f9b3 reverted, steps
    2 and 3 were skipped. The problem that commit tried to solve,
    is now solved with 7012ed85.
    Reviewers: nomeata, austin, hvr
    Reviewed By: austin, hvr
    Subscribers: simonmar, ezyang, carter
    Differential Revision:
    GHC Trac Issues: #8886, #9212