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Alec Theriault authored
In the unfortunate event that the "Contents" summary doesn't fit vertically (like in the "Prelude"), it will be scrollable.
Alec Theriault authoredIn the unfortunate event that the "Contents" summary doesn't fit vertically (like in the "Prelude"), it will be scrollable.
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Layout.hs 11.20 KiB
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Backends.Html.Layout
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006,
-- David Waern 2006-2009,
-- Mark Lentczner 2010
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout (
divPackageHeader, divContent, divModuleHeader, divFooter,
divTableOfContents, divDescription, divSynopsis, divInterface,
divIndex, divAlphabet, divModuleList, divContentsList,
subInstances, subOrphanInstances,
subInstHead, subInstDetails, subFamInstDetails,
topDeclElem, declElem,
) where
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils (makeAnchorId, nameAnchorId)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, quote )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import FastString ( unpackFS )
import GHC
import Name (nameOccName)
-- * Sections of the document
miniBody :: Html -> Html
miniBody = body ! [identifier "mini"]
sectionDiv :: String -> Html -> Html
sectionDiv i = thediv ! [identifier i]
sectionName :: Html -> Html
sectionName = paragraph ! [theclass "caption"]
-- | Make an element that always has at least something (a non-breaking space).
-- If it would have otherwise been empty, then give it the class ".empty".
nonEmptySectionName :: Html -> Html
nonEmptySectionName c
| isNoHtml c = thespan ! [theclass "caption empty"] $ spaceHtml
| otherwise = thespan ! [theclass "caption"] $ c
divPackageHeader, divContent, divModuleHeader, divFooter,
divTableOfContents, divDescription, divSynopsis, divInterface,
divIndex, divAlphabet, divModuleList, divContentsList
:: Html -> Html
divPackageHeader = sectionDiv "package-header"
divContent = sectionDiv "content"
divModuleHeader = sectionDiv "module-header"
divFooter = sectionDiv "footer"
divTableOfContents = sectionDiv "table-of-contents"
divContentsList = sectionDiv "contents-list"
divDescription = sectionDiv "description"
divSynopsis = sectionDiv "synopsis"
divInterface = sectionDiv "interface"
divIndex = sectionDiv "index"
divAlphabet = sectionDiv "alphabet"
divModuleList = sectionDiv "module-list"
-- * Declaration containers
shortDeclList :: [Html] -> Html
shortDeclList items = ulist << map (li ! [theclass "src short"] <<) items
shortSubDecls :: Bool -> [Html] -> Html
shortSubDecls inst items = ulist ! [theclass c] << map (i <<) items
where i | inst = li ! [theclass "inst"]
| otherwise = li
c | inst = "inst"
| otherwise = "subs"
divTopDecl :: Html -> Html
divTopDecl = thediv ! [theclass "top"]
type SubDecl = (Html, Maybe (MDoc DocName), [Html])
divSubDecls :: (HTML a) => String -> a -> Maybe Html -> Html
divSubDecls cssClass captionName = maybe noHtml wrap
wrap = (subSection <<) . (subCaption +++)
subSection = thediv ! [theclass $ unwords ["subs", cssClass]]
subCaption = paragraph ! [theclass "caption"] << captionName
subDlist :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
subDlist _ _ [] = Nothing
subDlist pkg qual decls = Just $ ulist << map subEntry decls
subEntry (decl, mdoc, subs) =
li <<
(define ! [theclass "src"] << decl +++
docElement thediv << (fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc +++ subs))
subTable :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
subTable _ _ [] = Nothing
subTable pkg qual decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
subRow (decl, mdoc, subs) =
(td ! [theclass "src"] << decl
docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc)
: map (cell . (td <<)) subs
-- | Sub table with source information (optional).
subTableSrc :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> LinksInfo -> Bool
-> [(SubDecl, Maybe Module, Located DocName)] -> Maybe Html
subTableSrc _ _ _ _ [] = Nothing
subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
subRow ((decl, mdoc, subs), mdl, L loc dn) =
(td ! [theclass "src clearfix"] <<
(thespan ! [theclass "inst-left"] << decl)
<+> linkHtml loc mdl dn
docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc
: map (cell . (td <<)) subs
linkHtml :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Module -> DocName -> Html
linkHtml loc@(RealSrcSpan _) mdl dn = links lnks loc splice mdl dn
linkHtml _ _ _ = noHtml
subBlock :: [Html] -> Maybe Html
subBlock [] = Nothing
subBlock hs = Just $ toHtml hs
subArguments :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subArguments pkg qual = divSubDecls "arguments" "Arguments" . subTable pkg qual
subAssociatedTypes :: [Html] -> Html
subAssociatedTypes = divSubDecls "associated-types" "Associated Types" . subBlock
subConstructors :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subConstructors pkg qual = divSubDecls "constructors" "Constructors" . subTable pkg qual
subPatterns :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subPatterns pkg qual = divSubDecls "bundled-patterns" "Bundled Patterns" . subTable pkg qual
subFields :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subFields pkg qual = divSubDecls "fields" "Fields" . subDlist pkg qual
subEquations :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subEquations pkg qual = divSubDecls "equations" "Equations" . subTable pkg qual
-- | Generate collapsible sub table for instance declarations, with source
subInstances :: Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> String -- ^ Class name, used for anchor generation
-> LinksInfo -> Bool
-> [(SubDecl, Maybe Module, Located DocName)] -> Html
subInstances pkg qual nm lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
wrap contents = subSection (hdr +++ collapseDetails id_ DetailsOpen (summary +++ contents))
instTable = subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice
subSection = thediv ! [theclass "subs instances"]
hdr = h4 ! collapseControl id_ "instances" << "Instances"
summary = thesummary ! [ theclass "hide-when-js-enabled" ] << "Instances details"
id_ = makeAnchorId $ "i:" ++ nm
subOrphanInstances :: Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> LinksInfo -> Bool
-> [(SubDecl, Maybe Module, Located DocName)] -> Html
subOrphanInstances pkg qual lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
wrap = ((h1 << "Orphan instances") +++)
instTable = fmap (thediv ! [ identifier ("section." ++ id_) ] <<) . subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice
id_ = makeAnchorId $ "orphans"
subInstHead :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> Html -- ^ Header content (instance name and type)
-> Html
subInstHead iid hdr =
expander noHtml <+> hdr
expander = thespan ! collapseControl (instAnchorId iid) "instance"
subInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> [Html] -- ^ Associated type contents
-> [Html] -- ^ Method contents (pretty-printed signatures)
-> Html -- ^ Source module
-> Html
subInstDetails iid ats mets mdl =
subInstSection iid << (p mdl <+> subAssociatedTypes ats <+> subMethods mets)
subFamInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> Html -- ^ Type or data family instance
-> Html -- ^ Source module TODO: use this
-> Html
subFamInstDetails iid fi mdl =
subInstSection iid << (p mdl <+> (thediv ! [theclass "src"] << fi))
subInstSection :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> Html
-> Html
subInstSection iid contents = collapseDetails (instAnchorId iid) DetailsClosed (summary +++ contents)
summary = thesummary ! [ theclass "hide-when-js-enabled" ] << "Instance details"
instAnchorId :: String -> String
instAnchorId iid = makeAnchorId $ "i:" ++ iid
subMethods :: [Html] -> Html
subMethods = divSubDecls "methods" "Methods" . subBlock
subMinimal :: Html -> Html
subMinimal = divSubDecls "minimal" "Minimal complete definition" . Just . declElem
-- a box for displaying code
declElem :: Html -> Html
declElem = paragraph ! [theclass "src"]
-- a box for top level documented names
-- it adds a source and wiki link at the right hand side of the box
topDeclElem :: LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Bool -> [DocName] -> Html -> Html
topDeclElem lnks loc splice names html =
declElem << (html <+> (links lnks loc splice Nothing $ head names))
-- FIXME: is it ok to simply take the first name?
-- | Adds a source and wiki link at the right hand side of the box.
-- Name must be documented, otherwise we wouldn't get here.
links :: LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Bool -> Maybe Module -> DocName -> Html
links ((_,_,sourceMap,lineMap), (_,_,maybe_wiki_url)) loc splice mdl' docName@(Documented n mdl) =
srcLink <+> wikiLink <+> (selfLink ! [theclass "selflink"] << "#")
where selfLink = linkedAnchor (nameAnchorId (nameOccName (getName docName)))
srcLink = let nameUrl = Map.lookup origPkg sourceMap
lineUrl = Map.lookup origPkg lineMap
mUrl | splice = lineUrl
-- Use the lineUrl as a backup
| otherwise = maybe lineUrl Just nameUrl in
case mUrl of
Nothing -> noHtml
Just url -> let url' = spliceURL (Just fname) (Just origMod)
(Just n) (Just loc) url
in anchor ! [href url', theclass "link"] << "Source"
wikiLink =
case maybe_wiki_url of
Nothing -> noHtml
Just url -> let url' = spliceURL (Just fname) (Just mdl)
(Just n) (Just loc) url
in anchor ! [href url', theclass "link"] << "Comments"
-- For source links, we want to point to the original module,
-- because only that will have the source.
-- 'mdl'' is a way of "overriding" the module. Without it, instances
-- will point to the module defining the class/family, which is wrong.
origMod = fromMaybe (nameModule n) mdl'
origPkg = moduleUnitId origMod
fname = case loc of
RealSrcSpan l -> unpackFS (srcSpanFile l)
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> error "links: UnhelpfulSpan"
links _ _ _ _ _ = noHtml