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Commit 9ef12f3c authored by Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari :turtle:
Browse files

Merge branch 'ghc-head' of into ghc-head

parents 488aa22f b3770d8c
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{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Interface
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf
import Module (mkModuleSet, emptyModuleSet, unionModuleSet, ModuleSet)
import Digraph
import DynFlags hiding (verbosity)
import Exception
......@@ -59,7 +60,9 @@ import HscTypes
import FastString (unpackFS)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import TcRnTypes (tcg_rdr_env)
import RdrName (plusGlobalRdrEnv)
import Name (nameIsFromExternalPackage, nameOccName)
import OccName (isTcOcc)
import RdrName (unQualOK, gre_name, globalRdrEnvElts)
import ErrUtils (withTiming)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
......@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
out verbosity verbose "Creating interfaces..."
let instIfaceMap = Map.fromList [ (instMod iface, iface) | ext <- extIfaces
, iface <- ifInstalledIfaces ext ]
interfaces <- createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap
(interfaces, ms) <- createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap
let exportedNames =
Set.unions $ map (Set.fromList . ifaceExports) $
......@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
out verbosity verbose "Attaching instances..."
interfaces' <- {-# SCC attachInstances #-}
withTiming getDynFlags "attachInstances" (const ()) $ do
attachInstances (exportedNames, mods) interfaces instIfaceMap
attachInstances (exportedNames, mods) interfaces instIfaceMap ms
out verbosity verbose "Building cross-linking environment..."
-- Combine the link envs of the external packages into one
......@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
createIfaces0 :: Verbosity -> [String] -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc [Interface]
createIfaces0 :: Verbosity -> [String] -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc ([Interface], ModuleSet)
createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap =
-- Output dir needs to be set before calling depanal since depanal uses it to
-- compute output file names that are stored in the DynFlags of the
......@@ -150,43 +153,51 @@ createIfaces0 verbosity modules flags instIfaceMap =
depanal [] False
createIfaces :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> ModuleGraph -> Ghc [Interface]
createIfaces :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> InstIfaceMap -> ModuleGraph -> Ghc ([Interface], ModuleSet)
createIfaces verbosity flags instIfaceMap mods = do
let sortedMods = flattenSCCs $ topSortModuleGraph False mods Nothing
out verbosity normal "Haddock coverage:"
(ifaces, _) <- foldM f ([], Map.empty) sortedMods
return (reverse ifaces)
(ifaces, _, !ms) <- foldM f ([], Map.empty, emptyModuleSet) sortedMods
return (reverse ifaces, ms)
f (ifaces, ifaceMap) modSummary = do
f (ifaces, ifaceMap, !ms) modSummary = do
x <- {-# SCC processModule #-}
withTiming getDynFlags "processModule" (const ()) $ do
processModule verbosity modSummary flags ifaceMap instIfaceMap
return $ case x of
Just iface -> (iface:ifaces, Map.insert (ifaceMod iface) iface ifaceMap)
Nothing -> (ifaces, ifaceMap) -- Boot modules don't generate ifaces.
Just (iface, ms') -> ( iface:ifaces
, Map.insert (ifaceMod iface) iface ifaceMap
, unionModuleSet ms ms' )
Nothing -> ( ifaces
, ifaceMap
, ms ) -- Boot modules don't generate ifaces.
processModule :: Verbosity -> ModSummary -> [Flag] -> IfaceMap -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc (Maybe Interface)
processModule :: Verbosity -> ModSummary -> [Flag] -> IfaceMap -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc (Maybe (Interface, ModuleSet))
processModule verbosity modsum flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
out verbosity verbose $ "Checking module " ++ moduleString (ms_mod modsum) ++ "..."
tm <- {-# SCC "parse/typecheck/load" #-} loadModule =<< typecheckModule =<< parseModule modsum
-- We need to modify the interactive context's environment so that when
-- Haddock later looks for instances, it also looks in the modules it
-- encountered while typechecking.
-- See
hsc_env@HscEnv{ hsc_IC = old_IC } <- getSession
let new_rdr_env = tcg_rdr_env . fst . GHC.tm_internals_ $ tm
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_IC = old_IC {
ic_rn_gbl_env = ic_rn_gbl_env old_IC `plusGlobalRdrEnv` new_rdr_env
} }
if not $ isBootSummary modsum then do
out verbosity verbose "Creating interface..."
(interface, msgs) <- {-# SCC createIterface #-}
withTiming getDynFlags "createInterface" (const ()) $ do
runWriterGhc $ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap
-- We need to keep track of which modules were somehow in scope so that when
-- Haddock later looks for instances, it also looks in these modules too.
-- See
hsc_env <- getSession
let new_rdr_env = tcg_rdr_env . fst . GHC.tm_internals_ $ tm
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
!mods = mkModuleSet [ nameModule name
| gre <- globalRdrEnvElts new_rdr_env
, let name = gre_name gre
, nameIsFromExternalPackage this_pkg name
, isTcOcc (nameOccName name) -- Types and classes only
, unQualOK gre ] -- In scope unqualified
liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn (nub msgs)
dflags <- getDynFlags
let (haddockable, haddocked) = ifaceHaddockCoverage interface
......@@ -220,7 +231,7 @@ processModule verbosity modsum flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
unless header $ out verbosity normal " Module header"
mapM_ (out verbosity normal . (" " ++)) undocumentedExports
interface' <- liftIO $ evaluate interface
return (Just interface')
return (Just (interface', mods))
return Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import FamInstEnv
import FastString
import GHC
import InstEnv
import Module ( ModuleSet, moduleSetElts )
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Name
import NameEnv
......@@ -51,11 +52,13 @@ type Modules = Set.Set Module
type ExportInfo = (ExportedNames, Modules)
-- Also attaches fixities
attachInstances :: ExportInfo -> [Interface] -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc [Interface]
attachInstances expInfo ifaces instIfaceMap = do
(_msgs, mb_index) <- getNameToInstancesIndex (map ifaceMod ifaces)
attachInstances :: ExportInfo -> [Interface] -> InstIfaceMap -> ModuleSet -> Ghc [Interface]
attachInstances expInfo ifaces instIfaceMap mods = do
(_msgs, mb_index) <- getNameToInstancesIndex (map ifaceMod ifaces) mods'
mapM (attach $ fromMaybe emptyNameEnv mb_index) ifaces
mods' = Just (moduleSetElts mods)
-- TODO: take an IfaceMap as input
ifaceMap = Map.fromList [ (ifaceMod i, i) | i <- ifaces ]
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