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Commit 0da2eb6b authored by Simon Peyton Jones's avatar Simon Peyton Jones
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Teach SpecConstr about Cast

This patch teaches SpecConstr about casts; see Note [SpecConstr for casts]
parent b041525c
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......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import PprCore ( pprRules )
import WwLib ( mkWorkerArgs )
import DataCon ( dataConRepArity, dataConUnivTyVars )
import Type ( Type, tyConAppArgs )
import Coercion ( coercionKind )
import Rules ( matchN )
import Id ( Id, idName, idType, isDataConWorkId_maybe,
mkUserLocal, mkSysLocal, idUnfolding, isLocalId )
......@@ -298,6 +299,24 @@ may avoid allocating it altogether. Just like for constructors.
Looks cool, but probably rare...but it might be easy to implement.
Note [SpecConstr for casts]
data family T a :: *
data instance T Int = T Int
foo n = ...
go (T 0) = 0
go (T n) = go (T (n-1))
The recursive call ends up looking like
go (T (I# ...) `cast` g)
So we want to spot the construtor application inside the cast.
That's why we have the Cast case in argToPat
Stuff not yet handled
......@@ -466,14 +485,19 @@ extendCaseBndrs env case_bndr scrut con alt_bndrs
[(b,how_bound) | b <- case_bndr:alt_bndrs] }
-- Record RecArg for the components iff the scrutinee is RecArg
-- I think the only reason for this is to keep the usage envt small
-- so is it worth it at all?
-- [This comment looks plain wrong to me, so I'm ignoring it
-- "Also forget if the scrutinee is a RecArg, because we're
-- now in the branch of a case, and we don't want to
-- record a non-scrutinee use of v if we have
-- case v of { (a,b) -> ...(f v)... }" ]
how_bound = case scrut of
Var v -> lookupVarEnv cur_scope v `orElse` Other
other -> Other
how_bound = get_how scrut
get_how (Var v) = lookupVarEnv cur_scope v `orElse` Other
get_how (Cast e _) = get_how e
get_how (Note _ e) = get_how e
get_how other = Other
extend_data_con data_con =
extendCons env1 scrut case_bndr (CV con vanilla_args)
......@@ -547,9 +571,10 @@ data ArgOcc = NoOcc -- Doesn't occur at all; or a type argument
{- Note [ScrutOcc]
An occurrence of ScrutOcc indicates that the thing is *only* taken apart or applied.
An occurrence of ScrutOcc indicates that the thing, or a `cast` version of the thing,
is *only* taken apart or applied.
Functions, litersl: ScrutOcc emptyUFM
Functions, literal: ScrutOcc emptyUFM
Data constructors: ScrutOcc subs,
where (subs :: UniqFM [ArgOcc]) gives usage of the *pattern-bound* components,
......@@ -563,7 +588,7 @@ A pattern binds b, x::a, y::b, z::b->a, but not 'a'!
instance Outputable ArgOcc where
ppr (ScrutOcc xs) = ptext SLIT("scrut-occ") <> parens (ppr xs)
ppr (ScrutOcc xs) = ptext SLIT("scrut-occ") <> ppr xs
ppr UnkOcc = ptext SLIT("unk-occ")
ppr BothOcc = ptext SLIT("both-occ")
ppr NoOcc = ptext SLIT("no-occ")
......@@ -663,9 +688,12 @@ scExpr env e@(App _ _)
scScrut :: ScEnv -> CoreExpr -> ArgOcc -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreExpr)
-- Used for the scrutinee of a case,
-- or the function of an application
scScrut env e@(Var v) occ = returnUs (varUsage env v occ, e)
scScrut env e occ = scExpr env e
-- or the function of an application.
-- Remember to look through casts
scScrut env e@(Var v) occ = returnUs (varUsage env v occ, e)
scScrut env (Cast e co) occ = do { (usg, e') <- scScrut env e occ
; returnUs (usg, Cast e' co) }
scScrut env e occ = scExpr env e
......@@ -726,7 +754,8 @@ specialise :: ScEnv
specialise env fn bndrs body body_usg
= do { let (_, bndr_occs) = lookupOccs body_usg bndrs
; mb_calls <- mapM (callToPats (scope env) bndr_occs)
; mb_calls <- -- pprTrace "specialise" (ppr fn <+> ppr bndrs <+> ppr bndr_occs) $
mapM (callToPats (scope env) bndr_occs)
(lookupVarEnv (calls body_usg) fn `orElse` [])
; let good_calls :: [([Var], [CoreArg])]
......@@ -882,6 +911,13 @@ argToPat in_scope con_env (Let _ arg) arg_occ
-- Here we can specialise for f (\y -> ...)
-- because the rule-matcher will look through the let.
argToPat in_scope con_env (Cast arg co) arg_occ
= do { (interesting, arg') <- argToPat in_scope con_env arg arg_occ
; if interesting then
return (interesting, Cast arg' co)
wildCardPat (snd (coercionKind co)) }
argToPat in_scope con_env arg arg_occ
| is_value_lam arg
= return (True, arg)
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