shellScript="# We need to be at the top of the ghc tree\ncd ../..\n\nPREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/usr\n\nif [ ${ACTION} = build ]; then\n # put explicit --prefix last, in case the extra configure args contain a prefix\n ./configure \"${XCODE_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS}\" --prefix=${PREFIX} || exit 1\n MAKE_ACTION=\n DOCS_ACTION=html\nelse\n MAKE_ACTION=${ACTION}\n DOCS_ACTION=install-docs\nfi\n\n# - Yes, it's the vanilla install target that must see HADDOCK_DOCS=YES, not the install-docs target.\n# - We must explictly force the creation of a symbol table in .a files on BSD, and not all versions of Cabal\n# do that consistently; hence, the EXTRA_AR_ARGS.\nmake DESTDIR=${DSTROOT} HADDOCK_DOCS=YES EXTRA_AR_ARGS=-s ${MAKE_ACTION} || exit 1\nmake DESTDIR=${DSTROOT} XMLDocWays=html ${DOCS_ACTION} || exit 1";
shellScript="# We need to be at the top of the ghc tree\ncd ../..\n\nPREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/usr\n\nif [ ${ACTION} = build ]; then\n # put explicit --prefix last, in case the extra configure args contain a prefix\n ./configure ${XCODE_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS} --prefix=${PREFIX} || exit 1\n MAKE_ACTION=\n DOCS_ACTION=html\nelse\n MAKE_ACTION=${ACTION}\n DOCS_ACTION=install-docs\nfi\n\n# - Yes, it's the vanilla install target that must see HADDOCK_DOCS=YES, not the install-docs target.\n# - We must explictly force the creation of a symbol table in .a files on BSD, and not all versions of Cabal\n# do that consistently; hence, the EXTRA_AR_ARGS.\nmake DESTDIR=${DSTROOT} HADDOCK_DOCS=YES EXTRA_AR_ARGS=-s ${MAKE_ACTION} || exit 1\nmake DESTDIR=${DSTROOT} XMLDocWays=html ${DOCS_ACTION} || exit 1";