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  • Sylvain Henry's avatar
    Hadrian: fix library install paths in bindist Makefile (#16498) · fe40ddd9
    Sylvain Henry authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    GHC now works out-of-the-box (i.e. without any wrapper script) by
    assuming that @bin@ and @lib@ directories sit next to each other. In
    particular, its RUNPATH uses $ORIGIN-based relative path to find the
    However, to be good citizens we want to support the case where @bin@ and
    @lib@ directories (respectively BINDIR and LIBDIR) don't sit next to
    each other or are renamed. To do that the install script simply creates
    GHC specific @bin@ and @lib@ siblings directories into:
    Then it installs wrapper scripts into BINDIR that call the appropriate
    programs into LIBDIR/ghc-VERSION/bin/.
    The issue fixed by this patch is that libraries were not installed into
    LIBDIR/ghc-VERSION/lib but directly into LIBDIR.