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Commit 5728d9fa authored by Artem Pelenitsyn's avatar Artem Pelenitsyn Committed by Marge Bot
Browse files

Sort out Hadrian colored output flags (fix #16397)

Hadrian used to have a separate flag --progress-colour to control
colored output during the build. After introduction of a Shake flag
with similar purpose Hadrian's flag became redundant. The commit removes
--progress-colour and switches to Shake's flag. The only difference
between the two is that Hadrian has special default mode when it tries
to determine if the terminal support colored output. The user can
override it using (Shake's) `--[no-]color`.
parent 1befd2c0
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......@@ -104,10 +104,9 @@ simply drop the `--freeze1` flag and Hadrian will rebuild all out-of-date files.
* `--integer-simple`: build GHC using the `integer-simple` integer library
(instead of `integer-gmp`).
* `--progress-colour=MODE`: choose whether to use colours when printing build
progress info. There are three settings: `never` (do not use colours), `auto`
(attempt to detect whether the console supports colours; this is the default
setting), and `always` (use colours).
* `--color` and `--no-color`: choose whether to use colors when printing build
progress info. By default, Hadrian tries to determine if the terminal supports
colored ouput, and proceeds accordingly.
* `--progress-info=STYLE`: choose how build progress info is printed. There are
four settings: `none`, `brief` (one line per build command; this is the default
module CommandLine (
optDescrs, cmdLineArgsMap, cmdFlavour, lookupFreeze1, cmdIntegerSimple,
cmdProgressColour, cmdProgressInfo, cmdConfigure, cmdCompleteSetting,
cmdProgressInfo, cmdConfigure, cmdCompleteSetting,
cmdDocsArgs, lookupBuildRoot, TestArgs(..), TestSpeed(..), defaultTestArgs
) where
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ data CommandLineArgs = CommandLineArgs
, flavour :: Maybe String
, freeze1 :: Bool
, integerSimple :: Bool
, progressColour :: UseColour
, progressInfo :: ProgressInfo
, buildRoot :: BuildRoot
, testArgs :: TestArgs
......@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ defaultCommandLineArgs = CommandLineArgs
, flavour = Nothing
, freeze1 = False
, integerSimple = False
, progressColour = Auto
, progressInfo = Brief
, buildRoot = BuildRoot "_build"
, testArgs = defaultTestArgs
......@@ -104,18 +102,6 @@ readFreeze1 = Right $ \flags -> flags { freeze1 = True }
readIntegerSimple :: Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
readIntegerSimple = Right $ \flags -> flags { integerSimple = True }
readProgressColour :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
readProgressColour ms =
maybe (Left "Cannot parse progress-colour") (Right . set) (go =<< lower <$> ms)
go :: String -> Maybe UseColour
go "never" = Just Never
go "auto" = Just Auto
go "always" = Just Always
go _ = Nothing
set :: UseColour -> CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs
set flag flags = flags { progressColour = flag }
readProgressInfo :: Maybe String -> Either String (CommandLineArgs -> CommandLineArgs)
readProgressInfo ms =
maybe (Left "Cannot parse progress-info") (Right . set) (go =<< lower <$> ms)
......@@ -238,8 +224,6 @@ optDescrs =
"Freeze Stage1 GHC."
, Option [] ["integer-simple"] (NoArg readIntegerSimple)
"Build GHC with integer-simple library."
, Option [] ["progress-colour"] (OptArg readProgressColour "MODE")
"Use colours in progress info (Never, Auto or Always)."
, Option [] ["progress-info"] (OptArg readProgressInfo "STYLE")
"Progress info style (None, Brief, Normal or Unicorn)."
, Option [] ["docs"] (OptArg readDocsArg "TARGET")
......@@ -307,8 +291,7 @@ cmdLineArgsMap = do
else return []
let allSettings = cliSettings ++ fileSettings
return $ insertExtra (progressColour args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
$ insertExtra (progressInfo args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
return $ insertExtra (progressInfo args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
$ insertExtra (buildRoot args) -- Accessed by Hadrian.Utilities
$ insertExtra (testArgs args) -- Accessed by Settings.Builders.RunTest
$ insertExtra allSettings -- Accessed by Settings
......@@ -335,9 +318,6 @@ lookupFreeze1 = freeze1 . lookupExtra defaultCommandLineArgs
cmdIntegerSimple :: Action Bool
cmdIntegerSimple = integerSimple <$> cmdLineArgs
cmdProgressColour :: Action UseColour
cmdProgressColour = progressColour <$> cmdLineArgs
cmdProgressInfo :: Action ProgressInfo
cmdProgressInfo = progressInfo <$> cmdLineArgs
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module Hadrian.Utilities (
moveDirectory, removeDirectory,
-- * Diagnostic info
UseColour (..), Colour (..), ANSIColour (..), putColoured,
Colour (..), ANSIColour (..), putColoured, shouldUseColor,
BuildProgressColour, mkBuildProgressColour, putBuild,
SuccessColour, mkSuccessColour, putSuccess,
ProgressInfo (..), putProgressInfo,
......@@ -390,8 +390,6 @@ removeDirectory dir = do
putProgressInfo $ "| Remove directory " ++ dir
liftIO . whenM (IO.doesDirectoryExist dir) $ IO.removeDirectoryRecursive dir
data UseColour = Never | Auto | Always deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-- | Terminal output colours
data Colour
= Dull ANSIColour -- ^ 8-bit ANSI colours
......@@ -431,21 +429,24 @@ mkColour (Extended code) = "38;5;" ++ code
-- | A more colourful version of Shake's 'putNormal'.
putColoured :: String -> String -> Action ()
putColoured code msg = do
useColour <- userSetting Never
supported <- liftIO $ (&&) <$> IO.hIsTerminalDevice IO.stdout
<*> (not <$> isDumb)
let c Never = False
c Auto = supported || IO.isWindows -- Colours do work on Windows
c Always = True
if c useColour
useColour <- shakeColor <$> getShakeOptions
if useColour
then putNormal $ "\ESC[" ++ code ++ "m" ++ msg ++ "\ESC[0m"
else putNormal msg
isDumb = maybe False (== "dumb") <$> lookupEnv "TERM"
newtype BuildProgressColour = BuildProgressColour String
deriving Typeable
-- | By default, Hadrian tries to figure out if the current terminal
-- supports colors using this function. The default can be overriden
-- by suppling @--[no-]color@.
shouldUseColor :: IO Bool
shouldUseColor =
(&&) <$> IO.hIsTerminalDevice IO.stdout
<*> (not <$> isDumb)
isDumb = maybe False (== "dumb") <$> lookupEnv "TERM"
-- | Generate an encoded colour for progress output from names.
mkBuildProgressColour :: Colour -> BuildProgressColour
mkBuildProgressColour c = BuildProgressColour $ mkColour c
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ main = do
| CommandLine.lookupFreeze1 argsMap ]
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
shakeColor <- shouldUseColor
let options :: ShakeOptions
options = shakeOptions
{ shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ main = do
, shakeProgress = progressSimple
, shakeRebuild = rebuild
, shakeTimings = True
, shakeColor = shakeColor
, shakeExtra = extra
-- Setting shakeSymlink to False ensures files are copied out of
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