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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2001-10-01 09:45:38 by simonpj] · 5d89d8eb
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    	Match rules before inlining
    This commit fulfils a long-standing wish by Manuel that RULES
    matching occurs before inlining.  So if a RULE matches, it'll
    get used, even if the function can also be inlined.
    It's a bit dodgy to actually rely on this, because maybe the rule
    doesn't match *yet* but will do after a bit more transformation.
    But it does help with things like class operations.  Class ops are
    simply selectors which pick a method out of a dictionary, so they
    are inlined rather vigorously.  But we might want a RULE for a
    class method (e.g. (==) [Char] = eqString), and such rules would
    practically never fire if inlining took priority.