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Commit d3b41587 authored by judah's avatar judah
Browse files

Make the POSIX key reader more robust.

Previously we read one, fixed buffer of input from the console; but this could
cause a problem if a multibyte character crossed the end of the buffer boundary.

Now, we detect that case from iconv and recover by reading one byte of input at
a time until the conversion succeeds.
parent f7ee107e
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......@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ module System.Console.Haskeline.Backend.IConv(
) where
import Foreign.C
import Foreign
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCStringLen, empty, append)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (createAndTrim)
import Control.Monad(when)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCStringLen, append)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (createAndTrim')
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException
#include <locale.h>
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <iconv.h>
......@@ -21,12 +21,27 @@ import System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException
openEncoder :: String -> IO (String -> IO ByteString)
openEncoder codeset = do
encodeT <- iconvOpen codeset "UTF-8"
return $ iconv encodeT . UTF8.fromString
return $ simpleIConv encodeT . UTF8.fromString
openDecoder :: String -> IO (ByteString -> IO String)
openDecoder codeset = do
decodeT <- iconvOpen "UTF-8" codeset
return $ fmap UTF8.toString . iconv decodeT
return $ fmap UTF8.toString . simpleIConv decodeT
-- handle errors by dropping unuseable chars.
simpleIConv :: IConvT -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
simpleIConv t bs = do
(cs,result) <- iconv t bs
case result of
Invalid rest -> fmap (cs `append`) $ simpleIConv t (B.drop 1 rest)
_ -> return cs
openPartialDecoder :: String -> IO (ByteString -> IO (String, Result))
openPartialDecoder codeset = do
decodeT <- iconvOpen "UTF-8" codeset
return $ \bs -> do
(s,result) <- iconv decodeT bs
return (UTF8.toString s,result)
-- Setting the locale
......@@ -46,7 +61,6 @@ foreign import ccall nl_langinfo :: NLItem -> IO CString
getCodeset :: IO String
getCodeset = nl_langinfo (#const CODESET) >>= peekCString
-- Iconv
......@@ -70,7 +84,12 @@ foreign import ccall "&" iconv_close :: FunPtr (IConvTPtr -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "iconv" c_iconv :: IConvTPtr -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize
-> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO CSize
iconv :: IConvT -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
data Result = Successful
| Invalid ByteString
| Incomplete ByteString
deriving Show
iconv :: IConvT -> ByteString -> IO (ByteString,Result)
iconv cd inStr = useAsCStringLen inStr $ \(inPtr, inBuffLen) ->
with inPtr $ \inBuff ->
with (toEnum inBuffLen) $ \inBytesLeft -> do
......@@ -81,31 +100,31 @@ iconv cd inStr = useAsCStringLen inStr $ \(inPtr, inBuffLen) ->
-- and also maybe a different starting buffer size?
biggerBuffer = (+1)
loop outSize inBuff inBytesLeft = do
bytesLeft <- peek inBytesLeft
if bytesLeft <= 0
then return empty
else do
bs <- partialIconv cd outSize inBuff inBytesLeft
bs' <- loop (biggerBuffer outSize) inBuff inBytesLeft
return (bs `append` bs')
partialIconv :: IConvT -> Int -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO ByteString
(bs, errno) <- partialIconv cd outSize inBuff inBytesLeft
inLeft <- fmap fromEnum $ peek inBytesLeft
let rest = B.drop (B.length inStr - inLeft) inStr
case errno of
Nothing -> return (bs,Successful)
Just err
| err == e2BIG -> do -- output buffer too small
(bs',result) <- loop (biggerBuffer outSize) inBuff inBytesLeft
-- TODO: is this efficient enough?
return (bs `append` bs', result)
| err == eINVAL -> return (bs,Incomplete rest)
| otherwise -> return (bs, Invalid rest)
partialIconv :: IConvT -> Int -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO (ByteString, Maybe Errno)
partialIconv cd outSize inBuff inBytesLeft =
withForeignPtr cd $ \cd_p ->
createAndTrim outSize $ \outPtr ->
createAndTrim' outSize $ \outPtr ->
with outPtr $ \outBuff ->
with (toEnum outSize) $ \outBytesLeft -> do
ret <- c_iconv cd_p inBuff inBytesLeft
c_iconv cd_p inBuff inBytesLeft
(castPtr outBuff) outBytesLeft
-- if there was a problem converting (either incomplete or invalid errs)
-- skip the next unprocessed byte.
when (ret == -1) $ do
errno <- getErrno
when (errno /= e2BIG) $ do
modifyPtr (`plusPtr` 1) inBuff
modifyPtr (subtract 1) inBytesLeft
outLeft <- fmap fromEnum $ peek outBytesLeft
return (outSize - outLeft)
inLeft <- peek inBytesLeft
errno <- if inLeft > 0
then fmap Just getErrno
else return Nothing
return (0,outSize - outLeft,errno)
modifyPtr :: Storable a => (a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO ()
modifyPtr f p = peek p >>= poke p . f
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ withHandler signal handler f = do
getEvent :: Encoders -> TreeMap Char Key -> Chan Event -> IO Event
getEvent enc baseMap = keyEventLoop readKeyEvents
bufferSize = 100
bufferSize = 32
readKeyEvents = do
-- Read at least one character of input, and more if available.
-- In particular, the characters making up a control sequence will all
......@@ -194,8 +194,21 @@ getEvent enc baseMap = keyEventLoop readKeyEvents
threadWaitRead stdInput -- hWaitForInput doesn't work with -threaded on
-- ghc < 6.10 (#2363 in ghc's trac)
bs <- B.hGetNonBlocking stdin bufferSize
cs <- localeToUnicode enc bs
cs <- convert bs
return $ map KeyInput $ lexKeys baseMap cs
-- try to convert to the locale encoding using iconv.
-- if the buffer has an incomplete shift sequence,
-- read another byte of input and try again.
convert bs = do
(cs,result) <- localeToUnicode enc bs
case result of
Incomplete rest -> do
extra <- B.hGetNonBlocking stdin 1
if B.null extra
then return cs -- ignore the incomplete shift sequence
-- since no more input is available.
else fmap (cs ++) $ convert (rest `B.append` extra)
_ -> return cs
-- fails if stdin is not a handle or if we couldn't access /dev/tty.
openTTY :: IO (Maybe Handle)
......@@ -212,7 +225,7 @@ posixRunTerm tOps = do
fileRT <- fileRunTerm
codeset <- getCodeset
ttyH <- openTTY
encoders <- liftM2 Encoders (openEncoder codeset) (openDecoder codeset)
encoders <- liftM2 Encoders (openEncoder codeset) (openPartialDecoder codeset)
case ttyH of
Nothing -> return fileRT
Just h -> return fileRT {
......@@ -224,7 +237,7 @@ posixRunTerm tOps = do
type PosixT m = ReaderT Encoders (ReaderT Handle m)
data Encoders = Encoders {unicodeToLocale :: String -> IO B.ByteString,
localeToUnicode :: B.ByteString -> IO String}
localeToUnicode :: B.ByteString -> IO (String, Result)}
posixEncode :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Encoders m) => String -> m B.ByteString
posixEncode str = do
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