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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    boundTaskExiting: don't set task->stopped unless this is the last call (#4850) · 9201a2d1
    Simon Marlow authored
    The bug in this case was that we had a worker thread making a foreign
    call which invoked a callback (in this case it was performGC, I
    think).  When the callback ended, boundTaskExiting() was setting
    task->stopped, but the Task is now per-OS-thread, so it is shared by
    the worker that made the original foreign call.  When the foreign call
    returned, because task->stopped was set, the worker was not placed on
    the queue of spare workers.  Somehow the worker woke up again, and
    found the spare_workers queue empty, which lead to a crash.
    Two bugs here: task->stopped should not have been set by
    boundTaskExiting (this broke when I split the Task and InCall structs,
    in 6.12.2), and releaseCapabilityAndQueueWorker() should not be
    testing task->stopped anyway, because it should only ever be called
    when task->stopped is false (this is now an assertion).