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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* (c) The GHC Team, 2005-2011
* Macros for multi-CPU support
* Do not #include this file directly: #include "Rts.h" instead.
* To understand the structure of the RTS headers, see the wiki:
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#pragma once
#if defined(arm_HOST_ARCH) && defined(arm_HOST_ARCH_PRE_ARMv6)
void arm_atomic_spin_lock(void);
void arm_atomic_spin_unlock(void);
// Unconditionally atomic operations
// These are atomic even in the non-threaded RTS. These are necessary in the
// Proftimer implementation, which may be called from the pthreads-based
// ITimer implementation.
#define RELAXED_LOAD_ALWAYS(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
#define RELAXED_STORE_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
#define RELAXED_ADD_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_add_fetch(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
// Acquire/release atomic operations
#define ACQUIRE_LOAD_ALWAYS(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
#define RELEASE_STORE_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE)
// Sequentially consistent atomic operations
#define SEQ_CST_LOAD_ALWAYS(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_STORE_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_ADD_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_add_fetch(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_SUB_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_sub_fetch(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_XCHG_ALWAYS(ptr,val) __atomic_exchange_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
#if defined(THREADED_RTS)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Atomic operations
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* The atomic exchange operation: xchg(p,w) exchanges the value
* pointed to by p with the value w, returning the old value.
* Used for locking closures during updates (see lockClosure()
* in rts/include/rts/storage/SMPClosureOps.h) and the MVar primops.
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord xchg(StgPtr p, StgWord w);
* Compare-and-swap. Atomically does this:
* cas(p,o,n) {
* r = *p;
* if (r == o) { *p = n };
* return r;
* }
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord cas(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n);
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord8 cas_word8(StgWord8 *volatile p, StgWord8 o, StgWord8 n);
* Compare-and-swap
* this uses a seq_cst success memory order and a relaxed failure memory order
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord cas_seq_cst_relaxed(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n);
* Atomic addition by the provided quantity
* atomic_inc(p, n) {
* return ((*p) += n);
* }
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord atomic_inc(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord n);
* Atomic 64-bit addition of by the provided quantity
* atomic_inc64(p, n) {
* return ((*p) += n);
* }
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord64 atomic_inc64(StgWord64 volatile* p, StgWord64 n);
* Atomic decrement
* atomic_dec(p) {
* return --(*p);
* }
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord atomic_dec(StgVolatilePtr p);
* Busy-wait nop: this is a hint to the CPU that we are currently in a
* busy-wait loop waiting for another CPU to change something. On a
* hyperthreaded CPU it should yield to another thread, for example.
EXTERN_INLINE void busy_wait_nop(void);
#endif // !IN_STG_CODE
* Note [C11 memory model]
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* When it comes to memory, real multiprocessors provide a wide range of
* concurrency semantics due to out-of-order execution and caching.
* To provide consistent reasoning across architectures, GHC relies the C11
* memory model. Not only does this provide a well-studied, fairly
* easy-to-understand conceptual model, but the C11 memory model gives us
* access to a number of tools which help us verify the compiler (see Note
* [ThreadSanitizer] in rts/include/rts/TSANUtils.h).
* Under the C11 model, each processor can be imagined to have a potentially
* out-of-date view onto the system's memory, which can be manipulated with two
* classes of memory operations:
* - non-atomic operations (e.g. loads and stores) operate strictly on the
* processor's local view of memory and consequently may not be visible
* from other processors.
* - atomic operations (e.g. load, store, fetch-and-{add,subtract,and,or},
* exchange, and compare-and-swap) parametrized by ordering semantics.
* The ordering semantics of an operation (acquire, release, or sequentially
* consistent) will determine the amount of synchronization the operation
* requires.
* A processor may synchronize its
* view of memory with that of another processor by performing an atomic
* memory operation.
* While non-atomic operations can be thought of as operating on a local
* See also:
* - The C11 standard, ISO/IEC 14882 2011.
* - Boehm, Adve. "Foundations of the C++ Concurrency Memory Model."
* PLDI '08.
* - Batty, Owens, Sarkar, Sewall, Weber. "Mathematizing C++ Concurrency."
* POPL '11.
* Note [Heap memory barriers]
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Machines with weak memory ordering semantics have consequences for how
* closures are observed and mutated. In particular, when we
* expose a new (or mutated) object to another core we must ensure that the
* stores which formed the new object are visible (e.g. stores are flushed from
* cache and the relevant cachelines invalidated in other cores).
* To ensure this we must issue memory barriers when accessing closures and
* their fields. Since reasoning about concurrent memory access with barriers tends to be
* subtle and platform dependent, it is more common to instead write programs
* in terms of an abstract memory model and let the compiler (GHC and the
* system's C compiler) worry about what barriers are needed to realize the
* requested semantics on the target system. GHC relies on the widely used C11
* memory model for this; see Note [C11 memory model] for a brief introduction.
* Also note that the majority of this Note are only concerned with mutation
* by the mutator. The GC is free to change nearly any field (which is
* necessary for a moving GC). Naturally, doing this safely requires care which
* we discuss in the "Barriers during GC" section below.
* Field access
* ------------
* Which barriers are required to access a field of a closure depends upon the
* identity of the field. In general, fields come in three flavours:
* * Mutable GC Pointers (C type `StgClosure*`, Cmm type `StgPtr`)
* * Immutable GC Pointers (C type `MUT_FIELD StgClosure*`, Cmm type `StgPtr`)
* * Non-pointers (C type `StgWord`, Cmm type `StgWord`)
* Note that Addr# fields are *not* GC pointers and therefore are classified
* as non-pointers. In this case responsibility for barriers lies with the
* party dereferencing the Addr#.
* Immutable pointer fields are those which the mutator cannot change after
* an object is made visible on the heap. Most objects' fields are of this
* flavour (e.g. all data constructor fields). As these fields are written
* precisely once, no write barriers are needed on writes nor reads. This is
* safe due to an argument hinging on causality: Consider an immutable field F
* of an object O which refers to object O'. Naturally, O' must have been
* visible to the creator of O when O was constructed. Consequently, if O is
* visible to a reader, O' must also be visible to the same reader.
* Mutable pointer fields are those which can be modified by the mutator. These
* require a bit more care as they may break the causality argument given
* above. For instance, consider an object O (e.g. a MUT_VAR) with a mutable
* field F. A thread may allocate a new object O' and store a reference to O'
* into F. Without explicit synchronization O' may not be visible to another
* thread attempting to dereference F.
* To ensure the visibility of the referent, writing to a mutable pointer field
* must be done via a release-store. Conversely, reading from such a field is
* done via an acquire-load.
* Mutable fields include:
* - StgMutVar: var
* - StgWeak: finalizer
* - StgMVar: head, tail, value
* - StgMVarTSOQueue: link
* - StgTVar: current_value, first_watch_queue_entry
* - StgTVarWatchQueue: {next,prev}_queue_entry
* - StgTRecChunk: TODO
* - StgMutArrPtrs: payload
* - StgSmallMutArrPtrs: payload
* - StgThunk although this is a somewhat special case; see below
* - StgInd: indirectee
* - StgTSO: block_info
* Finally, non-pointer fields can be safely mutated without barriers as
* they do not refer to other memory locations. Technically, concurrent
* accesses to non-pointer fields still do need to be atomic in many cases to
* avoid torn accesses. However, this is something that we generally avoid by
* locking closures prior to mutating non-pointer fields (see Locking closures
* below).
* Locking closures
* ----------------
* Several primops temporarily turn closures into WHITEHOLEs to ensure that
* they have exclusive access (see SMPClosureOps.h:reallyLockClosure).
* These include,
* - takeMVar#, tryTakeMVar#
* - putMVar#, tryPutMVar#
* - readMVar#, tryReadMVar#
* - readIOPort#
* - writeIOPort#
* - addCFinalizerToWeak#
* - finalizeWeak#
* - deRefWeak#
* Locking is done via an atomic exchange operation on the closure's info table
* pointer with sequential consistency (although only acquire ordering is
* needed). Similarly, unlocking is also done with an atomic exchange to
* restore the closure's original info table pointer (although
* this time only the release ordering is needed). This ensures
* that we synchronize with any previous thread that had locked the closure.
* Thunks
* ------
* As noted above, thunks are a rather special (yet quite common) case. In
* particular, they have the unique property of being updatable (that is, can
* be transformed from a thunk into an indirection after evaluation). This
* transformation requires its own synchronization protocol to mediate the
* interaction between the updater and the reader. In particular, we
* must ensure that a reader examining a thunk being updated by another core
* can see the indirectee. Consequently, a thunk update (see rts/Updates.h)
* does the following:
* U1. use a release-store to place the new indirectee into the thunk's
* indirectee field
* U2. use a release-store to set the info table to stg_BLACKHOLE (which
* represents an indirection)
* Blackholing a thunk (either eagerly, by GHC.StgToCmm.Bind.emitBlackHoleCode,
* or lazily, by ThreadPaused.c:threadPaused) is done similarly.
* Conversely, entering an indirection (see the entry code of stg_BLACKHOLE,
* stg_IND, and stg_IND_STATIC in rts/StgMiscClosure.cmm) does the
* following:
* E1. jump into the entry code of the indirection (e.g. stg_BLACKHOLE);
* this of course implies that we have already read the thunk's info table
* pointer, which is done with a relaxed load.
* E2. acquire-fence
* E3. acquire-load the indirectee. Since thunks are updated at most
* once we know that the fence in the last step has given us
* an up-to-date view of the indirectee closure.
* E4. enter the indirectee (or block if the indirectee is a TSO)
* The release/acquire pair (U2)/(E2) is somewhat surprising but is necessary as
* the C11 memory model does not guarantee that the store (U1) is visible to
* (E3) despite (U1) preceding (U2) in program-order (due to the relaxed
* ordering of (E3)). This is demonstrated by the following CppMem model:
* int main() {
* atomic_int x = 0; // info table pointer
* atomic_int y = 0; // indirectee
* {{{
* { // blackhole update
*, memory_order_release); // U1
*, memory_order_release); // U2
* }
* |||
* { // blackhole entry
* r1=x.load(memory_order_relaxed).readsvalue(2); // E1
* //fence(memory_order_acquire); // E2
* r2=y.load(memory_order_acquire); // E3
* }
* }}};
* return 0;
* }
* Under the C11 memory model this program admits an execution where the
* indirectee `r2=0`.
* Of course, this could also be addressed by strengthing the ordering of (E1)
* to acquire, but this would incur a significant cost on every closure entry
* (including non-blackholes).
* Other closures
* --------------
* Below is a summary of the barriers which are necessary to make GHC's
* primitive types respect the above rules:
* - MVar# operations.
* The MVar# primops lock the MVar prior to reading or writing any MVar fix.
* - Write to a TVar#:
* This is protected by the full barrier implied by the CAS in STM.c:lock_stm.
* - Write to an Array# or SmallArray#:
* This case is protected by an explicit write barrier in the code produced
* for this primop by the codegen. See GHC.StgToCmm.Prim.doWritePtrArrayOp and
* GHC.StgToCmm.Prim.doWriteSmallPtrArrayOp. Relevant issue: #12469.
* - Write to MutVar# via writeMutVar#:
* This case is protected by an explicit write barrier in the code produced
* for this primop by the codegen.
* - Write to MutVar# via atomicModifyMutVar# or casMutVar#:
* This is protected by the full barrier implied by the cmpxchg operations
* in this primops.
* - Sending a Message to another capability:
* This is protected by the acquition and release of the target capability's
* lock in Messages.c:sendMessage.
* N.B. recordClosureMutated places a reference to the mutated object on
* the capability-local mut_list. Consequently this does not require any memory
* barrier.
* Barriers in thread blocking
* ---------------------------
* When a thread blocks (e.g. on an MVar) it will typically allocate a heap object
* to record its blocked-ness (e.g. a StgMVarTSOQueue), expose this via
* StgTSO.block_info, and update StgTSO.why_blocked to record the reason for
* its blocking. The visibility of the block_info is guaranteed by the ordering
* of the why_blocked update.
* Barriers in thread migration
* ----------------------------
* When a thread is migrated from one capability to another we must take care
* that the new capability synchronizes with the old (e.g. to ensure that
* the state of the thread's stack is visible to the new executor).
* This is ensured by the barriers implied in sending the MessageWakeup.
* Barriers on Messages
* --------------------
* The RTS uses the Message mechanism to convey information between capabilities.
* To send a message (see Messages.c:sendMessage) the sender must first take
* the `lock` of the recipient capability. The Message can then be linked
* onto the recipient's `inbox` list and release the lock (implying a release
* barrier).
* To process its inbox (see Schedule.c:scheduleProcessInbox) the recipient must
* take the capability lock before examining the inbox. This implies an acquire
* barrier, ensuring that the messages in the inbox are visible.
* Under the above story there is no need for accesses to `inbox` to be
* atomic at all as all accesses are under the capability lock. However, there
* is a slight wrinkle here:
* Capability.h:emptyInbox wants to test whether `inbox` is empty without
* holding the capability lock. Consequently, accesses to `inbox` must be
* atomic, although may use the relaxed ordering.
* Barriers during GC
* ------------------
* Entering the garbage collector implies an acquire barrier across all
* capabilities as all capabilities obey the following protocol when entering
* `gcWorkerThread`:
* 1. acquire gc_entry_mutex
* 2. signal gc_entry_arrived_cv to let the GC leader know
* that we have started to synchronize
* 3. wait on gc_entry_start_now_cv, releasing
* gc_entry_mutex; this implies a release barrier
* 4. after all threads have synchronized, the leader will
* broadcast signal gc_entry_start_now_cv
* 5. each of the waiting workers will acquire
* gc_entry_mutex, implying an acquire barrier which will
* synchronize with all of the other workers' releases in
* (3).
* Similarly, leaving the garbage collector implies a release
* barrier as gcWorkerThread blocks on gc_exit_leave_now_cv
* with a similar protocol.
* During parallel GC we need to be careful during evacuation: before replacing
* a closure with a forwarding pointer we must commit a write barrier to ensure
* that the copy we made in to-space is visible to other cores.
* However, we can be a bit lax when *reading* during GC. Specifically, the GC
* can only make a very limited set of changes to existing closures:
* - it can replace a closure's info table with stg_WHITEHOLE.
* - it can replace a previously-whitehole'd closure's info table with a
* forwarding pointer
* - it can replace a previously-whitehole'd closure's info table with a
* valid info table pointer (done in eval_thunk_selector)
* - it can update the value of a pointer field after evacuating it
* This is quite nice since we don't need to worry about an interleaving
* of writes producing an invalid state: a closure's fields remain valid after
* an update of its info table pointer and vice-versa.
* After a round of parallel scavenging we must also ensure that any writes the
* GC thread workers made are visible to the main GC thread. This is ensured by
* the full barrier implied by the atomic decrement in
* GC.c:scavenge_until_all_done.
* The work-stealing queue (WSDeque) also requires barriers; these are
* documented in WSDeque.c.
* Verifying memory ordering
* -------------------------
* To verify that GHC's RTS and the code produced by the compiler are free of
* data races we employ ThreadSaniziter. See Note [ThreadSanitizer] in TSANUtils.h
* for details on this facility.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Exchange the value pointed to by p with w and return the former. This
* function is used to acquire a lock. An acquire memory barrier is sufficient
* for a lock operation because corresponding unlock operation issues a
* store-store barrier (release-store) immediately before releasing the lock.
xchg(StgPtr p, StgWord w)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
return __atomic_exchange_n(p, w, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
// When porting GHC to a new platform check that
// __sync_lock_test_and_set() actually stores w in *p.
// Use test rts/atomicxchg to verify that the correct value is stored.
// From the gcc manual:
// (
// This built-in function, as described by Intel, is not
// a traditional test-and-set operation, but rather an atomic
// exchange operation.
// [...]
// Many targets have only minimal support for such locks,
// and do not support a full exchange operation. In this case,
// a target may support reduced functionality here by which the
// only valid value to store is the immediate constant 1. The
// exact value actually stored in *ptr is implementation defined.
return __sync_lock_test_and_set(p, w);
* CMPXCHG - the single-word atomic compare-and-exchange instruction. Used
* in the STM implementation.
cas(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(p, &o, n, 0, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return o;
return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(p, o, n);
cas_word8(StgWord8 *volatile p, StgWord8 o, StgWord8 n)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(p, &o, n, 0, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return o;
return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(p, o, n);
cas_seq_cst_relaxed(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n) {
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
__atomic_compare_exchange_n(p, &o, n, 0, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return o;
return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(p, o, n);
// RRN: Generalized to arbitrary increments to enable fetch-and-add in
// Haskell code (fetchAddIntArray#).
// PT: add-and-fetch, returns new value
atomic_inc(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord incr)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
return __atomic_add_fetch(p, incr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return __sync_add_and_fetch(p, incr);
atomic_inc64(StgWord64 volatile* p, StgWord64 incr)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
return __atomic_add_fetch(p, incr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return __sync_add_and_fetch(p, incr);
atomic_dec(StgVolatilePtr p)
#if defined(HAVE_C11_ATOMICS)
return __atomic_sub_fetch(p, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return __sync_sub_and_fetch(p, (StgWord) 1);
* Some architectures have a way to tell the CPU that we're in a
* busy-wait loop, and the processor should look for something else to
* do (such as run another hardware thread).
#if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
// On Intel, the busy-wait-nop instruction is called "pause",
// which is actually represented as a nop with the rep prefix.
// On processors before the P4 this behaves as a nop; on P4 and
// later it might do something clever like yield to another
// hyperthread. In any case, Intel recommends putting one
// of these in a spin lock loop.
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; nop");
// nothing
#endif // !IN_STG_CODE
// Load a pointer from a memory location that might be being modified
// concurrently. This prevents the compiler from optimising away
// multiple loads of the memory location, as it might otherwise do in
// a busy wait loop for example.
#define VOLATILE_LOAD(p) (*((StgVolatilePtr)(p)))
// Relaxed atomic operations.
#define RELAXED_LOAD(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
#define RELAXED_STORE(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
#define RELAXED_ADD(ptr,val) __atomic_add_fetch(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
// Acquire/release atomic operations
#define ACQUIRE_LOAD(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
#define RELEASE_STORE(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE)
// Sequentially consistent atomic operations
#define SEQ_CST_LOAD(ptr) __atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_STORE(ptr,val) __atomic_store_n(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define SEQ_CST_ADD(ptr,val) __atomic_add_fetch(ptr, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
// Non-atomic addition for "approximate" counters that can be lossy
#define NONATOMIC_ADD(ptr,val) RELAXED_STORE(ptr, RELAXED_LOAD(ptr) + val)
// compare-and-swap atomic operations
#define SEQ_CST_RELAXED_CAS(p,o,n) cas_seq_cst_relaxed(p,o,n)
// Explicit fences
// These are typically necessary only in very specific cases (e.g. WSDeque)
// where the ordered operations aren't expressive enough to capture the desired
// ordering.
// Additionally, it is preferable to use the *_FENCE_ON() forms, which turn into
// memory accesses when compiling for ThreadSanitizer (as ThreadSanitizer is
// otherwise unable to reason about fences). See Note [ThreadSanitizer] in
// TSANUtils.h.
#define ACQUIRE_FENCE() __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
#define RELEASE_FENCE() __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_RELEASE)
#define SEQ_CST_FENCE() __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#if defined(TSAN_ENABLED)
#define ACQUIRE_FENCE() NO_WARN(-Wtsan, __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);)
#define RELEASE_FENCE() NO_WARN(-Wtsan, __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_RELEASE);)
#define SEQ_CST_FENCE() NO_WARN(-Wtsan, __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);)
#define ACQUIRE_FENCE_ON(x) __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#else /* !THREADED_RTS */
// Relaxed atomic operations
#define RELAXED_LOAD(ptr) *ptr
#define RELAXED_STORE(ptr,val) *ptr = val
#define RELAXED_ADD(ptr,val) *ptr += val
// Acquire/release atomic operations
#define ACQUIRE_LOAD(ptr) *ptr
#define RELEASE_STORE(ptr,val) *ptr = val
// Sequentially consistent atomic operations
#define SEQ_CST_LOAD(ptr) *ptr
#define SEQ_CST_STORE(ptr,val) *ptr = val
#define SEQ_CST_ADD(ptr,val) *ptr += val
// Non-atomic addition for "approximate" counters that can be lossy
#define NONATOMIC_ADD(ptr,val) *ptr += val
// compare-and-swap atomic operations
#define SEQ_CST_RELAXED_CAS(p,o,n) cas(p,o,n)
// Fences
#define SEQ_CST_FENCE()
xchg(StgPtr p, StgWord w)
StgWord old = *p;
*p = w;
return old;
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord cas(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n);
cas(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord o, StgWord n)
StgWord result;
result = *p;
if (result == o) {
*p = n;
return result;
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord8 cas_word8(StgWord8 *volatile p, StgWord8 o, StgWord8 n);
cas_word8(StgWord8 *volatile p, StgWord8 o, StgWord8 n)
StgWord8 result;
result = *p;
if (result == o) {
*p = n;
return result;
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord atomic_inc(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord incr);
atomic_inc(StgVolatilePtr p, StgWord incr)
return ((*p) += incr);
EXTERN_INLINE StgWord64 atomic_inc64(StgWord64 volatile* p, StgWord64 incr);
atomic_inc64(StgWord64 volatile* p, StgWord64 incr)
return ((*p) += incr);
atomic_dec(StgVolatilePtr p)
return --(*p);
/* An alias for the C11 declspec */
#define ATOMIC
#define VOLATILE_LOAD(p) ((StgWord)*((StgWord*)(p)))
#endif /* !THREADED_RTS */
/* Helpers implemented in terms of the above */
xchg_ptr(void **p, void *w)
return (void *) xchg((StgPtr) p, (StgWord) w);
cas_ptr(volatile void **p, void *o, void *n)
return (void *) cas((StgVolatilePtr) p, (StgWord) o, (StgWord) n);