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  • Sebastian Graf's avatar
    PmCheck: Rewrite inhabitation test · e9501547
    Sebastian Graf authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    We used to produce inhabitants of a pattern-match refinement type Nabla
    in the checker in at least two different and mostly redundant ways:
      1. There was `provideEvidence` (now called
         `generateInhabitingPatterns`) which is used by
         `GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck` to produce non-exhaustive patterns, which
         produces inhabitants of a Nabla as a sub-refinement type where all
         match variables are instantiated.
      2. There also was `ensure{,All}Inhabited` (now called
         `inhabitationTest`) which worked slightly different, but was
         whenever new type constraints or negative term constraints were
         added. See below why `provideEvidence` and `ensureAllInhabited`
         can't be the same function, the main reason being performance.
      3. And last but not least there was the `nonVoid` test, which tested
         that a given type was inhabited. We did use this for strict fields
         and -XEmptyCase in the past.
    The overlap of (3) with (2) was always a major pet peeve of mine. The
    latter was quite efficient and proven to work for recursive data types,
    etc, but could not handle negative constraints well (e.g. we often want
    to know if a *refined* type is empty, such as `{ x:[a] | x /= [] }`).
    Lower Your Guards suggested that we could get by with just one, by
    replacing both functions with `inhabitationTest` in this patch.
    That was only possible by implementing the structure of φ constraints
    as in the paper, namely the semantics of φ constructor constraints.
    This has a number of benefits:
      a. Proper handling of unlifted types and strict fields, fixing #18249,
         without any code duplication between
         `GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck.Oracle.instCon` (was `mkOneConFull`) and
      b. `instCon` can perform the `nonVoid` test (3) simply by emitting
         unliftedness constraints for strict fields.
      c. `nonVoid` (3) is thus simply expressed by a call to
      d. Similarly, `ensureAllInhabited` (2), which we called after adding
         type info, now can similarly be expressed as the fuel-based
    See the new `Note [Why inhabitationTest doesn't call generateInhabitingPatterns]`
    why we still have tests (1) and (2).
    Fixes #18249 and brings nice metric decreases for `T17836` (-76%) and
    `T17836b` (-46%), as well as `T18478` (-8%) at the cost of a few very
    minor regressions (< +2%), potentially due to the fact that
    `generateInhabitingPatterns` does more work to suggest the minimal
    COMPLETE set.
    Metric Decrease: