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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2002-01-04 11:35:22 by simonpj] · 6346938c
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    	Be a bit less gung ho about let-floating
    Sometimes it's a bad idea to float cheap expressions
    outwards, even if they escape a value lambda.
    	  -- Even if it escapes a value lambda, we only
    	  -- float if it's not cheap (unless it'll get all the
    	  -- way to the top).  I've seen cases where we
    	  -- float dozens of tiny free expressions, which cost
    	  -- more to allocate than to evaluate.
    	  -- NB: exprIsCheap is also true of bottom expressions, which
    	  --     is good; we don't want to share them
    	  -- It's only Really Bad to float a cheap expression out of a
    	  -- strict context, because that builds a thunk that otherwise
    	  -- would never be built.  So another alternative would be to
    	  -- add
    	  -- 	|| (strict_ctxt && not (exprIsBottom expr))
    	  -- to the condition above. We should really try this out.
    The relevant function is lvlMFE, which has been subject to a lot
    of fiddling over the years.  Probably this isn't the last time.
    This all actually showed up when I was compiling IA.lhs from Ian Lynagh.