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  • Clemens Fruhwirth's avatar
    PprMach.hs more accurate hack for x86-64, CmmLabelOff is not a relative reference. · 9c69ef13
    Clemens Fruhwirth authored
    CmmLabelDiffOff are generated in .text and if printed as .quad, causes
    the assembler to emit a PC64 relocation. binutils prior to 2.17 don't
    understand PC64 relocation properly.
    pprDataItem is also used for printing SRT description tables. They are
    part of the .data section and there no PC relative relocations are
    emited. Hence, if we print a .long here, we get a absolute 32-bit
    relocation. 32-bit relocations are problematic in dynamic libraries,
    because dynamic library load addresses are loaded beyond the 32 bit
    boundary, causing the dynamic linker to warn at dynamic linking
    (loading the executable) that there are overflows in the
    relocation. The executable still seems to work because of the small
    memory model, but this is obviously wrong. Hence, remove CmmLabelOff
    from the classification, causing these references to be printed as
    .quad, causing correct 64-bit relocation as in the rest of the .data
    So, this hack now prints PC32 relocations in .text (mostly in the info
    tables), and absolute 64-bit relocations in .data.