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Commit c11a053d authored by Tobias Dammers's avatar Tobias Dammers :shark:
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Reinstate using FV for getting free vars

parent 3caf3dd4
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......@@ -1532,50 +1532,54 @@ type TyCoVarSetNotClosed = TyCoVarSet
-- determinism info) and then drop the determinism. This is boring boiler plate code, but this
-- is measurably faster than going via FV.
tcvs_of_type :: Type -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
tcvs_of_type (TyVarTy v) = unitVarSet v
tcvs_of_type (TyConApp _ tys) = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_type tys
tcvs_of_type (LitTy {}) = emptyVarSet
tcvs_of_type (AppTy fun arg) = tcvs_of_type fun `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type arg
tcvs_of_type (FunTy arg res) = tcvs_of_type arg `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type res
tcvs_of_type (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) ty) = tcvs_of_type ty `delVarSet` tv
`unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type (tyVarKind tv)
tcvs_of_type (CastTy ty co) = tcvs_of_type ty `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_type (CoercionTy co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_type = fvVarSet . fvs_of_type
-- tcvs_of_type (TyVarTy v) = unitVarSet v
-- tcvs_of_type (TyConApp _ tys) = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_type tys
-- tcvs_of_type (LitTy {}) = emptyVarSet
-- tcvs_of_type (AppTy fun arg) = tcvs_of_type fun `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type arg
-- tcvs_of_type (FunTy arg res) = tcvs_of_type arg `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type res
-- tcvs_of_type (ForAllTy (TvBndr tv _) ty) = tcvs_of_type ty `delVarSet` tv
-- `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type (tyVarKind tv)
-- tcvs_of_type (CastTy ty co) = tcvs_of_type ty `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_type (CoercionTy co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_types :: [Type] -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
tcvs_of_types = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_type
tcvs_of_types = fvVarSet . fvs_of_types
-- tcvs_of_types = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_type
tcvs_of_co :: Coercion -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
tcvs_of_co (Refl _ ty) = tcvs_of_type ty
tcvs_of_co (TyConAppCo _ _ cos) = tcvs_of_cos cos
tcvs_of_co (AppCo co arg) = tcvs_of_co co `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co arg
tcvs_of_co (ForAllCo tv kind_co co) = tcvs_of_co co `delVarSet` tv
`unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co kind_co
tcvs_of_co (FunCo _ co1 co2) = tcvs_of_co co1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co2
tcvs_of_co (CoVarCo v) = unitVarSet v
tcvs_of_co (HoleCo h) = unitVarSet (coHoleCoVar h)
-- See Note [CoercionHoles and coercion free variables]
tcvs_of_co (AxiomInstCo _ _ cos) = tcvs_of_cos cos
tcvs_of_co (UnivCo p _ t1 t2) = tcvs_of_prov p `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type t1
`unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type t2
tcvs_of_co (SymCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_co (TransCo co1 co2) = tcvs_of_co co1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co2
tcvs_of_co (NthCo _ _ co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_co (LRCo _ co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_co (InstCo co arg) = tcvs_of_co co `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co arg
tcvs_of_co (CoherenceCo c1 c2) = tcvs_of_co c1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co c2
tcvs_of_co (KindCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_co (SubCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_co (AxiomRuleCo _ cs) = tcvs_of_cos cs
tcvs_of_co = fvVarSet . fvs_of_co
-- tcvs_of_co (Refl _ ty) = tcvs_of_type ty
-- tcvs_of_co (TyConAppCo _ _ cos) = tcvs_of_cos cos
-- tcvs_of_co (AppCo co arg) = tcvs_of_co co `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co arg
-- tcvs_of_co (ForAllCo tv kind_co co) = tcvs_of_co co `delVarSet` tv
-- `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co kind_co
-- tcvs_of_co (FunCo _ co1 co2) = tcvs_of_co co1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co2
-- tcvs_of_co (CoVarCo v) = unitVarSet v
-- tcvs_of_co (HoleCo h) = unitVarSet (coHoleCoVar h)
-- -- See Note [CoercionHoles and coercion free variables]
-- tcvs_of_co (AxiomInstCo _ _ cos) = tcvs_of_cos cos
-- tcvs_of_co (UnivCo p _ t1 t2) = tcvs_of_prov p `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type t1
-- `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_type t2
-- tcvs_of_co (SymCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_co (TransCo co1 co2) = tcvs_of_co co1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co co2
-- tcvs_of_co (NthCo _ _ co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_co (LRCo _ co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_co (InstCo co arg) = tcvs_of_co co `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co arg
-- tcvs_of_co (CoherenceCo c1 c2) = tcvs_of_co c1 `unionVarSet` tcvs_of_co c2
-- tcvs_of_co (KindCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_co (SubCo co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_co (AxiomRuleCo _ cs) = tcvs_of_cos cs
tcvs_of_cos :: [Coercion] -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
tcvs_of_cos = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_co
tcvs_of_prov :: UnivCoProvenance -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
tcvs_of_prov UnsafeCoerceProv = emptyVarSet
tcvs_of_prov (PhantomProv co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) = tcvs_of_co co
tcvs_of_prov (PluginProv _) = emptyVarSet
tcvs_of_cos = fvVarSet . fvs_of_cos
-- tcvs_of_cos = mapUnionVarSet tcvs_of_co
-- tcvs_of_prov :: UnivCoProvenance -> TyCoVarSetNotClosed
-- tcvs_of_prov UnsafeCoerceProv = emptyVarSet
-- tcvs_of_prov (PhantomProv co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_prov (ProofIrrelProv co) = tcvs_of_co co
-- tcvs_of_prov (PluginProv _) = emptyVarSet
-- | `tyCoFVsOfType` that returns free variables of a type in a deterministic
-- set. For explanation of why using `VarSet` is not deterministic see
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