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  • Julian Ospald's avatar
    Prefer canonicalized path when guessing tools from GHC path · f78d2aaa
    Julian Ospald authored
    Often times, the user facing `ghc` binary is
    symlinked by other forces, such as the package manager,
    tooling like ghcup etc. As such, the naming convention
    (version suffix in particular) may not align with the
    assumptions made in Cabal and it may find an incorrect ghc-pkg.
      - ghc/ghc#18807
      - ghcup-hs#73
    Guessing the ghc-pkg path is already a hack and will be solved
    more appropriately in the future, see
      - ghc/ghc!4214
      - ghc/ghc$2710
    These patches will solve the issue for future GHC versions.
    As such, this patch provides a workaround for
    older, already existing GHC versions by first always
    following the symbolic link of the ghc binary (if it is one)
    and prefering its target directory as the guess lookup
    The canonicalized path of the ghc binary usually points to the
    bin/ directory unpacked from a bindist, which is less likely to be
    tampered with by distributions and tools. As such, prefering the
    canoncialized path should get us more robust results.