- Feb 06, 2022
Note [Tidying multiple names at once] indicates that if multiple variables have the same name then we shouldn't prioritise one of them and instead rename them all to a1, a2, a3... etc This patch implements that change, some error message changes as expected. Closes #20932
- Jun 05, 2020
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This patch simplifies GHC to use simple subsumption. Ticket #17775 Implements GHC proposal #287 https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/ proposals/0287-simplify-subsumption.rst All the motivation is described there; I will not repeat it here. The implementation payload: * tcSubType and friends become noticably simpler, because it no longer uses eta-expansion when checking subsumption. * No deeplyInstantiate or deeplySkolemise That in turn means that some tests fail, by design; they can all be fixed by eta expansion. There is a list of such changes below. Implementing the patch led me into a variety of sticky corners, so the patch includes several othe changes, some quite significant: * I made String wired-in, so that "foo" :: String rather than "foo" :: [Char] This improves error messages, and fixes #15679 * The pattern match checker relies on knowing about in-scope equality constraints, andd adds them to the desugarer's environment using addTyCsDs. But the co_fn in a FunBind was missed, and for some reason simple-subsumption ends up with dictionaries there. So I added a call to addTyCsDs. This is really part of #18049. * I moved the ic_telescope field out of Implication and into ForAllSkol instead. This is a nice win; just expresses the code much better. * There was a bug in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.tcDataFamInstHeader. We called checkDataKindSig inside tc_kind_sig, /before/ solveEqualities and zonking. Obviously wrong, easily fixed. * solveLocalEqualitiesX: there was a whole mess in here, around failing fast enough. I discovered a bad latent bug where we could successfully kind-check a type signature, and use it, but have unsolved constraints that could fill in coercion holes in that signature -- aargh. It's all explained in Note [Failure in local type signatures] in GHC.Tc.Solver. Much better now. * I fixed a serious bug in anonymous type holes. IN f :: Int -> (forall a. a -> _) -> Int that "_" should be a unification variable at the /outer/ level; it cannot be instantiated to 'a'. This was plain wrong. New fields mode_lvl and mode_holes in TcTyMode, and auxiliary data type GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType.HoleMode. This fixes #16292, but makes no progress towards the more ambitious #16082 * I got sucked into an enormous refactoring of the reporting of equality errors in GHC.Tc.Errors, especially in mkEqErr1 mkTyVarEqErr misMatchMsg misMatchMsgOrCND In particular, the very tricky mkExpectedActualMsg function is gone. It took me a full day. But the result is far easier to understand. (Still not easy!) This led to various minor improvements in error output, and an enormous number of test-case error wibbles. One particular point: for occurs-check errors I now just say Can't match 'a' against '[a]' rather than using the intimidating language of "occurs check". * Pretty-printing AbsBinds Tests review * Eta expansions T11305: one eta expansion T12082: one eta expansion (undefined) T13585a: one eta expansion T3102: one eta expansion T3692: two eta expansions (tricky) T2239: two eta expansions T16473: one eta determ004: two eta expansions (undefined) annfail06: two eta (undefined) T17923: four eta expansions (a strange program indeed!) tcrun035: one eta expansion * Ambiguity check at higher rank. Now that we have simple subsumption, a type like f :: (forall a. Eq a => Int) -> Int is no longer ambiguous, because we could write g :: (forall a. Eq a => Int) -> Int g = f and it'd typecheck just fine. But f's type is a bit suspicious, and we might want to consider making the ambiguity check do a check on each sub-term. Meanwhile, these tests are accepted, whereas they were previously rejected as ambiguous: T7220a T15438 T10503 T9222 * Some more interesting error message wibbles T13381: Fine: one error (Int ~ Exp Int) rather than two (Int ~ Exp Int, Exp Int ~ Int) T9834: Small change in error (improvement) T10619: Improved T2414: Small change, due to order of unification, fine T2534: A very simple case in which a change of unification order means we get tow unsolved constraints instead of one tc211: bizarre impredicative tests; just accept this for now Updates Cabal and haddock submodules. Metric Increase: T12150 T12234 T5837 haddock.base Metric Decrease: haddock.compiler haddock.Cabal haddock.base Merge note: This appears to break the `UnliftedNewtypesDifficultUnification` test. It has been marked as broken in the interest of merging. (cherry picked from commit 66b7b195)
- Jan 03, 2019
My Nguyen authored
Summary: This patch implements visible kind application (GHC Proposal 15/#12045), as well as #15360 and #15362. It also refactors unnamed wildcard handling, and requires that type equations in type families in Template Haskell be written with full type on lhs. PartialTypeSignatures are on and warnings are off automatically with visible kind application, just like in term-level. There are a few remaining issues with this patch, as documented in ticket #16082. Includes a submodule update for Haddock. Test Plan: Tests T12045a/b/c/TH1/TH2, T15362, T15592a Reviewers: simonpj, goldfire, bgamari, alanz, RyanGlScott, Iceland_jack Subscribers: ningning, Iceland_jack, RyanGlScott, int-index, rwbarton, mpickering, carter GHC Trac Issues: `#12045`, `#15362`, `#15592`, `#15788`, `#15793`, `#15795`, `#15797`, `#15799`, `#15801`, `#15807`, `#15816` Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D5229
- Mar 10, 2017
Simon Peyton Jones authored
TcSimplify.decideQuantification was doing the Wrong Thing when "growing" the type variables to quantify over. We were trying to do this on a tyvar set where we'd split off the dependent type varaibles; and we just got it wrong. A kind variable wasn't being generalised properly, with confusing knock on consequences. All this led to Trac #13371 and Trac #13393. This commit tidies it all up: * The type TcDepVars is renamed as CandidateQTvs; and splitDepVarsOfType to candidateQTyVarsOfType * The code in TcSimplify.decideQuantification is simpler. It no longer does the tricky "grow" stuff over TcDepVars. Instead it use ordinary VarSets (thereby eliminating the nasty growThetaTyVarsDSet) and uses that to filter the result of candidateQTyVarsOfType. * I documented that candidateQTyVarsOfType returns the type variables in a good order in which to quantify, and rewrote it to use an accumulator pattern, so that we would predicatably get left-to-right ordering. In doing all this I also made UniqDFM behave a little more nicely: * When inserting an element that is there already, keep the old tag, while still overwriting with the new value. * This means that when doing udfmToList we get back elements in the order they were originally inserted, rather than in reverse order. It's not a big deal, but in a subsequent commit I use it to improve the order of type variables in inferred types. All this led to a lot of error message wibbles: - changing the order of quantified variables - changing the order in which instances are listed in GHCi - changing the tidying of variables in typechecker erors There's a submodule update for 'array' because one of its tests has an error-message change. I may not have associated all of them with the correct commit.
- Jun 20, 2016
Thomas Miedema authored
- Jun 13, 2016
Simon Peyton Jones authored
This major commit was initially triggered by #11339, but it spiraled into a major review of the way in which type signatures for bindings are handled, especially partial type signatures. On the way I fixed a number of other bugs, namely #12069 #12033 #11700 #11339 #11670 The main change is that I completely reorganised the way in which type signatures in bindings are handled. The new story is in TcSigs Note [Overview of type signatures]. Some specific: * Changes in the data types for signatures in TcRnTypes: TcIdSigInfo and new TcIdSigInst * New module TcSigs deals with typechecking type signatures and pragmas. It contains code mostly moved from TcBinds, which is already too big * HsTypes: I swapped the nesting of HsWildCardBndrs and HsImplicitBndsrs, so that the wildcards are on the oustide not the insidde in a LHsSigWcType. This is just a matter of convenient, nothing deep. There are a host of other changes as knock-on effects, and it all took FAR longer than I anticipated :-). But it is a significant improvement, I think. Lots of error messages changed slightly, some just variants but some modest improvements. New tests * typecheck/should_compile * SigTyVars: a scoped-tyvar test * ExPat, ExPatFail: existential pattern bindings * T12069 * T11700 * T11339 * partial-sigs/should_compile * T12033 * T11339a * T11670 One thing to check: * Small change to output from ghc-api/landmines. Need to check with Alan Zimmerman
- May 10, 2016
Simon Peyton Jones authored
I committed three patches involving partial type sigs that are collectively responsible for these error message changes. The are all just changes to numbering in the pretty-printer. I didn't bother to partition them between patches -- sorry!
- Apr 30, 2016
Thomas Miedema authored
Test Plan: make TEST='ExtraNumAMROn TidyClash2' Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D2155 GHC Trac Issues: #9478
- Nov 28, 2014
thomasw authored
Summary: Add support for Partial Type Signatures, i.e. holes in types, see: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/PartialTypeSignatures This requires an update to the Haddock submodule. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: austin, goldfire, simonpj Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: thomie, Iceland_jack, dominique.devriese, simonmar, carter, goldfire Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D168 GHC Trac Issues: #9478