Forked from
Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
13960 commits behind the upstream repository.
By not building anything in the dynamic way on Windows, where we don't have a working story for DLLs yet. Also the ghcid command needs to call bash on the hadrian/ script explicitly as the path gets interpreted differently otherwise.
By not building anything in the dynamic way on Windows, where we don't have a working story for DLLs yet. Also the ghcid command needs to call bash on the hadrian/ script explicitly as the path gets interpreted differently otherwise.
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GhcInGhci.hs 1012 B
module Settings.Flavours.GhcInGhci (ghcInGhciFlavour) where
import Expression
import Flavour
import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
import Settings.Flavours.Common
-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
ghcInGhciFlavour :: Flavour
ghcInGhciFlavour = defaultFlavour
{ name = "ghc-in-ghci"
, args = defaultBuilderArgs <> ghciArgs <> defaultPackageArgs
-- We can't build DLLs on Windows (yet). Actually we should only
-- include the dynamic way when we have a dynamic host GHC, but just
-- checking for Windows seems simpler for now.
, libraryWays = pure [vanilla] <> pure [ dynamic | not windowsHost ]
, rtsWays = pure [vanilla, threaded] <> pure [ dynamic | not windowsHost ]
, dynamicGhcPrograms = return False }
ghciArgs :: Args
ghciArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
{ hsDefault = mconcat $
[ pure ["-O0", "-H64m"]
, naturalInBaseFixArgs
, hsLibrary = mempty
, hsCompiler = mempty
, hsGhc = mempty }