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Packages.hs 16.80 KiB
module Settings.Packages (packageArgs) where
import Expression
import Flavour
import Oracles.Setting
import Oracles.Flag
import Packages
import Rules.Gmp
import Settings
-- | Package-specific command-line arguments.
packageArgs :: Args
packageArgs = do
stage <- getStage
rtsWays <- getRtsWays
path <- getBuildPath
intLib <- getIntegerPackage
compilerPath <- expr $ buildPath (vanillaContext stage compiler)
gmpBuildPath <- expr gmpBuildPath
let includeGmp = "-I" ++ gmpBuildPath -/- "include"
-- Do not bind the result to a Boolean: this forces the configure rule
-- immediately and may lead to cyclic dependencies.
-- See:
cross = flag CrossCompiling
--------------------------------- base ---------------------------------
[ package base ? mconcat
[ builder (Cabal Flags) ? notStage0 ? arg (pkgName intLib)
-- This fixes the 'unknown symbol stat' issue.
-- See:
, builder (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) ? arg "-optc-O2" ]
------------------------------ bytestring ------------------------------
, package bytestring ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? intLib == integerSimple ? arg "integer-simple"
--------------------------------- cabal --------------------------------
-- Cabal is a large library and slow to compile. Moreover, we build it
-- for Stage0 only so we can link ghc-pkg against it, so there is little
-- reason to spend the effort to optimise it.
, package cabal ?
stage0 ? builder Ghc ? arg "-O0"
------------------------------- compiler -------------------------------
, package compiler ? mconcat
[ builder Alex ? arg "--latin1"
, builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? mconcat
[ inputs ["//GHC.hs", "//GhcMake.hs"] ? arg "-fprof-auto"
, input "//Parser.hs" ?
pure ["-fno-ignore-interface-pragmas", "-fcmm-sink"]
-- These files take a very long time to compile with -O1,
-- so we use -O0 for them just in Stage0 to speed up the
-- build but not affect Stage1+ executables
, inputs ["//HsInstances.hs", "//DynFlags.hs"] ? stage0 ?
pure ["-O0"] ]
, builder (Cabal Setup) ? mconcat
[ arg $ "--ghc-option=-DSTAGE=" ++ show (fromEnum stage + 1)
, arg "--disable-library-for-ghci"
, anyTargetOs ["openbsd"] ? arg "--ld-options=-E"
, flag GhcUnregisterised ? arg "--ghc-option=-DNO_REGS"
, notM ghcWithSMP ? arg "--ghc-option=-DNOSMP"
, notM ghcWithSMP ? arg "--ghc-option=-optc-DNOSMP"
, (any (wayUnit Threaded) rtsWays) ?
notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-optc-DTHREADED_RTS"
, ghcWithInterpreter ?
ghcEnableTablesNextToCode ?
notM (flag GhcUnregisterised) ?
notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-DGHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE"
, ghcWithInterpreter ?
ghciWithDebugger <$> flavour ?
notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-DDEBUGGER"
, ghcProfiled <$> flavour ?
notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-pkg-option=--force" ]
, builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
[ ghcWithNativeCodeGen ? arg "ncg"
, ghcWithInterpreter ? notStage0 ? arg "ghci"
, notStage0 ? not windowsHost ? notM cross ? arg "ext-interp"
, cross ? arg "-terminfo"
, notStage0 ? intLib == integerGmp ?
arg "integer-gmp"
, notStage0 ? intLib == integerSimple ?
arg "integer-simple" ]
, builder (Haddock BuildPackage) ? arg ("--optghc=-I" ++ path) ]
---------------------------------- ghc ---------------------------------
, package ghc ? mconcat
[ builder Ghc ? arg ("-I" ++ compilerPath)
, builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
[ ghcWithInterpreter ? notStage0 ? arg "ghci"
, notStage0 ? not windowsHost ? notM cross ? arg "ext-interp"
, cross ? arg "-terminfo"
-- the 'threaded' flag is True by default, but
-- let's record explicitly that we link all ghc
-- executables with the threaded runtime.
, arg "threaded" ] ]
-------------------------------- ghcPkg --------------------------------
, package ghcPkg ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? cross ? arg "-terminfo"
-------------------------------- ghcPrim -------------------------------
, package ghcPrim ? mconcat
[ builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "include-ghc-prim"
, builder (Cc CompileC) ? (not <$> flag GccIsClang) ?
input "//cbits/atomic.c" ? arg "-Wno-sync-nand" ]
--------------------------------- ghci ---------------------------------
-- TODO: This should not be @not <$> flag CrossCompiling@. Instead we
-- should ensure that the bootstrap compiler has the same version as the
-- one we are building.
-- TODO: In that case we also do not need to build most of the Stage1
-- libraries, as we already know that the compiler comes with the most
-- recent versions.
-- TODO: The use case here is that we want to build @ghc-proxy@ for the
-- cross compiler. That one needs to be compiled by the bootstrap
-- compiler as it needs to run on the host. Hence @libiserv@ needs
-- @GHCi.TH@, @GHCi.Message@ and @GHCi.Run@ from @ghci@. And those are
-- behind the @-fghci@ flag.
, package ghci ? mconcat
[ notStage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci"
, notStage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? not windowsHost ? notM cross
? arg "ext-interp"
, cross ? stage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci" ]
-------------------------------- haddock -------------------------------
, package haddock ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "in-ghc-tree"
------------------------------- haskeline ------------------------------
, package haskeline ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? cross ? arg "-terminfo"
-------------------------------- hsc2hs --------------------------------
, package hsc2hs ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "in-ghc-tree"
------------------------------ integerGmp ------------------------------
, package integerGmp ? mconcat
[ builder Cc ? arg includeGmp
, builder (Cabal Setup) ? mconcat
[ flag GmpInTree ? arg "--configure-option=--with-intree-gmp"
-- Windows is always built with inplace GMP until we have dynamic
-- linking working.
, windowsHost ? arg "--configure-option=--with-intree-gmp"
, flag GmpFrameworkPref ?
arg "--configure-option=--with-gmp-framework-preferred"
, arg ("--configure-option=CFLAGS=" ++ includeGmp)
, arg ("--gcc-options=" ++ includeGmp) ] ]
---------------------------------- rts ---------------------------------
, package rts ? rtsPackageArgs -- RTS deserves a separate function
-------------------------------- runGhc --------------------------------
, package runGhc ?
builder Ghc ? input "//Main.hs" ?
(\version -> ["-cpp", "-DVERSION=" ++ show version]) <$> getSetting ProjectVersion
--------------------------------- text ---------------------------------
-- The package @text@ is rather tricky. It's a boot library, and it
-- tries to determine on its own if it should link against @integer-gmp@
-- or @integer-simple@. For Stage0, we need to use the integer library
-- that the bootstrap compiler has (since @interger@ is not a boot
-- library) and therefore we copy it over into the Stage0 package-db.
-- Maybe we should stop doing this? And subsequently @text@ for Stage1
-- detects the same integer library again, even though we don't build it
-- in Stage1, and at that point the configuration is just wrong.
, package text ?
builder (Cabal Flags) ? notStage0 ? intLib == integerSimple ?
pure ["+integer-simple", "-bytestring-builder"] ]
-- | RTS-specific command line arguments.
rtsPackageArgs :: Args
rtsPackageArgs = package rts ? do
projectVersion <- getSetting ProjectVersion
hostPlatform <- getSetting HostPlatform
hostArch <- getSetting HostArch
hostOs <- getSetting HostOs
hostVendor <- getSetting HostVendor
buildPlatform <- getSetting BuildPlatform
buildArch <- getSetting BuildArch
buildOs <- getSetting BuildOs
buildVendor <- getSetting BuildVendor
targetPlatform <- getSetting TargetPlatform
targetArch <- getSetting TargetArch
targetOs <- getSetting TargetOs
targetVendor <- getSetting TargetVendor
ghcUnreg <- expr $ yesNo <$> flag GhcUnregisterised
ghcEnableTNC <- expr $ yesNo <$> ghcEnableTablesNextToCode
rtsWays <- getRtsWays
way <- getWay
path <- getBuildPath
top <- expr topDirectory
libffiName <- expr libffiLibraryName
ffiIncludeDir <- getSetting FfiIncludeDir
ffiLibraryDir <- getSetting FfiLibDir
let cArgs = mconcat
[ arg "-Irts"
, rtsWarnings
, arg $ "-I" ++ path
, flag UseSystemFfi ? arg ("-I" ++ ffiIncludeDir)
, arg $ "-DRtsWay=\"rts_" ++ show way ++ "\""
-- Set the namespace for the rts fs functions
, arg $ "-DFS_NAMESPACE=rts"
-- RTS *must* be compiled with optimisations. The INLINE_HEADER macro
-- requires that functions are inlined to work as expected. Inlining
-- only happens for optimised builds. Otherwise we can assume that
-- there is a non-inlined variant to use instead. But RTS does not
-- provide non-inlined alternatives and hence needs the function to
-- be inlined. See
, arg "-O2"
, arg "-fomit-frame-pointer"
, arg "-g"
, Debug `wayUnit` way ? pure [ "-DDEBUG"
, "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"
, "-g3"
, "-O0" ]
, way `elem` [debug, debugDynamic] ? arg "-DTICKY_TICKY"
, Profiling `wayUnit` way ? arg "-DPROFILING"
, Threaded `wayUnit` way ? arg "-DTHREADED_RTS"
, inputs ["//RtsMessages.c", "//Trace.c"] ?
arg ("-DProjectVersion=" ++ show projectVersion)
, input "//RtsUtils.c" ? pure
[ "-DProjectVersion=" ++ show projectVersion
, "-DHostPlatform=" ++ show hostPlatform
, "-DHostArch=" ++ show hostArch
, "-DHostOS=" ++ show hostOs
, "-DHostVendor=" ++ show hostVendor
, "-DBuildPlatform=" ++ show buildPlatform
, "-DBuildArch=" ++ show buildArch
, "-DBuildOS=" ++ show buildOs
, "-DBuildVendor=" ++ show buildVendor
, "-DTargetPlatform=" ++ show targetPlatform
, "-DTargetArch=" ++ show targetArch
, "-DTargetOS=" ++ show targetOs
, "-DTargetVendor=" ++ show targetVendor
, "-DGhcUnregisterised=" ++ show ghcUnreg
, "-DGhcEnableTablesNextToCode=" ++ show ghcEnableTNC ]
-- We're after pur performance here. So make sure fast math and
-- vectorization is enabled.
, input "//xxhash.c" ? pure
[ "-O3"
, "-ffast-math"
, "-ftree-vectorize" ]
, inputs ["//Evac.c", "//Evac_thr.c"] ? arg "-funroll-loops"
, speedHack ?
inputs [ "//Evac.c", "//Evac_thr.c"
, "//Scav.c", "//Scav_thr.c"
, "//Compact.c", "//GC.c" ] ? arg "-fno-PIC"
-- @-static@ is necessary for these bits, as otherwise the NCG
-- generates dynamic references.
, speedHack ?
inputs [ "//Updates.c", "//StgMiscClosures.c"
, "//PrimOps.c", "//Apply.c"
, "//AutoApply.c" ] ? pure ["-fno-PIC", "-static"]
-- inlining warnings happen in Compact
, inputs ["//Compact.c"] ? arg "-Wno-inline"
-- emits warnings about call-clobbered registers on x86_64
, inputs [ "//RetainerProfile.c", "//StgCRun.c"
, "//win32/ConsoleHandler.c", "//win32/ThrIOManager.c"] ? arg "-w"
-- The above warning suppression flags are a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
-- any warnings in the module. See:
, (not <$> flag GccIsClang) ?
inputs ["//Compact.c"] ? arg "-finline-limit=2500"
, input "//RetainerProfile.c" ? flag GccIsClang ?
arg "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types"
, windowsHost ? arg ("-DWINVER=" ++ windowsVersion)
-- libffi's ffi.h triggers various warnings
, inputs [ "//Interpreter.c", "//Storage.c", "//Adjustor.c" ] ?
arg "-Wno-strict-prototypes"
, inputs ["//Interpreter.c", "//Adjustor.c", "//sm/Storage.c"] ?
anyTargetArch ["powerpc"] ? arg "-Wno-undef" ]
[ builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
[ any (wayUnit Profiling) rtsWays ? arg "profiling"
, any (wayUnit Debug) rtsWays ? arg "debug"
, any (wayUnit Logging) rtsWays ? arg "logging"
, any (wayUnit Dynamic) rtsWays ? arg "dynamic"
, Debug `wayUnit` way ? arg "find-ptr"
, builder (Cc FindCDependencies) ? cArgs
, builder (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) ? map ("-optc" ++) <$> cArgs
, builder Ghc ? arg "-Irts"
, builder HsCpp ? pure
[ "-DTOP=" ++ show top
, "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR=" ++ show ffiIncludeDir
, "-DFFI_LIB_DIR=" ++ show ffiLibraryDir
, "-DFFI_LIB=" ++ show libffiName ]
, builder HsCpp ? flag HaveLibMingwEx ? arg "-DHAVE_LIBMINGWEX" ]
-- Compile various performance-critical pieces *without* -fPIC -dynamic
-- even when building a shared library. If we don't do this, then the
-- GC runs about 50% slower on x86 due to the overheads of PIC. The
-- cost of doing this is a little runtime linking and less sharing, but
-- not much.
-- On x86_64 this doesn't work, because all objects in a shared library
-- must be compiled with -fPIC (since the 32-bit relocations generated
-- by the default small memory can't be resolved at runtime). So we
-- only do this on i386.
-- This apparently doesn't work on OS X (Darwin) nor on Solaris.
-- On Darwin we get errors of the form
-- ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in _stg_ap_0_fast
-- from rts/dist/build/Apply.dyn_o not allowed in slidable image
-- and lots of these warnings:
-- ld: warning codegen in _stg_ap_pppv_fast (offset 0x0000005E) prevents image
-- from loading in dyld shared cache
-- On Solaris we get errors like:
-- Text relocation remains referenced
-- against symbol offset in file
-- .rodata (section) 0x11 rts/dist/build/Apply.dyn_o
-- ...
-- ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections
-- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
speedHack :: Action Bool
speedHack = do
i386 <- anyTargetArch ["i386"]
goodOS <- not <$> anyTargetOs ["darwin", "solaris2"]
return $ i386 && goodOS
-- See @rts/
rtsWarnings :: Args
rtsWarnings = mconcat
[ arg "-Wall"
, arg "-Wextra"
, arg "-Wstrict-prototypes"
, arg "-Wmissing-prototypes"
, arg "-Wmissing-declarations"
, arg "-Winline"
, arg "-Wpointer-arith"
, arg "-Wmissing-noreturn"
, arg "-Wnested-externs"
, arg "-Wredundant-decls"
, arg "-Wundef"
, arg "-fno-strict-aliasing" ]
-- These numbers can be found at:
-- If we're compiling on windows, enforce that we only support Vista SP1+
-- Adding this here means it doesn't have to be done in individual .c files
-- and also centralizes the versioning.
-- | Minimum supported Windows version.
windowsVersion :: String
windowsVersion = "0x06000100"