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Forked from Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
5538 commits behind the upstream repository.
  • Alexis King's avatar
    hadrian: Fix flavour compiler stage options off-by-one error · 7c813d06
    Alexis King authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    !9193 pointed out that ghcDebugAssertions was supposed to be a predicate
    on the stage of the built compiler, but in practice it was a predicate
    on the stage of the compiler used to build. Unfortunately, while it
    fixed that issue for ghcDebugAssertions, it documented every other
    similar option as behaving the same way when in fact they all used the
    old behavior.
    The new behavior of ghcDebugAssertions seems more intuitive, so this
    commit changes the interpretation of every other option to match. It
    also improves the enableProfiledGhc and debugGhc flavour transformers by
    making them more selective about which stages in which they build
    additional library/RTS ways.
    hadrian: Fix flavour compiler stage options off-by-one error
    Alexis King authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    !9193 pointed out that ghcDebugAssertions was supposed to be a predicate
    on the stage of the built compiler, but in practice it was a predicate
    on the stage of the compiler used to build. Unfortunately, while it
    fixed that issue for ghcDebugAssertions, it documented every other
    similar option as behaving the same way when in fact they all used the
    old behavior.
    The new behavior of ghcDebugAssertions seems more intuitive, so this
    commit changes the interpretation of every other option to match. It
    also improves the enableProfiledGhc and debugGhc flavour transformers by
    making them more selective about which stages in which they build
    additional library/RTS ways.
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You can customise Hadrian in two ways:

  • By selecting a flavour, flavour transformers and using key-value settings, either in the command line or by modifying the hadrian.settings file in the build directory.

  • By overriding the default build settings in the source code, by copying the file hadrian/src/UserSettings.hs to hadrian/UserSettings.hs and making modifications (if you don't copy the file, your changes will be tracked by git and you can accidentally commit them).

Build flavours

A build flavour is a collection of build settings that fully define a GHC build (see src/Flavour.hs):

data Flavour = Flavour {
    -- | Flavour name, to select this flavour from command line.
    name :: String,
    -- | Use these command line arguments.
    args :: Args,
    -- | Build these packages.
    packages :: Stage -> Action [Package],
    -- | Bignum backend: 'native', 'gmp', 'ffi', etc.
    bignumBackend :: String,
    -- | Check selected bignum backend against native backend
    bignumCheck :: Bool,
    -- | Build libraries these ways.
    libraryWays :: Ways,
    -- | Build RTS these ways.
    rtsWays :: Ways,
    -- | Build dynamic GHC programs.
    dynamicGhcPrograms :: Action Bool,
    -- | Enable GHCi debugger.
    ghciWithDebugger :: Stage -- ^ stage of the /built/ compiler
                     -> Bool,
    -- | Build profiled GHC.
    ghcProfiled :: Stage -- ^ stage of the /built/ compiler
                -> Bool,
    -- | Build GHC with the debug RTS.
    ghcDebugged :: Stage -- ^ stage of the /built/ compiler
                -> Bool,
    -- | Build GHC with debug assertions (-DDEBUG).
    ghcDebugAssertions :: Stage -- ^ stage of the /built/ compiler
                       -> Bool,
    -- | Build the GHC executable against the threaded runtime system.
    ghcThreaded :: Stage -- ^ stage of the /built/ compiler
                -> Bool,
    -- | Whether to build docs and which ones
    --   (haddocks, user manual, haddock manual)
    ghcDocs :: Action DocTargets }

Hadrian provides several built-in flavours (default, quick, and a few others; see hadrian/doc/, which can be activated from the command line, e.g. by passing --flavour=quick.

Flavour transformers

Flavours can be customised using flavour transformers.

For example, it is useful to enable -Werror when building GHC as this setting is used in the CI to ensure a warning-free build. The +werror flavour transformer can be used to easily modify a flavour to turn this setting on:

hadrian/build --flavour=validate+werror

key = value and key += value style settings

One can supply settings from the command line or a <build root>/hadrian.settings file. Hadrian currently supports the following "families" of settings:

  • {stage0, ..., stage3, *}.(<package name> or *).ghc.{c, hs, link, deps, toolargs, *}.opts
  • {stage0, ..., stage3, *}.(<package name> or *).cc.{c, deps, *}.opts
  • {stage0, ..., stage3, *}.(<package name> or *).cabal.configure.opts
  • {stage0, ..., stage3, *}.(<package name> or *)

For example, putting the following in a file at _build/hadrian.settings: += -debug
*.base.ghc.*.opts += -v3

and running hadrian with the default build root (_build), would respectively link the stage 2 GHC executable (using the stage 1 GHC) with the -debug flag and use -v3 on all GHC commands used to build anything related to base, whatever the stage.

We could equivalently specify those settings on the command-line:

$ hadrian/build " += -eventlog" \
                   "*.base.ghc.*.opts += -v3"

or specify some in hadrian.settings and some on the command-line.

Here is an overview of the supported settings and how you can figure out the right names for them:

  • the stage slot, which comes first, can be filled with any of stage0, stage1, stage2, stage3 or *; any value but * will restrict the setting update to targets built during the given stage, while * is taken to mean "for any stage". For instance, the above example will affect the linking of the _build/stage1/bin/ghc executable.

  • the package slot, which comes second, can be filled with any package name that Hadrian knows about (all packages that are part of a GHC checkout), or *, to respectively mean that the builder options are going to be updated only when building the given package, or that the said options should be used when building all known packages, if the Hadrian command ever gets them to be built;

  • the remaining slots specify the builder and how it was invoked,

    • ghc refers to GHC commands; the final slot refers to how GHC is invoked:

      • c.opts for commands that build C files with GHC
        • hs.opts for commands that compile Haskell modules with GHC
        • link.opts for GHC linking command
        • deps.opts for commands that figure out dependencies between Haskell modules (with ghc -M)
        • toolargs.opts for GHC commands that are used to generate the right ghci argument for hadrian/ghci to work
    • cc refers to C compiler commands

    • cxx refers to C++ compiler commands

      • c.opts for commands that call the C compiler on some C files
        • deps.opts for commands that call the C compiler for figuring out dependencies between C files
    • cabal.configure.opts refers to Cabal configure command line. Note that package flags can be given by adding --flags=... arguments.

    • allows passing options to Hsc2Hs invocations.

    • runtest.opts defines extra arguments passed to when invoked via the hadrian test target.

  • using a wildcard (*) ranges over all possible values for a given "slot";

  • = entirely overrides the arguments for a given builder in a given context, with the value specified on the right hand side of =, while += merely extends the arguments that are to be emitted in the said context, with the values supplied on the right hand side of +=.

See Note [Hadrian settings] in hadrian/src/Settings.hs for explanations about the implementation and how the set of supported settings can be extended.

Directly modifying Hadrian configuration

If the existing configuration options aren't enough for your needs, you can directly add new configurations to Hadrian.

Defining new flavours

Users can define new build flavours by adding them to the userFlavours list:

-- | User-defined build flavours. See 'userFlavour' as an example.
userFlavours :: [Flavour]
userFlavours = [userFlavour] -- Add more build flavours if need be.

-- | This is an example user-defined build flavour. Feel free to modify it and
-- use by passing @--flavour=user@ from the command line.
userFlavour :: Flavour
userFlavour = defaultFlavour { name = "user" } -- Modify other settings here.

Now --flavour=user will run Hadrian with userFlavour settings.

When no --flavour argument is passed to hadrian, it will use the default one. You can however change this, and for example make the "fallback" flavour be user, by changing userDefaultFlavour:

userDefaultFlavour :: String
-- before:
-- userDefaultFlavour = "default"
-- now:
userDefaultFlavour = "user"

This saves you from having to type build --flavour=user [...] every time, allowing you to persist the choice of flavour.

In the following sections we look at specific fields of the Flavour record in more detail. Note: defaultFlavour, as well as its individual fields such as defaultArgs, defaultPackages, etc. that we use below, are defined in module Settings.Default.

Passing command line arguments to builders

One of the key features of Hadrian is that users can easily modify any build command. The build system will detect the change and will rerun all affected build rules during the next build, without requiring a full rebuild.

For example, here is how to pass an extra argument -O0 to all invocations of GHC when compiling package cabal:

userFlavour :: Flavour
userFlavour = defaultFlavour { name = "user", args = defaultArgs <> userArgs }

userArgs :: Args
userArgs = builder Ghc ? package cabal ? arg "-O0"

Builders such as Ghc are defined in src/Builder.hs, and all packages that are currently built as part of the GHC are defined in src/Packages.hs.

You can combine several custom command line settings using mconcat:

userArgs :: Args
userArgs = mconcat
    [ builder Ghc ? package cabal ? arg "-O0"
    , package rts ? input "**/PrimOps.c" ? pure ["-fno-PIC", "-static"] ]

You can match any combination of the builder, stage, package, way, input and output predicates when specifying custom command line arguments. File patterns such as "**/Prelude.*" can be used when matching input and output files, where ** matches an arbitrary number of path components, but not absolute path prefixes, and * matches an entire path component, excluding any separators.

Linking GHC against the debugged RTS

What was previously achieved by having GhcDebugged=YES in mk/ can be done by defining a custom flavour in the user settings file, one that sets the ghcDebugged field of Flavour to const True, e.g:

quickDebug :: Flavour
quickDebug = quickFlavour { name = "dbg", ghcDebugged = const True }

Running build --flavour=dbg will build a quick-flavoured GHC and link GHC, iserv, iserv-proxy and remote-iserv against the debugged RTS, by passing -debug to the commands that link those executables.

More generally, a predicate on Stage can be provided to specify which stages should be built debugged. For example, setting ghcDebugged = (>= Stage2) will build a debugged compiler at stage 2 or higher, but not stage 1.

Finally, the debug_ghc and debug_stage1_ghc flavour transformers provide a convenient way to enable ghcDebugged on the command line without the need to define a separate custom flavour.


Users can add and remove packages from particular build stages. As an example, below we add package base to Stage0 and remove package haskeline from Stage1:

import Packages

userFlavour :: Flavour
userFlavour = defaultFlavour { name = "user", packages = modifiedPackages }

modifiedPackages :: Stage -> Action [Package]
modifiedPackages stage = do
    packages <- defaultPackages stage
    return $ case stage of
        Stage0 -> packages ++ [base]
        Stage1 -> packages \\ [haskeline]
        _      -> packages

If you are working on a new GHC package you need to let Hadrian know about it by adding it to userPackages:

userPackages :: [Package]
userPackages = [userPackage]

-- An example package that lives in "libraries/user-package" directory.
userPackage :: Package
userPackage = library "user-package"

You will also need to add userPackage to a specific build stage by modifying the packages setting of the user flavour as otherwise it will not be built.

You can choose which Bignum backend to use when buidling GHC using the bignumBackend setting of the build flavour. Possible values are: gmp (default), native or ffi.

userFlavour :: Flavour
userFlavour = defaultFlavour { name = "user", bignumBackend = "native" }

Specifying the final stage to build

The finalStage variable can be set to indicate after which stage we should stop the compilation pipeline. By default it is set to Stage2 which indicates that we will build everything which uses the Stage1 ghc and then stop.

finalStage :: Stage
finalStage = Stage2

Using this mechanism we can also build a Stage3 compiler by setting finalStage = Stage3 or just a Stage1 compiler by setting finalStage = Stage1.

Build ways

Packages can be built in a number of ways, such as vanilla, profiling (with profiling information enabled), and many others as defined in src/Way.hs. You can change the default build ways by modifying libraryWays and rtsWays fields of the Flavour record as required. As an example, below we remove profiling from the list of library ways:

noProfilingFlavour :: Flavour
noProfilingFlavour = defaultFlavour
    { name        = "no-profiling"
    , libraryWays = remove [profiling] defaultLibraryWays
    , ghcProfiled = False } -- Can't build profiled GHC without profiled libraries

Note that rtsWays is computed from libraryWays by default, therefore the above change will lead to the removal of threadedProfiling way from rtsWays. To change this behaviour, you can override the default rtsWays setting.

Similarly, if we want to completely turn off dynamic linking, we can define a custom Flavour to this effect:

noDynamicFlavour :: Flavour
noDynamicFlavour = defaultFlavour
    { name = "no-dynamic"
    , libraryWays = remove [dynamic] defaultLibraryWays }


Flavour's ghcDocs :: Action DocTargets field lets you customize the "groups" of documentation targets that should run when running build docs (or, transitively, build binary-dist).

type DocTargets = Set DocTarget
data DocTarget = Haddocks | SphinxHTML | SphinxPDFs | SphinxMan

By default, ghcDocs contains all of them and build docs would therefore attempt to build all the haddocks, manuals and manpages. If, for some reason (e.g no easy way to install sphinx-build or xelatex on your system), you're just interested in building the haddocks, you could define a custom flavour as follows:

justHaddocksFlavour :: Flavour
justHaddocksFlavour = defaultFlavour
    { name = "default-haddocks"
	, ghcDocs = Set.singleton Haddocks }

and then run build --flavour=default-haddocks. Alternatively, you can use the --docs CLI flag to selectively disable some or all of the documentation targets:

  • --docs=none: don't build any docs
  • --docs=no-haddocks: don't build haddocks
  • --docs=no-sphinx: don't build any user manual or manpage
  • --docs=no-sphinx-html: don't build HTML versions of manuals
  • --docs=no-sphinx-pdfs: don't build PDF versions of manuals
  • --docs=no-sphinx-man: don't build the manpage

You can pass several --docs=... flags, Hadrian will combine their effects.

Split sections

You can build all or just a few packages with -split-sections by tweaking an existing flavour (whichever matches your needs) using splitSections or splitSectionsIf:

splitSections :: Flavour -> Flavour
splitSectionsIf :: (Package -> Bool) -> Flavour -> Flavour

For example, you can easily start with the quick flavour and additionally build all Haskell packages with -split-sections by defining a new flavour as (splitSectionsIf (const True) quickFlavour) { name = "quick-split" }. You can then start a build with this flavour with build --flavour=quick-split.

Changing (const True) to (== base) would only build base with -split-sections, not all Haskell packages as with quick-split above.

splitSections is simply splitSectionsIf applied to the predicate (/=ghc), i.e it builds all Haskell packages but the ghc library with -split-sections (it is usually not worth using that option with the ghc library).


Hadrian prints various progress info during the build. You can change the colours used by default by overriding buildProgressColour and successColour:

-- | Set colour for build progress messages (e.g. executing a build command).
buildProgressColour :: BuildProgressColour
buildProgressColour = mkBuildProgressColour (Dull Magenta)

-- | Set colour for success messages (e.g. a package is built successfully).
successColour :: SuccessColour
successColour = mkSuccessColour (Dull Green)

Your options are Dull Colour, Vivid Colour, or Extended Code. Dull colours are the ANSI 8-bit colours, Vivid correspond to the 16-bit codes that end with ";1", and Extended let's you enter a manual code for the 256 colour set. E.g.

Dull Blue
Vivid Cyan
Extended "203"

Tab completion

Hadrian supports tab-completion for the key-value settings. This is implemented in Rules.SimpleTargets.completionRule, by exporting an autocomplete target that takes an (optional) argument, --complete-setting=<some string>, and prints on stdout all the setting keys that have the given string as a prefix.

There is a hadrian/ script that makes use of this rule to install Bash completions for hadrian/build and hadrian/build-cabal. You can try it out by doing:

$ source hadrian/
$ hadrian/build <TAB>
$ hadrian/build<TAB>
$ hadrian/build "stage1.base.ghc.<TAB>
$ hadrian/build "*.*.ghc.*.opts += -v3" "stage0.ghc-bin.ghc.lin<TAB>