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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    [project @ 2000-06-19 13:28:35 by simonmar] · 43956364
    Simon Marlow authored
    Time fixes from Michael Weber <>:
      * `toClockTime' previously didn't honor the `tz' field of a
        `CalendarTime', which led to time warping when applying
          => (toUTCTime (toClockTime ... (toUTCTime (toClockTime someTime) ... )))
        Now it accepts at least <local>- and UTC-encoded `CalendarTime's
        (TODO: test, whether all timezones work) and converts them
        correctly to <secs from epoch>-format (which is always UTC, as one
        might have guessed).
      * `addToClockTime' now works.
        Previously, `tz' seconds were added(!) when used like:
          => addToClockTime noTimeDiff someTime
        which is clearly wrong.
        Now, the following (hopefully) always holds
          => someTime == (addToClockTime noTimeDiff someTime)
      * `diffClockTimes' works correctly, and is the dual to
        `addToClockTime', i.e.
          => diff == ((addToClockTime diff someTime) `diffClockTimes` someTime)
        should now hold for all diff, someTime
        Previously, it reports ugly diffs at {min,hour,day,...}-breaks,
        for example:
          => "2000/06/18 01:00 UTC"
                `diffClockTimes` "2000/06/17 23:00 UTC" == 1 day, -22 hours
        whereas now it emits "7200 secs". This number can be converted
        with `normalizeTimeDiff' to "2 hours".
      * added `normalizeTimeDiff', which calculates year, month, days,
        etc. out of an unnormalized `TimeDiff' (generated by
        `diffClockTimes', for example)
      * `formatTimeDiff': added the missing "%c" case. The
        format is proprietary, though... Is there a nicer one?