Forked from
Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
6069 commits behind the upstream repository.
Currently it doesn't do much anything, we are just trying to introduce it without breaking the build. Later, we will move functionality from the top-level configure script over to it. We need to bump Cabal for; to facilitate and existing hack of skipping some configure checks for the RTS we now need to skip just *part* not *all* of the "post configure" hook, as running the configure script (which we definitely want to do) is also implemented as part of the "post configure" hook. But doing this requires exposing functionality that wasn't exposed before.
Currently it doesn't do much anything, we are just trying to introduce it without breaking the build. Later, we will move functionality from the top-level configure script over to it. We need to bump Cabal for; to facilitate and existing hack of skipping some configure checks for the RTS we now need to skip just *part* not *all* of the "post configure" hook, as running the configure script (which we definitely want to do) is also implemented as part of the "post configure" hook. But doing this requires exposing functionality that wasn't exposed before.
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boot 2.77 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import os
import os.path
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import subprocess
import re
import shutil
# Packages whose libraries aren't in the submodule root
'libraries/containers/': 'libraries/containers/containers/'
def print_err(s):
print(dedent(s), file=sys.stderr)
def die(mesg):
def check_boot_packages():
# Check that we have all boot packages.
for l in open('packages', 'r'):
if l.startswith('#'):
parts = [part for part in l.split(' ') if part]
if len(parts) != 4:
die("Error: Bad line in packages file: " + l)
dir_ = parts[0]
tag = parts[1]
# If tag is not "-" then it is an optional repository, so its
# absence isn't an error.
if tag == '-':
# We would like to just check for a .git directory here,
# but in an lndir tree we avoid making .git directories,
# so it doesn't exist. We therefore require that every repo
# has a LICENSE file instead.
license_path = os.path.join(EXCEPTIONS.get(dir_+'/', dir_), 'LICENSE')
if not os.path.isfile(license_path):
Error: %s doesn't exist
Maybe you haven't run 'git submodule update --init'?
""" % license_path)
def autoreconf():
# Run autoreconf on everything that needs it.
processes = {}
if == 'nt':
# Get the normalized ACLOCAL_PATH for Windows
# This is necessary since on Windows this will be a Windows
# path, which autoreconf doesn't know doesn't know how to handle.
ac_local = os.getenv('ACLOCAL_PATH', '')
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r';', r':', ac_local)
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'\\', r'/', ac_local_arg)
ac_local_arg = re.sub(r'(\w):/', r'/\1/', ac_local_arg)
reconf_cmd = 'ACLOCAL_PATH=%s autoreconf' % ac_local_arg
reconf_cmd = 'autoreconf'
for dir_ in ['.', 'rts'] + glob.glob('libraries/*/'):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, '')):
print("Booting %s" % dir_)
# Update config.sub in submodules
if dir_ != '.' and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, 'config.sub')):
shutil.copyfile('config.sub', os.path.join(dir_, 'config.sub'))
processes[dir_] = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', reconf_cmd], cwd=dir_)
# Wait for all child processes to finish.
fail = False
for k,v in processes.items():
code = v.wait()
if code != 0:
print_err('autoreconf in %s failed with exit code %d' % (k, code))
fail = True
if fail: