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  • Austin Seipp's avatar
    Properly externalise codegen identifiers (#8166) · 776cfe28
    Austin Seipp authored
     unfortunately broke a subtle invariant in the code generator:
    when generating code for an application, names may need to be
    externalised, in case you're building against something external with
    was built with -split-objs.
    We were never externalising the ids of the applied functions. This means
    if the libraries are split and we call into them, then the compiler
    won't may not generate correct ids when making references to functions
    in the library (causing linker failure).
    I'm not entirely sure how this didn't break everything, but it certainly
    caused several failures for a bunch of people. I had to fiddle with my
    tree a little to make this occur.
    This should fix #8166.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAustin Seipp <>