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Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
9060 commits behind the upstream repository.
Note [Tidying multiple names at once] indicates that if multiple variables have the same name then we shouldn't prioritise one of them and instead rename them all to a1, a2, a3... etc This patch implements that change, some error message changes as expected. Closes #20932
Note [Tidying multiple names at once] indicates that if multiple variables have the same name then we shouldn't prioritise one of them and instead rename them all to a1, a2, a3... etc This patch implements that change, some error message changes as expected. Closes #20932
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T10403.stderr 1.70 KiB
T10403.hs:16:7: warning: [-Wpartial-type-signatures (in -Wdefault)]
• Found extra-constraints wildcard standing for ‘Functor f’
Where: ‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the inferred type of h1 :: Functor f => (a1 -> a2) -> f a1 -> H f
at T10403.hs:18:1-41
• In the type signature: h1 :: _ => _
T10403.hs:16:12: warning: [-Wpartial-type-signatures (in -Wdefault)]
• Found type wildcard ‘_’ standing for ‘(a1 -> a2) -> f a1 -> H f’
Where: ‘a2’, ‘a1’, ‘f’ are rigid type variables bound by
the inferred type of h1 :: Functor f => (a1 -> a2) -> f a1 -> H f
at T10403.hs:18:1-41
• In the type signature: h1 :: _ => _
T10403.hs:20:7: warning: [-Wpartial-type-signatures (in -Wdefault)]
• Found type wildcard ‘_’
standing for ‘(a1 -> a2) -> B t0 a1 -> H (B t0)’
Where: ‘t0’ is an ambiguous type variable
‘a2’, ‘a1’ are rigid type variables bound by
the inferred type of h2 :: (a1 -> a2) -> B t0 a1 -> H (B t0)
at T10403.hs:23:1-41
• In the type signature: h2 :: _
T10403.hs:29:8: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)]
• Couldn't match type ‘t0’ with ‘t’
Expected: H (B t)
Actual: H (B t0)
• because type variable ‘t’ would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
the type signature for:
app2 :: forall t. H (B t)
at T10403.hs:28:1-15
• In the expression: h2 (H . I) (B ())
In an equation for ‘app2’: app2 = h2 (H . I) (B ())
• Relevant bindings include
app2 :: H (B t) (bound at T10403.hs:29:1)