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Verified Commit adec7b23 authored by Julian Ospald's avatar Julian Ospald :tea:
Browse files

Allow to build with curl (cli) instead of http-io-streams

This allows to avoid linking against OpenSSL on mac.
parent 958bf698
No related branches found
Tags 0.1.0-pre
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......@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ source-repository head
type: git
flag Curl
description: Use curl instead of http-io-streams for download
default: False
manual: True
common HsOpenSSL
build-depends: HsOpenSSL >=
......@@ -238,8 +243,6 @@ library
, hpath-filepath
, hpath-io
, hpath-posix
, http-io-streams
, io-streams
, language-bash
, lzma
, monad-logger
......@@ -259,7 +262,6 @@ library
, string-interpolate
, tar-bytestring
, template-haskell
, terminal-progress-bar
, text
, time
, transformers
......@@ -277,6 +279,7 @@ library
......@@ -296,6 +299,15 @@ library
-- other-extensions:
hs-source-dirs: lib
if !flag(curl)
, http-io-streams
, io-streams
, terminal-progress-bar
exposed-modules: GHCup.Download.IOStreams
cpp-options: -DCURL
executable ghcup
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
......@@ -10,15 +11,21 @@
module GHCup.Download where
#if !defined(CURL)
import GHCup.Download.IOStreams
import GHCup.Download.Utils
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Platform
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Utils
#if defined(CURL)
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import GHCup.Version
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
......@@ -29,12 +36,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
hiding ( throwM )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text.Read
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Format
......@@ -43,7 +47,6 @@ import GHC.IO.Exception
import HPath
import HPath.IO as HIO
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Network.Http.Client hiding ( URL )
import OpenSSL.Digest
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
......@@ -51,30 +54,19 @@ import Prelude hiding ( abs
, writeFile
import System.IO.Error
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
hiding ( fdWrite )
import "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
( fdWrite )
import System.ProgressBar
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString.QQ
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import qualified System.Posix.Files.ByteString as PF
import qualified System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory
as RD
ghcupURL :: URI
ghcupURL = [uri||]
......@@ -126,6 +118,7 @@ getDownloads urlSource = do
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
......@@ -154,7 +147,7 @@ getDownloads urlSource = do
pure bs
else liftIO $ readFile json_file
Nothing -> do
lift $ $(logWarn) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
liftIO $ deleteFile json_file
liftE $ downloadBS uri'
else -- access in less than 5 minutes, re-use file
......@@ -167,11 +160,14 @@ getDownloads urlSource = do
liftIO $ writeFileWithModTime modTime json_file bs
pure bs
Nothing -> do
lift $ $(logWarn) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
liftE $ downloadBS uri'
getModTime = do
#if defined(CURL)
pure Nothing
headers <-
handleIO (\_ -> pure mempty)
$ liftE
......@@ -182,7 +178,7 @@ getDownloads urlSource = do
$ getHead uri'
pure $ parseModifiedHeader headers
parseModifiedHeader :: (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString) -> Maybe UTCTime
parseModifiedHeader headers =
......@@ -285,25 +281,25 @@ download dli dest mfn
let uri' = E.decodeUtf8 (serializeURIRef' (view dlUri dli))
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|downloading: #{uri'}|]
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- reThrowAll DownloadFailed
$ uriToQuadruple (view dlUri dli)
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ hideError AlreadyExists $ createDirRecursive newDirPerms dest
destFile <- getDestFile
-- download
fd <- liftIO $ createRegularFileFd newFilePerms destFile
let stepper = fdWrite fd
flip onException
(liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile destFile)
$ flip finally (liftIO $ closeFd fd)
$ catchAllE
$ catchAllE @_ @'[ProcessError, DownloadFailed, UnsupportedScheme]
(\e ->
(liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile destFile)
>> (throwE . DownloadFailed $ e)
$ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper
) $ do
#if defined(CURL)
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ liftIO $ exec "curl" True
["-sSfL", "-o", toFilePath destFile , serializeURIRef' $ view dlUri dli] Nothing Nothing
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple (view dlUri dli)
liftE $ downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile
liftE $ checkDigest dli destFile
pure destFile
......@@ -352,6 +348,8 @@ downloadCached dli mfn = do
-- | This is used for downloading the JSON.
downloadBS :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
......@@ -362,6 +360,7 @@ downloadBS :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
......@@ -380,220 +379,17 @@ downloadBS uri'
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
path = view pathL' uri'
dl https = do
#if defined(CURL)
let exe = [rel|curl|]
args = ["-sSfL", serializeURIRef' uri']
liftIO (executeOut exe args Nothing) >>= \case
CapturedProcess ExitSuccess stdout _ -> do
pure $ L.fromStrict stdout
CapturedProcess (ExitFailure i') _ _ -> throwE $ NonZeroExit i' (toFilePath exe) args
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ downloadBS' https host' fullPath' port'
-- | Load the result of this download into memory at once.
downloadBS' :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host (e.g. "")
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadBS' https host path port = do
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
downloadInternal False https host path port stepper
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ whether to show a progress bar
-> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Just r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Nothing -> pure ()
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http GET path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r i' -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> downloadStream r i' >> pure Nothing
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Just $ r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer
Left e -> throwE e
downloadStream r i' = do
let size = case getHeader r "Content-Length" of
Just x' -> case decimal $ E.decodeUtf8 x' of
Left _ -> 0
Right (r', _) -> r'
Nothing -> 0
mpb <- if progressBar
then Just <$> (liftIO $ newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ()))
else pure Nothing
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
Just bs -> do
forM_ mpb $ \pb -> incProgress pb (BS.length bs)
void $ consumer bs
Nothing -> pure ()
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
getHead :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
getHead uri' | scheme == "https" = head' True
| scheme == "http" = head' False
| otherwise = throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
head' https = do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ headInternal https host' fullPath' port'
headInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, TooManyRedirs
, NoLocationHeader
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
headInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs https host path port = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Left r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Right hs -> pure hs
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http HEAD path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r _ -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> do
let headers = getHeaderMap r
pure $ Right $ headers
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Left $ r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) https' host' fullPath' port'
Left e -> throwE e
withConnection' :: Bool
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> (Connection -> IO a)
-> IO a
withConnection' https host port action = bracket acquire closeConnection action
acquire = case https of
True -> do
ctx <- baselineContextSSL
openConnectionSSL ctx host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 443 port)
False -> openConnection host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 80 port)
-- | Extracts from a URI type: (https?, host, path+query, port)
uriToQuadruple :: Monad m
=> URI
-> Excepts
(Bool, ByteString, ByteString, Maybe Int)
uriToQuadruple URI {..} = do
let scheme = view schemeBSL' uriScheme
host <-
preview (_Just % authorityHostL' % hostBSL') uriAuthority
?? UnsupportedScheme
https <- if
| scheme == "https" -> pure True
| scheme == "http" -> pure False
| otherwise -> throwE UnsupportedScheme
let queryBS =
BS.intercalate "&"
. fmap (\(x, y) -> encodeQuery x <> "=" <> encodeQuery y)
$ (queryPairs uriQuery)
port =
preview (_Just % authorityPortL' % _Just % portNumberL') uriAuthority
fullpath = if BS.null queryBS then uriPath else uriPath <> "?" <> queryBS
pure (https, host, fullpath, port)
where encodeQuery = L.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . urlEncodeQuery
checkDigest :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadReader Settings m)
......@@ -609,3 +405,4 @@ checkDigest dli file = do
let cDigest = E.decodeUtf8 . toHex . digest (digestByName "sha256") $ c
eDigest = view dlHash dli
when ((cDigest /= eDigest) && verify) $ throwE (DigestError cDigest eDigest)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module GHCup.Download.IOStreams where
import GHCup.Download.Utils
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text.Read
import HPath
import HPath.IO as HIO
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Network.Http.Client hiding ( URL )
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
, writeFile
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
hiding ( fdWrite )
import "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
( fdWrite )
import System.ProgressBar
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
--[ Low-level (non-curl) ]--
-- | Load the result of this download into memory at once.
downloadBS' :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host (e.g. "")
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadBS' https host path port = do
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
downloadInternal False https host path port stepper
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
downloadToFile :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host (e.g. "")
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> Path Abs -- ^ destination file to create and write to
-> Excepts '[DownloadFailed] m ()
downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile = do
fd <- liftIO $ createRegularFileFd newFilePerms destFile
let stepper = fdWrite fd
flip finally (liftIO $ closeFd fd)
$ reThrowAll DownloadFailed $ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ whether to show a progress bar
-> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Just r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Nothing -> pure ()
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http GET path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r i' -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> downloadStream r i' >> pure Nothing
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Just $ r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer
Left e -> throwE e
downloadStream r i' = do
let size = case getHeader r "Content-Length" of
Just x' -> case decimal $ E.decodeUtf8 x' of
Left _ -> 0
Right (r', _) -> r'
Nothing -> 0
mpb <- if progressBar
then Just <$> (liftIO $ newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ()))
else pure Nothing
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
Just bs -> do
forM_ mpb $ \pb -> incProgress pb (BS.length bs)
void $ consumer bs
Nothing -> pure ()
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
getHead :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
getHead uri' | scheme == "https" = head' True
| scheme == "http" = head' False
| otherwise = throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
head' https = do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ headInternal https host' fullPath' port'
headInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, TooManyRedirs
, NoLocationHeader
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
headInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs https host path port = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Left r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Right hs -> pure hs
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http HEAD path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r _ -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> do
let headers = getHeaderMap r
pure $ Right $ headers
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Left $ r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) https' host' fullPath' port'
Left e -> throwE e
withConnection' :: Bool
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> (Connection -> IO a)
-> IO a
withConnection' https host port action = bracket acquire closeConnection action
acquire = case https of
True -> do
ctx <- baselineContextSSL
openConnectionSSL ctx host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 443 port)
False -> openConnection host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 80 port)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module GHCup.Download.Utils where
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.Maybe
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
, writeFile
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-- | Extracts from a URI type: (https?, host, path+query, port)
uriToQuadruple :: Monad m
=> URI
-> Excepts
(Bool, ByteString, ByteString, Maybe Int)
uriToQuadruple URI {..} = do
let scheme = view schemeBSL' uriScheme
host <-
preview (_Just % authorityHostL' % hostBSL') uriAuthority
?? UnsupportedScheme
https <- if
| scheme == "https" -> pure True
| scheme == "http" -> pure False
| otherwise -> throwE UnsupportedScheme
let queryBS =
BS.intercalate "&"
. fmap (\(x, y) -> encodeQuery x <> "=" <> encodeQuery y)
$ (queryPairs uriQuery)
port =
preview (_Just % authorityPortL' % _Just % portNumberL') uriAuthority
fullpath = if BS.null queryBS then uriPath else uriPath <> "?" <> queryBS
pure (https, host, fullpath, port)
where encodeQuery = L.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . urlEncodeQuery
......@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ module GHCup.Version where
import GHCup.Utils.Version.QQ
import Data.Versions
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString.QQ
ghcupURL :: URI
ghcupURL = [uri||]
ghcUpVer :: PVP
ghcUpVer = [pver|0.0.1|]
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