- Feb 06, 2022
Note [Tidying multiple names at once] indicates that if multiple variables have the same name then we shouldn't prioritise one of them and instead rename them all to a1, a2, a3... etc This patch implements that change, some error message changes as expected. Closes #20932
- Dec 02, 2020
This patch redesigns the flattener to simplify type family applications directly instead of using flattening meta-variables and skolems. The key new innovation is the CanEqLHS type and the new CEqCan constraint (Ct). A CanEqLHS is either a type variable or exactly-saturated type family application; either can now be rewritten using a CEqCan constraint in the inert set. Because the flattener no longer reduces all type family applications to variables, there was some performance degradation if a lengthy type family application is now flattened over and over (not making progress). To compensate, this patch contains some extra optimizations in the flattener, leading to a number of performance improvements. Close #18875. Close #18910. There are many extra parts of the compiler that had to be affected in writing this patch: * The family-application cache (formerly the flat-cache) sometimes stores coercions built from Given inerts. When these inerts get kicked out, we must kick out from the cache as well. (This was, I believe, true previously, but somehow never caused trouble.) Kicking out from the cache requires adding a filterTM function to TrieMap. * This patch obviates the need to distinguish "blocking" coercion holes from non-blocking ones (which, previously, arose from CFunEqCans). There is thus some simplification around coercion holes. * Extra commentary throughout parts of the code I read through, to preserve the knowledge I gained while working. * A change in the pure unifier around unifying skolems with other types. Unifying a skolem now leads to SurelyApart, not MaybeApart, as documented in Note [Binding when looking up instances] in GHC.Core.InstEnv. * Some more use of MCoercion where appropriate. * Previously, class-instance lookup automatically noticed that e.g. C Int was a "unifier" to a target [W] C (F Bool), because the F Bool was flattened to a variable. Now, a little more care must be taken around checking for unifying instances. * Previously, tcSplitTyConApp_maybe would split (Eq a => a). This is silly, because (=>) is not a tycon in Haskell. Fixed now, but there are some knock-on changes in e.g. TrieMap code and in the canonicaliser. * New function anyFreeVarsOf{Type,Co} to check whether a free variable satisfies a certain predicate. * Type synonyms now remember whether or not they are "forgetful"; a forgetful synonym drops at least one argument. This is useful when flattening; see flattenView. * The pattern-match completeness checker invokes the solver. This invocation might need to look through newtypes when checking representational equality. Thus, the desugarer needs to keep track of the in-scope variables to know what newtype constructors are in scope. I bet this bug was around before but never noticed. * Extra-constraints wildcards are no longer simplified before printing. See Note [Do not simplify ConstraintHoles] in GHC.Tc.Solver. * Whether or not there are Given equalities has become slightly subtler. See the new HasGivenEqs datatype. * Note [Type variable cycles in Givens] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical explains a significant new wrinkle in the new approach. * See Note [What might match later?] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact, which explains the fix to #18910. * The inert_count field of InertCans wasn't actually used, so I removed it. Though I (Richard) did the implementation, Simon PJ was very involved in design and review. This updates the Haddock submodule to avoid #18932 by adding a type signature. ------------------------- Metric Decrease: T12227 T5030 T9872a T9872b T9872c Metric Increase: T9872d -------------------------
- Feb 01, 2020
This patch avoids skolemiseUnboundMetaTyVar making up a fresh Name when it doesn't need to. See Note [Skolemising and identity] Improves error messsages for partial type signatures.
- Mar 16, 2019
The extra-constraints wildcard had lost its location (issue #16431). Happily this is easy to fix. Lots of error improvements.
- Jan 03, 2019
My Nguyen authored
Summary: This patch implements visible kind application (GHC Proposal 15/#12045), as well as #15360 and #15362. It also refactors unnamed wildcard handling, and requires that type equations in type families in Template Haskell be written with full type on lhs. PartialTypeSignatures are on and warnings are off automatically with visible kind application, just like in term-level. There are a few remaining issues with this patch, as documented in ticket #16082. Includes a submodule update for Haddock. Test Plan: Tests T12045a/b/c/TH1/TH2, T15362, T15592a Reviewers: simonpj, goldfire, bgamari, alanz, RyanGlScott, Iceland_jack Subscribers: ningning, Iceland_jack, RyanGlScott, int-index, rwbarton, mpickering, carter GHC Trac Issues: `#12045`, `#15362`, `#15592`, `#15788`, `#15793`, `#15795`, `#15797`, `#15799`, `#15801`, `#15807`, `#15816` Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D5229
- Oct 26, 2018
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Consider the type forall k. b -> k where b :: k -> Type Here the 'k' in b's kind must be a different 'k' to the forall k, because 'b' is free in the expression. So we must return 'k' among the free vars returned from tyCoVarsOfType applied that type. But we weren't. This is an outright bug, although we don't have a program that fails because of it. It's easy to fix, too: see TyCoRep Note [Closing over free variable kinds] This fix has been in the pipeline for ages because it fell into the Trac #14880 swamp. But this patch nails it.
- Nov 08, 2017
Simon Peyton Jones authored
Trac #14394 showed that it's possible to get redundant constraints in the inferred provided constraints of a pattern synonym. This patch removes the redundancy with mkMinimalBySCs. To do this I had to generalise the type of mkMinimalBySCs slightly. And, to reduce confusing reversal, I made it stable: it now returns its result in the same order as its input. That led to a raft of error message wibbles, mostly for the better.
- Sep 25, 2017
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This patch does two things: * When reporting a hole, we now include its kind if the kind is not just '*'. This addresses Trac #14265 * When reporting things like "'a' is a rigid type varaible bound by ...", this patch arranges to group the type variables together, so we don't repeat the "bound by..." stuff endlessly
- Nov 25, 2016
Simon Peyton Jones authored
When we had f :: ( _ ) => blah we were failing to call growThetaTyVars, as we do in the no-type-signature case, and that meant that we weren't generalising over the right type variables. I'm quite surprised this didn't cause problems earlier. Anyway Trac #12844 showed it up and this patch fixes it