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Commit fbbbd010 authored by Daan Rijks's avatar Daan Rijks Committed by Marge Bot
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Expand the haddocks for Control.Category

parent 5f67db48
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......@@ -11,9 +11,26 @@
module Control.Category
( Category(..)
( -- * Class
-- * Combinators
, (<<<)
, (>>>)
-- $namingConflicts
) where
import GHC.Internal.Control.Category
-- $namingConflicts
-- == A note on naming conflicts
-- The methods from 'Category' conflict with '' and 'Prelude..' from the
-- prelude; you will likely want to either import this module qualified, or hide the
-- prelude functions:
-- @
-- import "Prelude" hiding (id, (.))
-- @
......@@ -28,17 +28,61 @@ import GHC.Internal.Data.Coerce (coerce)
infixr 9 .
infixr 1 >>>, <<<
-- | A class for categories. Instances should satisfy the laws
-- | A class for categories.
-- [Right identity] @f '.' 'id' = f@
-- [Left identity] @'id' '.' f = f@
-- [Associativity] @f '.' (g '.' h) = (f '.' g) '.' h@
-- In mathematics, a /category/ is defined as a collection of /objects/ and a collection
-- of /morphisms/ between objects, together with an /identity morphism/ 'id' for every
-- object and an operation '(.)' that /composes/ compatible morphisms.
-- This class is defined in an analogous way. The collection of morphisms is represented
-- by a type parameter @cat@, which has kind @k -> k -> 'Data.Kind.Type'@ for some kind variable @k@
-- that represents the collection of objects; most of the time the choice of @k@ will be
-- 'Data.Kind.Type'.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- As the method names suggest, there's a category of functions:
-- @
-- instance Category '(->)' where
-- id = \\x -> x
-- f . g = \\x -> f (g x)
-- @
-- Using the `TypeData` language extension, we can also make a category where `k` isn't
-- `Type`, but a custom kind `Door` instead:
-- @
-- type data Door = DoorOpen | DoorClosed
-- data Action (before :: Door) (after :: Door) where
-- DoNothing :: Action door door
-- OpenDoor :: Action start DoorClosed -> Action start DoorOpen
-- CloseDoor :: Action start DoorOpen -> Action start DoorClosed
-- instance Category Action where
-- id = DoNothing
-- DoNothing . action = action
-- OpenDoor rest . action = OpenDoor (rest . action)
-- CloseDoor rest . action = CloseDoor (rest . action)
-- @
class Category cat where
-- | the identity morphism
-- | The identity morphism. Implementations should satisfy two laws:
-- [Right identity] @f '.' 'id' = f@
-- [Left identity] @'id' '.' f = f@
-- These essentially state that 'id' should "do nothing".
id :: cat a a
-- | morphism composition
-- | Morphism composition. Implementations should satisfy the law:
-- [Associativity] @f '.' (g '.' h) = (f '.' g) '.' h@
-- This means that the way morphisms are grouped is irrelevant, so it is unambiguous
-- to write a composition of morphisms as @f '.' g '.' h@, without parentheses.
(.) :: cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
......@@ -70,11 +114,13 @@ instance Category Coercion where
id = Coercion
(.) Coercion = coerce
-- | Right-to-left composition
-- | Right-to-left composition. This is a synonym for '(.)', but it can be useful to make
-- the order of composition more apparent.
(<<<) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
(<<<) = (.)
-- | Left-to-right composition
-- | Left-to-right composition. This is useful if you want to write a morphism as a
-- pipeline going from left to right.
(>>>) :: Category cat => cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
f >>> g = g . f
{-# INLINE (>>>) #-} -- see Note [INLINE on >>>]
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