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  • Matthew Pickering's avatar
    eventlog: Repost initialisation events when eventlog restarts · bfa86250
    Matthew Pickering authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    If startEventlog is called after the program has already started running
    then quite a few useful events are missing from the eventlog because
    they are only posted when the program starts. This patch adds a
    mechanism to declare that an event should be reposted everytime the
    startEventlog function is called.
    Now in EventLog.c there is a global list of functions called
    `eventlog_header_funcs` which stores a list of functions which should be
    called everytime the eventlog starts.
    When calling `postInitEvent`, the event will not only be immediately
    posted to the eventlog but also added to the global list.
    When startEventLog is called, the list is traversed and the events